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US B-2 bombers sent to Korea on rare mission

Yes, you are jealous. Your criticisms are not based on experience and logic. Nobody stands still. So what if we are developing the next generation? The fact that the B-2 have no equals does not mean we are somehow stupid or shortsighted simply we are advancing to the next generation. That is terrible 'logic'.
I know. Poor illogical me. :fie: But no one called you yanks stupid or shortsighted - only arrogant! :cheesy: Well, 99% of the world thinks so. :P
FORGED ACCUSATIONS? I can probably understand your argument about Iraq as it was perceived as an intelligence failure

but Afghanistan.....? FORGED ACCUSATIONS? when people took three thousand innocent civilians lives on 9-11....that was 'FORGED'??

OBL hiding 100 KM's from Islamabad and supported by both, the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban while they kept telling the world he was dead or he's moved out to a different region. I am surprised to see how blindsided you guys are from reality.

Calm down kid no need to rage, you mad?

1) "intelligence failure" - sorry your from the modern world of US fcuking A and you have intelligence "failure"?! How does it fail? Explain? It cant fail but be forged... lies be made up about something that doesnt exist. End of.

2) There is no proof. It was an inclination. Why wasnt anyone captured. What did the mission achieve? Nothing. You claim you got OBL but hwere is the body? Why didnt they "attempt" to take him alive? Oh wait we will say "he ran for his AK47" everyone will believe us.

3) OBL - who is that? Why didnt we see no body of OBL? Does he exist? Yes maybe as some villager herding in the hillsides under a different name. Pics and poor quality video taken and remade in hollywood.

4) Read 2 and 3.

You see the fact is you westerners are so narrow minded. You believe what you are told. You dont care you live off state benefits. Look at you, you claim am from the East, but I got a UK flag up - you are disillusioned, uneducated fool. You dont care as long as you get enough $$ to eat Mcdonalds.

Look this was a topic on B2 on NK, you changed it completely. Typical american.

you simply dont care enough to take action.

and your a typical american who puts in evil words in peoples ears so they do something and tempt them. Runs in your blood.
US to move missiles to Guam after North Korea threats

he US is moving an advanced missile system to the Pacific island of Guam as a precaution following threats by North Korea, the Pentagon has said.

The Department of Defence said it would deploy the ballistic Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (Thaad) in the coming weeks.

Pyongyang has threatened to target South Korea and the US in recent weeks.

The state's warlike rhetoric follows new UN sanctions and joint military drills by the US and South Korea.

The Thaad system includes a truck-mounted launcher, interceptor missiles, and AN/TPY-2 tracking radar, together with an integrated fire control system.

The Pentagon said in a statement the missile system would be moved to Guam as a "precautionary move to strengthen our regional defence posture against the North Korean regional ballistic missile threat".

"The United States remains vigilant in the face of North Korean provocations and stands ready to defend US territory, our allies, and our national interests," the statement added.

BBC News - US to move missiles to Guam after North Korea threats
u know what is funny....every Pakistani hates USA without realizing that USA is the one giving you bread...ask your Govt how much money they gets for giving NATO & USA forces route to Afghanistan...Pakistan is so pathetic...Its leaders are more like pimps who are ready to sale Pakistan to any country who give them money whether is US or China

That is why they dont let the country progress forward? Look at India before pointing fingers at others. You beg them more for weapons because you get pounded in Kashmir. You are the real puppy you backed down from the Iranian pipeline yet you struggle for energy and that is because you listen and bow down to "god" I'll make it easier for you and tell you which god so you dont have to look in your A-Z index of gods that you have in your house, the usa.
That is why they dont let the country progress forward? Look at India before pointing fingers at others. You beg them more for weapons because you get pounded in Kashmir. You are the real puppy you backed down from the Iranian pipeline yet you struggle for energy and that is because you listen and bow down to "god" I'll make it easier for you and tell you which god so you dont have to look in your A-Z index of gods that you have in your house, the usa.

Na Na buddy India is a different case here...India buy weapons but it is more like a customer it selects best fit weapon (whether it is from France,Russia or US) India acts as a buyer it doesn't beg for cheaper products it buys them at a very reasonable prices,AND who says India taking sides against Iran India is taking a well concluded stance towards that matter, India knows how to maintains good relations with both Parties.Did you hear about that News"India became largest exporter of rice to Iran beating Pakistan "how did that happened, does Iranians like Indians..oh i think yes. Please get your facts right about Indian foreign policy.Please stop comparing Pakistan and India they are in different league just like China and India can not be compared as they are in different league.We need USA ,China,Russia and see we have good business relations with all three.
No country allowed to upset peace: China

BOAO, China -- With pressure growing on Beijing to get North Korea to step back from its war-like footing, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Sunday that no one country should be allowed to upset world peace and added China would work to reduce tensions over regional hotspots.

In a speech to a regional business forum with political leaders from Australia to Zaire present, Xi did not offer any concrete plans for how to deal with China's neighbor, North Korea, which has elevated regional tensions through war-like rhetoric and missile deployments in recent weeks. Nor did Xi offer concessions to other neighbors locked in fraught disputes with Beijing over outlying islands: Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam.

It isn't clear whether Xi was taking a swipe at North Korea or at the United States, a frequent target of Chinese criticism, when he criticized unilateral acts that threaten stability.

“The international community should advocate the vision of comprehensive security and cooperative security, so as to turn the global village into a big stage for common development rather than an arena where gladiators fight each other. And no one should be allowed to throw the region, or even the whole world, into chaos for selfish gains,” Xi said at the Boao Forum for Asia, a China-sponsored talk shop for the global elite.

Ambiguity aside, Xi's speech stands in contrast to more strident remarks he has made in recent months and marks an effort to strike an active, cooperative posture to calm regional tensions. This year's Boao meeting — an annual event billed as Asia's version of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland — is being watched for signs of whether Xi, installed in power five months ago, is ready to stake out new directions in a foreign policy that has been bullying toward some neighbors and passive on many international security issues.

The new Xi government is being especially challenged over North Korea. Pyongyang's ratcheting up of tensions in recent months — from tests of a long-range missile and a nuclear device to threats of nuclear strikes — have concerned South Korea and the United States, important economic partners for China which have looked to Beijing to rein in its longtime, if estranged communist ally.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia, whose economy has been booming due to Chinese demand, appealed to Beijing to use its leverage to get Pyongyang to climb down.

“All countries in the region share a deep interest in strategic stability. But the consequences of conflict are even more severe for us all. This is nowhere more clear than on the Korean Peninsula. There, any aggression is a threat to the interest of every country in the region. For this reason, I do welcome the growing cooperation of all regional governments to prevent conflict on the Korean Peninsula and to counter North Korean aggression,” Gillard told the forum.

Outside of North Korea, expectations of any change in Chinese policy have been focused on Japan. Months of friction over East China Sea islands led to frosty political ties, tense cat-and-mouse games between their maritime forces and flagging trade between the world's second and third largest economies.

Xi didn't address any dispute by name but he promised a constructive approach to regional tensions.

“China will continue to properly handle differences and frictions with the relevant countries,” Xi said in his speech. “On international and regional hotspot issues, China will continue to play a constructive role, adhere to peace and facilitating talks and make unremitting efforts to properly handle relevant issues through dialogue and negotiations.”

Still, Xi did not present any compromise. He insisted that China would safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity, language that makes it harder for Beijing to back away from territorial claims.

Xi also reminded countries that China represents a good business opportunity for neighbors and the world, saying over the next five years China's imports will reach US$10 trillion while its companies plan to invest US$500 billion overseas. “The more China develops, the more opportunities for development it brings the world and Asia,” Xi said.

United States to postpone congressional testimony by the top U.S. military commander in South Korea and delay an intercontinental ballistic missile test from a West Coast base.

U.S. Gen. James Thurman, the commander of the 28,000 American troops in South Korea, will stay in Seoul as “a prudent measure” rather than travel to Washington to appear this coming week before congressional committees, Army Col. Amy Hannah said in an email Sunday to The Associated Press.

No country allowed to upset peace: China - The China Post

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