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Vietnamese girls studying in China: Vlogs

Number of international students in China is set to surpassing UK:

Would have already surpassed if not for the hard Chinese language...
I have a friend who will learn in Chongqing. She is going to prepare for this journey. These girl are really talent in Chinese language, this is the reason why they choose to learn in China. If im right, they need to get HSK 5 or 6 to pass for the scholarship to China. Almost They were born in poor or middle-class family. Rich people choosse to learn in US, UK..etc..Education of China is improved but have long distance compared to Western. Vietnamese can learn Chinese better than other country especially in pronunciation
Where do you want? Did you learn Chinese as well? Do you want to come to US?
Where do you want? Did you learn Chinese as well? Do you want to come to US?
I have learned chinese language for five years. In other matters, it is very difficult for me to answer because I don't really know what I want
I have learned chinese language for five years. In other matters, it is very difficult for me to answer because I don't really know what I want
Sis, consider German universities!
Benefits: most of them are free. Increasingly popular for Vietnam students. Life is boring. Food is ugly. But it’s ok otherwise. Many Germans are ignorant and racists. But hey.

One of them

TU Darmstadt

Sis, consider German universities!
Benefits: most of them are free. Increasingly popular for Vietnam students. Life is boring. Food is ugly. But it’s ok otherwise. Many Germans are ignorant and racists. But hey.

One of them

TU Darmstadt

That's also a good idea, but people tell me that German language is very difficult to learn.
That's also a good idea, but people tell me that German language is very difficult to learn.
If you can master chinese, learning german language is kindergarten. Ok there are certain challenges in grammar. Two most difficult things are memorizing the sexes of nouns and verb conjugation.

It’s a difficult language but manageable. If you know other Latin languages such as French, it will go faster in learning. I would say you get the basics in a year.
I have learned chinese language for five years. In other matters, it is very difficult for me to answer because I don't really know what I want
You live in Namibia?:-)

Number of international students in China is set to surpassing UK:
View attachment 577311
Would have already surpassed if not for the hard Chinese language...
Interesting. Seems Chinese are really taking education seriously. they basically top students in all of the countries above except in France and Russia(where they come second) impressive.
I have learned chinese language for five years. In other matters, it is very difficult for me to answer because I don't really know what I want
Since you have already learned the language, I think study in China should be a good option. The reasons are: ~1/10 the costs of the West, good ranking universities and descent environment, access to world class state of the art research facilities for example, supercomputers, and also ample job opportunities (in trade and industry, etc). Also you could become a social media celebrity like those girls on youtube and bilibili:cheesy:
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