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We won't allow Hezbollah to entrench itself militarily in Syria.

while people (mostly the pro-Saudi crowd for some reason) getting super excited about Zionist propaganda.. the biggest takeaway from this was completely missed.

Hezbollah is setting up military positions on the Syrian border facing Israel. and where Hezbollah goes, Iranian military arm follows..

Iran achieved the unthinkable, worse case scenario of the Zionists.... Another powerful, far larger Syrian front facing Israel. Zionists couldn't even handle Hezbollah on the tiny Lebanon battlefield they had been prepping decades for.. this new nightmare is on a whole new league.

they wanted to topple the Syrian government to take out an Iranian ally and sever Irans link with Hezbollah, and weaken/destroy Hezbollah. did that backfire or what?

Hezbollah is not trying to set up a front against Israel from Syria, Hezbollah entered Syria under pretext of protecting Lebanon from Nusra Front at the time of the interventon. They initially wanted to secure Al Qusayr, then they began advisory and command role for SAA ground forces in offensives against rebels.

Hezbollah did train along with others in Syria and it is their geographical lifeline, so they need to dedicate resources to keep Assad regime in power. There is no proof they plan to use Syria as front for war against Israel, and they do not have permission from Russia and Assad. They also have no intent to do so and do not have funds/manpower for said adventure.

Israel did not do anything to topple Assad gov't, they could have lobbied US to target Assad early on during the protests. Here are Israeli officials making admission of wanting Assad to remain in power but they don't mind if Hezbollah depletes some of its resources in the process:

A weakened Bashar Assad is preferable for Syria and the whole region to a takeover by rebel forces increasingly ruled by Islamic extremists, Israeli officials reportedly said overnight Friday-Saturday.

“Better the devil we know than the demons we can only imagine if Syria falls into chaos and the extremists from across the Arab world gain a foothold there,” one senior intelligence officer told the London-based Times.


Well it is clear that every country is after its own interests be it regional or global ... you sitting here bashing others over these two gaining influence in Arab world doesn't change the fact that Arab world has got serious problems and suffers from lack of a formidable leadership, all they do is buying weapons and begging security from outsiders & then use them to attack each other and blame Iran... you suffer from your own shortcoming and still call other idiots .. Iran is in Golan .. how on earth that makes Iran idiot? Iran bluffing or not is up to any fair just judgment can you tell me what Arabs have done? would you please make a list of shiny outstanding achievements of this the so-called Arab world of yours without bluffing? But bottom line is the whole issue is much deeper than what you think it is "gaining influence over Arabs" ... Arab would now is irrelevant due to their own mistakes.

P.s: Are these propaganda war too? what influence while they've already sold themselves out like ........ .

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Anwar Gargash, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs:
“I think 10 to 15 years, the discussion will be what is the nature of the Israeli state, what are the rights of the Palestinians within that Israeli state,” Gargash said, embracing the Zionist stance.​

What that has to do with what I said? I am saying like you Iran looking to consolidate its interests in Arab world and the narrative pushed here about Israeli-Iranian holy/cold war is misleading. What I don't get is why members here try telling otherwise.

I tell it as it is and don't push misleading narratives. I'm well aware Arab world has deep rooted problems and incompetent leadership and talk about this all the time. Difference is I don't try to hide any of this. I also criticize others in region where they deserve it.
Honestly I know that we have our differences with the Israelis but I admire the way they use social media and their seriousness on their national security...
Hezbollah is not trying to set up a front against Israel from Syria, Hezbollah entered Syria under pretext of protecting Lebanon from Nusra Front at the time of the interventon. They initially wanted to secure Al Qusayr, then they began advisory and command role for SAA ground forces in offensives against rebels.

Hezbollah did train along with others in Syria and it is their geographical lifeline, so they need to dedicate resources to keep Assad regime in power. There is no proof they plan to use Syria as front for war against Israel, and they do not have permission from Russia and Assad. They also have no intent to do so and do not have funds/manpower for said adventure.

Israel did not do anything to topple Assad gov't, they could have lobbied US to target Assad early on during the protests. Here are Israeli officials making admission of wanting Assad to remain in power but they don't mind if Hezbollah depletes some of its resources in the process:

A weakened Bashar Assad is preferable for Syria and the whole region to a takeover by rebel forces increasingly ruled by Islamic extremists, Israeli officials reportedly said overnight Friday-Saturday.

“Better the devil we know than the demons we can only imagine if Syria falls into chaos and the extremists from across the Arab world gain a foothold there,” one senior intelligence officer told the London-based Times.


What that has to do with what I said? I am saying like you Iran looking to consolidate its interests in Arab world and the narrative pushed here about Israeli-Iranian holy/cold war is misleading. What I don't get is why members here try telling otherwise.

I tell it as it is and don't push misleading narratives. I'm well aware Arab world has deep rooted problems and incompetent leadership and talk about this all the time. Difference is I don't try to hide any of this. I also criticize others in region where they deserve it.
On contrary I think it's a real war otherwise why on earth they'd kill our scientist & commanders? sanctioning us? daily heavy media propaganda? seizing & freezing our properties? if you don't see these then I can not help you.
If Iranian leaders were not after what you've described "misleading" then these 2 could have had better relations due being not Arab countries in the region without all aforementioned pressures like Shah era.
The war is real but as Iranian saying says "One hand wouldn't clap" .. when all those Arab leaders are in cahoots with isreal and Iran is under heavy pressure called Rafezi then it takes time ... so far Iran approach has liberated Lebanon, strengthen resistance in Palestine and capability to respond .... but what about others? and why Iranian must pay for it lonely and not fat Arab leaders??
On contrary I think it's a real war otherwise why on earth they'd kill our scientist & commanders? sanctioning us? daily heavy media propaganda? seizing & freezing our properties? if you don't see these then I can not help you.
If Iranian leaders were not after what you've described "misleading" then these 2 could have had better relations due being not Arab countries in the region without all aforementioned pressures like Shah era.
The war is real but as Iranian saying says "One hand wouldn't clap" .. when all those Arab leaders are in cahoots with isreal and Iran is under heavy pressure called Rafezi then it takes time ... so far Iran approach has liberated Lebanon, strengthen resistance in Palestine and capability to respond .... but what about others? and why Iranian must pay for it lonely and not fat Arab leaders??

Arab dictators gave Masonic medals to Bush, Obama and Trump and took selfies with israeli ministers.
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Its important to make inferior beings like persians understand that as an inferior species they will have to abide their masters, we are the ones who rule over you, you are our slaves and that has always been the case :D We are buttfcking ur kurds so much they are accusing us of genocides you little persian subhuman, we are giving them some very nice treatment for the past 40 years.

There is no such a thing as mighty savafids, there is the inferior persian species who now turned into iranian because his country got colonized by his western master and his pathetic country is in such a miserable state, no infrastructure, sanctioned, isolated. You guys are done, you are fcked up and there is a reason why ur country is so fcked up and u filthy persian beings will understand that we Turks decide over u. We are ur masters. We are the ones who have the natural right to rule over u. You are our slaves and will always be our slaves
you sons of persian whores.
Well Iran has been always called Iran by Iranians and our neighbors .. words like Iran, Iranshahr , Iranzamin have been used none-stop in numerous time in our books, reliefs and historical sites ... for instance Avesta for 2500 years ago and name of Iran in it .. Persia is simply is what Iran has been called by Greeks like Persepolis for Takht Jamshid .. so Iranian and Persians have no differences as Iran has been always called by Iranian "Iran".
For colonizing & secession things you could read "Treaty of Sèvres".

Arab leaders gave Masonic medals to Bush, Obama and Trump.
there is no Arab leaders ..
On contrary I think it's a real war otherwise why on earth they'd kill our scientist & commanders? sanctioning us? daily heavy media propaganda? seizing & freezing our properties? if you don't see these then I can not help you.
If Iranian leaders were not after what you've described "misleading" then these 2 could have had better relations due being not Arab countries in the region without all aforementioned pressures like Shah era.
The war is real but as Iranian saying says "One hand wouldn't clap" .. when all those Arab leaders are in cahoots with isreal and Iran is under heavy pressure called Rafezi then it takes time ... so far Iran approach has liberated Lebanon, strengthen resistance in Palestine and capability to respond .... but what about others? and why Iranian must pay for it lonely and not fat Arab leaders??

You seem to not be able to read, read the OP and reread my posts. It's 100% true that Hezbollah is not in Syria for any other reason besides assisting the Syrian regime and protecting their interests. It is not in Syria with intention to build a force against Israel. And does not have permission from Russia, Iran or Syrian regime to even think of doing so.

But all you seem to be able to do is talk about Arabs. And not the point of the thread. Iran and its allies have one active operational foreign policy objective which is to attack Arab nations via proxies and to wage war against Saudi Arabia which is planned for this summer most likely. And you still want to make yourself as victim.


That was stated objective since 1979 and is not defensive in any manner. So victimizing yourself when it comes to waging war on Arab nations is not going to work. You don't try it with other Muslim nations because they are not in weak like Arab nations. So you don't have brotherhood and none of this is about 'Israel'. It's about Iranian domination in region and settling some scores.

If you wanted to go after Israel no one is stopping you. If you guys are as passionate as you make yourselves sound in your propaganda about going after Israel you'd go forward with it regardless of consequences. If you don't want to and care about your interests then why the hell you bring up Arab governments then? You want them to do something you won't do? And if they don't you attack your fellow neighbors via proxies?

there is no Arab leaders ..

And if there was an effective Arab leader you will hate him more than all the current Arab rulers. So what do you want exactly? You mean to tell me you will support Arab dominance of region? You racist guy, lol.

What you mean?

I meant British/american selected Arab dictators.

And your racist, bigoted, Supreme leader is any better?

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