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Uri Attack: Bangladesh Stands With India, Says Envoy

No one here really gives a flying f*ck about whom BD Govt. stands with. Its solely their statement and I highly doubt it would be the majority view with the mango people. By that logic, you would find many Bangladeshis siding with Pakistan on this issue too.

However, Bangladeshis are quite not polarized on the Kashmir. They are more inclined to see the issue being sorted out without talking sides.
The Awami League governments have had excellent relations with India, and that is all that matters. The opinion of crazed religious zealots who consider "Hindu" India to be a threat does not carry any weight. If nations wished to run foreign policy by the consensus of the ill-informed then that would be the global trend.

Yes it would be convenient if I was a crazed religious zealot so my point can be easily dismissed but where in my posts have you seen the word Hindu or any religious references.
BD is treated by India as a vassal state. BD exists for India to exploit economically and to further its policies to crush NE FFs. BD is a milking cow for SHW and BAL who are looting all they can and amassing wealth in N America, UK, Malaysia and elsewhere.
Hi current Govt and Elections are fake and legitimation of GOvt is question mark and so called Freedom fighters of 1971 are in doubt specially after Modi admission and recent execution of people
it is not bangla desh rather rawami league and hasina wajid and traitors of her ilk who "stand with" the genocidal bharati state which perpetrated mass slaughter and genocide in bangladesh in 1971.....
We should stand and must with india
As we are slave of mother india

Lol this is nt a terrorism
Soilder is suppose to die its normal

I am more worried about Kashmir
LOL .. who cares whose side they are .... specially the GOV ....
Yes it would be convenient if I was a crazed religious zealot so my point can be easily dismissed but where in my posts have you seen the word Hindu or any religious references.

It's not my claim that you are a crazed religious zealot. My point is that the principal opposition to good Indo-Bangla relations comes from these zealots, and you are just making a strategic reference of this without making note of the fact that nothing apart from bigotry underlies such sentiment.
It's not my claim that you are a crazed religious zealot. My point is that the principal opposition to good Indo-Bangla relations comes from these zealots, and you are just making a strategic reference of this without making note of the fact that nothing apart from bigotry underlies such sentiment.

Most major powers and regional heavyweights either supported Pakistan or distanced from indian brutality in Kashmir which brought the current situation.

US - very much opposed to any indian war/strike adventure against Pakistan and around Baluchistan. US (according to SoS, wish to continue strategic and security cooperation with Pakistan.
China - already conveyed it support for Pakistan stand and even indicated (through influential think tank) if CPEC get impacted by indian action, China will intervene.
Russia - used typical diplomatic language against attack but stayed away from either implicating Pakistan or make any statement against Pakistan. Russia in apparent snub to india will conduct a military exercise with Pakistan in Azad Kashmir region.
Iran - Iran President stated Pakistan security is Iran security. Iran support to Kashmiri cause is well known.
Turkey - already supports Pakistan and even trying to send delegation to assess indian atrocities.
Saudi Arabia - already expressed its support for Pakistan and Kashmir cause.
OIC - firmly behind Kashmiri cause and against indian repression.

So, indian desperate bid to "isolate" Pakistan in utterly failed.

In fact there had been soul searching within cool headed indians who finds indian policy and stand towards Pakistan delusional to say the least.

Given such strong opposition to overall indian repression in Kashmir and against Pakistan policy; awami league support to indian repression in Kashmir and indian war mongering reflect utterly shameful and detrimental to Bangladesh as country, to Bangladeshi people and Bangladesh interest.

Specially when renown terrorist ring leader Brahumdagh Bugti says he will pursue lawsuits against China at the International Court of Justice with help of Bangladesh.

" Bugti said his party would seek the help of India, Afghanistan and Bangladesh to file a case against China at the International Court of Justice, saying Beijing was “involved” along with Pakistan in unleashing violence on Baloch people."


However farcical show that lawsuit against China may be, this incident alone will jeopardize Chinese aid/investment in Bangladesh.

This is how awami league cut the root of Bangladesh development on be half of indian master and put up farcical propaganda show of "big" project "plan". And for the readers in this forum, these type of hallow "big" project "plan" propaganda cluttered Bangladeshi section and publicized by bongbong, bdforever, Riyad, Doyalbaba, Loki, Kobiraz, blue sky (and few more) are indo awami cheer leading band.
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Well what can you say about the money you lotted from Bengalis in East Pk? after 71 BD suffered alot, economy was bad because all the wealth stolen and kept by west pakistanis. East pak contributed alot to the economy etc, all good was lost and destroyed by Pakistanis hence we suffered a massive famine and lots crises but times a healer Alhamdulilah, Allah Almighty has helped us over come the mass damage on everything Pakistan commited against the people of Bengalis . And we now are striving well to a future of greatness InshAllah, unlike the former oppressors who have been cursed with terrorism ever since.

I can understand some poor people of BD in 80s, 90s going to west bengal (it's different from going to the land of Pk Punjabi ruled) as its like another Bangladesh anyway, nothing different for some. But those who left for Pakistan were either stranded Pakistanis, ROHINGYA immigrants using fake bangladeshi passport or some wanted to be in Pak and be Pakistanis. But no one in their right sense would migrate to Pakistan now the world knows what kind of terrorist infested failed state it is.

Times have changed my friend, BD economy is doing well and we have surpassed you in many areas and developing well. BD has over taken your countey in cricket ODI ranking :D. Also, last but not least in UK the Brit Bdeshis have surpassed Brit Pkistanis too :D. Times changed, tables turned. 80s a long long distant mem.

@ What a logic ? My dear friend Hassan, who told you all these stories ? Know the truth first.

1. As per my assessment the British people always followed the policy of " Divide and rule ". Initially, it was the Hindus they supported and collaborated with East India Company and Muslims were completely isolated. Once the Indian Hindus specially Bengali Hindus started " Shodeshi Andollon ", the English people tilted towards Muslims more particular to "Shia" Muslims. Soon, they started sponsoring the Sunnu Ahmadia group. Slowly and gradually Shia Aga groups became richer and richer and started investing money in industries. But in Bengal the "Marwari" group was very strong so the Aga Shia Group invested their money in Rangoon, Kenya, South Africa and other British colonies of South Africa. Once the Japanese captured Burma in 2nd World War all these Muslim rich people fled to India. Soon, after the Indo-Pakistan partition most of these money were invested in East Bengal. All these people belongs to 22 Family. Most of these people came from Indian Gujarat and Shia Muslims.

2. Capital investment by these people in East Bengal during the initial days was a blessing for us. What we had in 1947 ? Nothing- Nothing -Nothing. Only the paddy field and raw jute. There was not a single jute mill in East Bengal. Who made these Adamjee Nagar ? These Shia people and the Ahmedia people as because they had the money. East West air link was maintained by these people by probably "Orient Airways". But they only invested with no return.

3. Yes, East Pakistan earned huge foreign currency by selling raw jute and jute goods. It has an history of its own. In those days raw jute and jute goods were widely used in military purpose. Pakistan had a Defense pact with USA, UK, Australia. Pakistan was the member of CENTO and SEATO. So, "Kella Fete". The Korean war of 1953-55 was a blessing for East Pakistan.

4. What Pakistan looted from East Pakistan ? Yes, you can say for a time being for around 10 years they took some advantage from these excess foreign exchange money. But at last all they left here and all these went to India. Then what happened to industries. Many of the costly parts from industries were taken away by the Indian Armies.What ever left were smuggled later and finally destroyed in a planned manner. Many of our Jute go downs were burned by the raw agents. Fake currency notes were widely supplied by India in our country. And just within few years Bangladesh' economy were ruined. Why you are blaming Pakistan each and every time. Your Da bhai is much much more harmful.

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