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US considers options for strike in Pakistan: WP

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Just like they used Saddam, once Pakistan's usefulness is gone, they'll try the same tactics. The proof is written in history.

YET our leadership and military are still in bed with these bullys?


We take their money to kill our citizens to satisfy their blood lust, we give them bases, we give them our air space, we give them the license to summarily execute using drones on OUR soil, we transport their fuel for NATO in Afghanistan so they can keep up their imperialist venture in Afghanistan, we've filled their cages for them in Guantanamo, we've bent over backwards and they now want to kick us in the teeth. If this is the treatment you get from an ally then what do you get from an enemy?

The American ambassador to Pakistan should be summoned IMMEDIATELY and be asked to explain these veiled threats from Washington - if not, he should be deported.

I'm sick of Pakistan being the b itch in this "mutual understanding" and "special relationship" these corrupt politicians keep telling us about.

Jab Paisa Khuda Ban Jaay to Qaumon ki Maaut Ajaay

Brother well said. I was attending the Friday prayer and the Imam while giving sermon (Bayaan) narrated a hadith .. he said that

"That time is very near when the non muslims will be making plans to attack you and will be inviting other non muslims to attack muslims , as if they are Invting them on dinner.. " . The companions said ,"Will we be in a very small number at that time when they all will make their their plan of attacking us" the Prophet (SA) replied "No, you will be very large in number and will be having power to retaliate, BUT you will be weak and will not retaliate " then the companions inquired Holy Prophet (SA) "O Prophet of Allah , what will be the reason that we will be having power but will be so weak to retaliate?"

the Holy Prophet (SA) said "the love of this world (and its wealth) and the fear to die will make you very weak to retaliate"

Today this hadith of Our Prophet Muhammad (SA) is very much a realty .. our leaders are having greed for the wealth in US $ (in the form of big loans and donations) and are not even realizing that the true enemy of Islam and Pakistan is making us weaker and weaker internally and externally.

Mark my word that US will leave us in the middle road and we will have to face the whole sufferings...

Surah al Maida says in ayat 49-50 that :

" O you who believe ! don't make Jews and Christians your Friends (and allies), for they are the friends (and allies) of each other (and not yours) . And those who makes them friends (and allies) are no longer the part of our UMMAH. And Allah will not guide the people who have done such an act"

What have our leaders and we have done in this regard ?

Undoubtedly, any Pakistani who considers US as a friend are really misguided (as said in the Holy Quran).. Believe me, US will leave us in the middle road after making every province of Pakistan weak, like they are doing in Balochistan with the help of RAW.

After making every province weak , they will say that Pakistan's Nuclear weapons are in danger of going in the hands of terrorists (which they have started claiming. You can search this on internet ) . So they will then try to dismantle Pakistan nuclear weapons..

Pakistanis should really wake up now and identify the true enemy of Pakistan.....

As far as the US military operation is concerned, I think it is their day dreaming to have any military operation in Pakistan... Insha Allah They will not do it because the majority of muslims of Pakistan are anti American and will not support any foreign military operation inside Pakistan....
Oh no buddy, only 50 thousand Jihads have fcuked the america deep throat and it cannot afford to offend 170 millions of us who it cannot even calculate what would do to him. Let it be a warning to them but I know they are dumb..
DID U won the war urself ? :lol::lol: remember those stinger missiles that uncle SAM gave u ...and all other military hardware..ur role was only to train those mujahadens..who r now ur enemies...

Oo la la la, oh oo la la la ... mujahadens are enemy of Pakistan...Oo la la la, oh oo la la la

The very ‘enemies’ of ours are more than willing to screw your ‘black holes’ without having applied any curry lube!
Have a look at the statements they gave when you staged the Ajmal Kasab drama and you’ll know for yourself who they will fight for!
Oh no buddy, only 50 thousand Jihads have fcuked the america deep throat and it cannot afford to offend 170 millions of us who it cannot even calculate what would do to him. Let it be a warning to them but I know they are dumb..

They attacked Iraq on suspicion of WMD's - this shows they ARE dumb and cannot be trusted and their words are merely lip service. The politicians will not be living in Pakistan when this happens you can guarantee that. They'll be in London, New York etc (probably next door to Musharraf) and the people of Pakistan, you and me, mine and your family will have to face the United States of Assassins.
Even India should oppose if they try to attack pak.
Not in our interest.
US considers options for strike in Pakistan: WP

The U.S. military is reviewing options for a unilateral strike in Pakistan in the event that a successful attack on American soil is traced to the country's tribal areas, according to senior military officials.

And if it wasnt successful attack then ??:pop:

Obama has been more hawkish in pushing for a military attack on Pakistan than his predecesor Bush who use to give Mushy a blank cheque. Just look at his statements when he was not president and was on the campaign trail, he had Pakistan on his agenda and in his sights along time ago. He has ramped up the drone strikes as there's been more drone strikes in one year under Obama than the whole 8 years of Bush.

Here are his comments when he was NOT even the president, they are very worrisome to say the least.

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He will then shove those burnt fingers really far up your ‘black hole’ to make you smile even more!:bounce:

---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------

In that scenario, we’ll WANT to indulge in some conflict with our eastern neighbor to fulfill its dream of becoming a superpower… once and for all!
Sunyan udi nini phundi v a.:lol:

:angry: please report this Troll
If US ever attacked any part of Pakistan, it should start arranging for funerals and digging graves for its 80,000+ phaujis who are busy saving their a*ses in Afghanistan. It can also kiss good bye the allied govt. of Kabul (whatever is left of it).

Any misadventure will have severe consequences for both the countries. I hope the sense prevails or else hundreds of thousands will die!
Obama has been more hawkish in pushing for a military attack on Pakistan than his predecesor Bush who use to give Mushy a blank cheque. Just look at his statements when he was not president and was on the campaign trail, he had Pakistan on his agenda and in his sights along time ago. He has ramped up the drone strikes as there's been more drone strikes in one year under Obama than the whole 8 years of Bush.

Here are his comments when he was NOT even the president, they are very worrisome to say the least.

YouTube - Obama saying he would attack terrorists in Pakistan
The US does not have the cash needed to wage war against country like Pakistan - It would be too expensive and risky.Hell they even think 100 times before attacking Iran which is much less powerful then Iran.We have USA by balls (so to speak).Nothing will happen.These are just pressure tactics to get Pakistan Army to move into NW.
The US military is developing plans for a unilateral attack on the Pakistani Taliban in the event of a successful attack in the US that can be traced to them, The Washington Post reports.

Planning for a retaliatory attack was spurred by ties between Faisal Shahzad, the alleged Times Square bomber, and elements of the Pakistani Taliban, the US newspaper said in an article posted on its website on Friday night, quoting unidentified senior military officials.

The military would focus on air and missile raids but also could use small teams of US special operations troops currently along the border with Afghanistan, the report said.

Air raids could damage the groups' ability to launch new attacks but also might damage US-Pakistani relations.

The CIA already conducts unmanned drone raids in the country's tribal regions.

Officials told the Washington Post that a US military response would be considered only if attacks persuaded Barack Obama, the US president, that the CIA campaign is ineffective.

A senior US official told the Associated Press news agency on Wednesday that Pakistan already has been told that it has only weeks to show real progress in a crackdown against the Taliban.

The US has put Pakistan "on a clock" to launch a new intelligence and counterterrorist offensive against the group, which the White House alleges was behind the Times Square bombing attempt, according to the official.

US officials also have said the country reserves the right to attack in the tribal areas in pursuit of Osama bin Laden and other targets.

US mulls unilateral Pakistan raids - Americas - Al Jazeera English
At least two of the seven attackers were captured, while some died in the standoff.

Senior police officer Akram Naeem in Lahore said their interrogation of one of the arrested suspects revealed that the gunmen were involved with the Pakistani Taliban, which has staged attacks across the country for years. The 17-year-old suspect told police that the men had trained in the North Waziristan tribal region.

"Our initial investigation has found that they all belong to Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan," or Pakistani Taliban movement, Naeem said. He said the suspect, "Abdullah alias Mohammad, was given terrorism training in Miran Shah" — the main city in the North Waziristan tribal region.

Police: Lahore attackers were Pakistani Taliban | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
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