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Vietnam & India to hold fifth strategic defence talks

Vietnam & India has a long friendship and defense ties are the natural progress.

Not now, but after 10-15 years we will like to have navel base there.
Indian Navy base in the South China sea ? Even US government never have this fantasy in their wildest dream. Is everything ok with you ?

I think there is some confusion sir....If at all there will be a base it will be of similar nature what China is building in IOC.....I do not see any logic in having a naval base in South China because this is not what our immediate goals are(you never know about future).....

All we want is influence in IOC and that's about it.....
Here lies the pride of the Indian nation.

hey, we have never had to rely on the russians before to bail our @ss.but if USA wasnt there with her mighty fleet, I'd like to see how your country, Taiwan would have fared.

As for 1962, ya we lost. i dont think any Indian as ever said otherwise. But this is not 1962. This is 2010. we are a nuclear power now.

Besides, whats with u and trolling on any thread with India?
hey, we have never had to rely on the russians before to bail our @ss.but if USA wasnt there with her mighty fleet, I'd like to see how your country, Taiwan would have fared.

As for 1962, ya we lost. i dont think any Indian as ever said otherwise. But this is not 1962. This is 2010. we are a nuclear power now.

Besides, whats with u and trolling on any thread with India?

well said.. furthur he is a Chinese in disguise.... Chinese do these on all the forums.. you know they are top on propaganda and 50 cent....

-he claims to support the US
-he claims to be a Taiwanese

but his *** burns when smthng bad is said about China.:cheesy:
he never says abythng bad bout china.:cheesy:
he never leaves india-defence to post his nonsense.:cheesy:

so u knw who he is...
Indian Navy base in the South China sea ? Even US government never have this fantasy in their wildest dream. Is everything ok with you ?

US had a base in Phillipine and Hong Kong. Now, USN ships dock in Singapore.
japanese were kickin chinese in the butt in the second world war before US saved u...so u should beg americans to protect u..application of the same rule that u have applied above..

what goes around comes around

Its a well known agreement between US Taiwan and China in regard to Taiwan issue. I'm certain that you do not know any thing about. But this thread is about India and Vietnam and all I'm saying is that Vietnam can hold its own against China. The same cannot be say of India.
while Vietnam was able to resist the PLA in 1979. That is a known fact.

No, this is not a known fact at all my dear Chinese. What is a known fact is that Vietnam thrashed the PLA in 1979. In other words, kicked Chinese a$$ and sent them back.

As a result, it should be the Vietcong that protect India than the other way around.

NO, Vietnam has a great reputation. Vietnamese are fierce fighters as the Americans and you Chinese undoubtedly know. Also, India is no longer what it was in 1962. However any future strategic convergence between the two nations will be based on mutual respect and a mutual dislike for and suspicion of the Chinese.
I think there is some confusion sir....If at all there will be a base it will be of similar nature what China is building in IOC.....I do not see any logic in having a naval base in South China because this is not what our immediate goals are(you never know about future).....

All we want is influence in IOC and that's about it.....

That is not what most Indians here are saying. They are talking about the sun never sets on Indian Navy:rofl:
That is not what most Indians here are saying. They are talking about the sun never sets on Indian Navy:rofl:

u have the guts to say India cannot stand against China....:rofl:
u r here for propaganda and not to debate....

dude worry about China being able to hold off against India...
well said.. furthur he is a Chinese in disguise.... Chinese do these on all the forums.. you know they are top on propaganda and 50 cent....

-he claims to support the US
-he claims to be a Taiwanese

but his *** burns when smthng bad is said about China.:cheesy:
he never says abythng bad bout china.:cheesy:
he never leaves india-defence to post his nonsense.:cheesy:

so u knw who he is...

I'm who I am and my flags reflect my origin and location. We understand China and knows its potentials and capability. I would never said stuff like compare with China in 2030 and 2040 because who knows what will happen by then. With the current trend, China will be further ahead of India and either equal or surpass the US in economic output. So the goal is for US to be in a position to counter the China challenge. But we never under estimate China like what you are doing..

But on 2nd thought, your attitute might be correct as with the current trend, you can only assume the unkown would go your way. How pathetic.
u have the guts to say India cannot stand against China....:rofl:
u r here for propaganda and not to debate....

dude worry about China being able to hold off against India...

Only a arrogant Indian like you would believe the trend of India catching up to China or suprassing China. Read the numbers.. In terms of economy, China is 4 times that of India and its economy is growing faster than that of India. From the perspective of the US and Taiwan, China is a threat and a challenge. Further, India should either choose to join the anti-communist alliance or it will be regard as part of the Russia/China camp.
hey, we have never had to rely on the russians before to bail our @ss.but if USA wasnt there with her mighty fleet, I'd like to see how your country, Taiwan would have fared.

As for 1962, ya we lost. i dont think any Indian as ever said otherwise. But this is not 1962. This is 2010. we are a nuclear power now.

Besides, whats with u and trolling on any thread with India?

My friend, in a way we did. The Soviets sent a couple of nucleal submarines to tail the US Task Force 74 which was a part of the US Seventh Fleet and was led by the Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise. This task force was sent be President Nixon into the Bay of Bengal to assist the Pakistanis in the 1971 war. The Russian submarines tailed the Americans into the Bay of Bengal and surfaced within missile range. This forced the Americans to turn back.

Maybe we did not request for this assistance. But the Russians who were keeping a eye on the Americans and knew what they were upto, did it anyway. That is why even after the demise of the USSR, India sill considers the Russians as very good friends.
Task Force 74 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its a well known agreement between US Taiwan and China in regard to Taiwan issue. I'm certain that you do not know any thing about. But this thread is about India and Vietnam and all I'm saying is that Vietnam can hold its own against China. The same cannot be say of India.

I don't know whether he knows a lot about it or not but undoubtedly you know a lot about it so why don't you educate us about the 'Third Taiwan Strait Crisis of 1999' or the others for that matter. What happened to the so called 'Agreement'?
Only a arrogant Indian like you would believe the trend of India catching up to China or suprassing China. Read the numbers.. In terms of economy, China is 4 times that of India and its economy is growing faster than that of India. From the perspective of the US and Taiwan, China is a threat and a challenge. Further, India should either choose to join the anti-communist alliance or it will be regard as part of the Russia/China camp.

to hell with trend...what will u do if India start outperforming china in gdp growth...u willbring up chart of groth rate of past and say hey this is nt on...... what we are talking about here are 2 big economies and fastest growing ones in the world......

what will happen i future is really uncertain.....it is only the foolish chinese who take it for granted and presume tnings like u r doing.....
an are trying to shy away frm reality...like putng head in sand....

India or China only 2040 will tell..and only a fool like u will say china will be at top....otherwise japan should have been the top country in worldby now....going by UR SO CALLED TREND....:rofl:
I'm who I am and my flags reflect my origin and location. We understand China and knows its potentials and capability. I would never said stuff like compare with China in 2030 and 2040 because who knows what will happen by then. With the current trend, China will be further ahead of India and either equal or surpass the US in economic output. So the goal is for US to be in a position to counter the China challenge. But we never under estimate China like what you are doing..

But on 2nd thought, your attitute might be correct as with the current trend, you can only assume the unkown would go your way. How pathetic.

pathetic ...that word is better qualified for u buddy...
i dont care for even trend... rt coz i beleive in reality and not day dreaming like chinese... i am all for 2040 and lets see then who is at top India or China....
no one knws what will happen by then....

but at the same time u r also pathetically saying that all knw what will happen by then...so pathetic is bettr suited for u..

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