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Vietnam & India to hold fifth strategic defence talks

What a moron.So are you suggesting that India should ask Vietnam to open up bases in Vietnam for Indian occupation? In modern age, if a country has a base in another country, is to protect thatcountry. For example, US has bases in S Korea and Japan to protect them. It also serve the interest of the US as well but it also must serve to protect the host country. Common sense, people.

What an a$$, china has naval bases in burma or building ports with docking facilities in many countries to protect those countries!!!

Indian base in Farkhor is for Tajikistan's protection! Singapore shares indias bases in india for India's protection!

This idiot is crossing all lines of trolling today. Control ur language chum, i'll return it with interest.
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What an a$$, china has naval bases in burma or building ports with docking facilities in many countries to protect those countries!!!

Indian base in Farkhor is for Tajikistan's protection! Singapore shares indias bases in india for India's protection!

This idiot is crossing all lies of trolling today. Control ur language chum, i'll return it with interest.

When a country has a base in another country, it must be mutually beneficial. That is what I'm trying to say. Your lack of common sense and logic is stopping you from reading properly. Pull your head out of the hole from your behind, would ya.
Well said. India itself needs US protection. Why offer to protect another when you cannot even protect yourself. Indians in here are over estimating their capability. Its rediculous to hear them talking about offering protection to Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and Korea when US is already providing the balance. The proposal to offer protection to Vietnam is just idiotic. Vietnam successfully resisted Chinese incursion in 1979 where as India lost completely in 1962 to China. If a war break out between Vietnam and India in a central location such as Burma or Thailand, the winner is easily the Vietnam. You fanbuis has no logic nor common sense.

India can not pretect itself :rofl:? They have one of the largest armies in the world, they have one of the largest tank forces in Asia, they are a top naval power and most importantly they have one of the best airforces in the world. Whether its a defensive battle or offensive India has the manpower and equipment whether it be tanks, sams, aircraft, submarines, cruise missles or anything else.

The Indian airforce has trained with Americans, French, British, and many other countries, they have been praised as extreemly professional and well equiped. They gain valuable knowledge from these exersizes that they can apply in real combat.

Some Indian pilots receive as much as 300 flight hours anually which would give them some of the most flight time in the world.

Moreover, the Indian airforce is one of the largest in the world and growing. Their fleet of aircraft is also extreemly good, SU-30MKI, Mig-29's, Mig-29K, Harriers, Mig-21 Bisons (very lethal), Mirage and many more.

Soon India will also choose an MRCA winner.

I'm putting a strong emphasis on the airforce because they are the spear head, a good airforce will have total air superiority and from there they can control the battle feild. This is not the same India of 62, if you think India can be walked on you're dead wrong.
India can not pretect itself :rofl:? They have one of the largest armies in the world, they have one of the largest tank forces in Asia, they are a top naval power and most importantly they have one of the best airforces in the world. Whether its a defensive battle or offensive India has the manpower and equipment whether it be tanks, sams, aircraft, submarines, cruise missles or anything else.

The Indian airforce has trained with Americans, French, British, and many other countries, they have been praised as extreemly professional and well equiped. They gain valuable knowledge from these exersizes that they can apply in real combat.

Some Indian pilots receive as much as 300 flight hours anually which would give them some of the most flight time in the world.

Moreover, the Indian airforce is one of the largest in the world and growing. Their fleet of aircraft is also extreemly good, SU-30MKI, Mig-29's, Mig-29K, Harriers, Mig-21 Bisons (very lethal), Mirage and many more.

Soon India will also choose an MRCA winner.

I'm putting a strong emphasis on the airforce because they are the spear head, a good airforce will have total air superiority and from there they can control the battle feild. This is not the same India of 62, if you think India can be walked on you're dead wrong.

And to add to that we always have our Russian brothers to rely on
When a country has a base in another country, it must be mutually beneficial. That is what I'm trying to say. Your lack of common sense and logic is stopping you from reading properly. Pull your head out of the hole from your behind, would ya.

And your pee brained assumption is that while china america france and others open bases which are mutually beneficial, when india wants to its not beneficial to the other party or it can not be under any arrangement!!!

What an arrogant moron, keep your surmons and your attitude to tell us what to do to yourself. You are NOT smarter than us. you DON'T know what we discuss with others and you DON"T know what we have in mind. Singapore has a base in India and its beneficial to us, but hey pee brain, they are not protecting us you know!!!
sorry but iyou will not understand the strategic means

Please educate us as we are yet to understand the strategic means. Do not get confused by looking at the UK flag next to my name , by the way.
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What a moron.So are you suggesting that India should ask Vietnam to open up bases in Vietnam for Indian occupation? In modern age, if a country has a base in another country, is to protect thatcountry. For example, US has bases in S Korea and Japan to protect them. It also serve the interest of the US as well but it also must serve to protect the host country. Common sense, people.

can u read ????read what he said and in what context he was replyin..
Indian army was totally defeated in 1962 while Vietnam was able to resist the PLA in 1979. That is a known fact. As a result, it should be the Vietcong that protect India than the other way around.

japanese were kickin chinese in the butt in the second world war before US saved u...so u should beg americans to protect u..application of the same rule that u have applied above..

what goes around comes around

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