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What Do You Really Want from Us?

We want you to help contain the nuclear genie so that that peaceful world you aspire to will be achieved. That means stop coddling your crazy nuclear nephew Kim Jong-il and help us stop the mad mullahs of Iran from getting the bomb, too. How can you support these regimes in their quest for nuclear weapons and say you want "peace on earth"?

The West (e.g. United States, United Kingdom, Norway, and possibly others) provided heavy water for Israel's nuclear civilian/weapons program. The U.S. looked the other way when France helped Israel develop its nuclear industry and nuclear bomb.

The United States withdrew economic sanctions on the newly nuclearized atomic-weapon countries of India and Pakistan.

The United States has done more than any country to poke giant holes in the NPT and creating an exception for India at the NSG (i.e. Nuclear Suppliers Group). You cannot have a ban on nuclear weapons for all nations of the world (except the P-5) and only create exceptions for "friends" of the United States. It doesn't work that way.

If you were Iranian, you too would be determined to obtain the Persian nuclear bomb. Looking west, you see a Jewish nuclear bomb in Israel. Looking south, you see a Muslim nuclear bomb in Pakistan. There is a Hindu nuclear bomb in India. Only a fool would not want to attain equivalent nuclear capability.

The Iranians have seen that the Jews, Muslims, and Hindus have been permitted to obtain and retain nuclear weapons. It is illogical to believe that any Iranian government would not want equal treatment for proud Persians.

Why discriminate against Persians? Why aren't they allowed equal treatment that has been permitted for Jews, Muslims, and Hindus? Iranians of any political belief will never accept discrimination against only them.


"The U.S. furnished Israel heavy water, under the Atoms for Peace program, ..... Mordechai Vanunu provided the best look at the Israeli nuclear arsenal in ..."

"Israel admits running the Dimona reactor with Norway's heavy water since 1963. ... Israel might undertake a nuclear weapons program in the next several years. .... which printed information provided by Mordechai Vanunu, a technician formerly ..... between the US and Israel to shield Israel's nuclear weapons program ..."

"Aug 4, 2005 ... For us it is not a question of balance of terror but a question of survival. ... The Israeli nuclear weapons program grew out of the conviction that ... UK sold 20 tons of heavy water to Israel for £1.5 million in 1958. ..."

"Aug 19, 2010 ... How the US and Europeans are silent on Israeli Nuclear weapons ... Norway had willingly provided Israel with enough heavy water to build hundreds of bombs ..."
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Good that you want a conversation ...

On N Korea's side: why do you refuse to sign a non-aggression treaty with us? We are not to be that foolish to surrender our nuclear weapon, so you can walk into our country...

On China's side: Can't you stop selling weapons to our province Taiwan? Can you guarantee that you will not invade N Korea and then station your troop on our door step?

Give your non-hypocrite answer now, Mr. TruthSeeker? :woot:

A mere guarantee is not enough, the US has to withdraw its troops from SK first before it can ask China to not to support NK.

It's nearly 60 years since the korean war is over, and the chinese have long withdrawn any presence in NK, why aren't the Americans doing the same? If China stops supporting NK (whether NK itself deserves the support or not is another matter), then the North under the rule of that idiot Kim would collapse in no time and South would take over, the US would have the entire peninsular to set up its military bases. It is doing that in Japan, South Korea, why should we think it'll be different for a united korea?
o Boy i just realised i dunnoo much about china!!
which sport chinese are mad about??
and yeah it better be some team sport.:china:
or i will hate china :partay:

Football and basketball are the most popular sport in china.many fans like to buy soccer lottery!:smitten:
《What Do You Really Want from Us?》

When we were the sick man of Asia, we were called the yellow peril.

  When we are billed to be the next superpower, we are called the threat.

  When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.

  When we embrace free trade, you blame us for taking away your jobs.

  When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and wanted your fair share.

  When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again,

  free Tibet you screamed, It was an invasion!

  When tried communism, you hated us for being communist.

  When we embrace capitalism, you hate us for being capitalist.

  When we have a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet.

  When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights.

  When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.

  When we loan you cash, you blame us for your national debts.

  When we build our industries, you call us polluters.

  When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming.

  When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide.

  When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation.

  When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law.

  When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it violating human rights.

  When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech.

  When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed-xenophobes.

  “Why do you hate us so much﹖”we asked.

  “No,” you answered, “we don't hate you.”

  We don't hate you either, but, do you understand us?

  “Of course we do, ”you said, “We have AFP, CNN and BBC's ……”

  What do you really want from us?

  Think hard first, then answer, Because you only get so many chances.

  Enough is enough, enough hypocrisy for this one world.

  We want one world, one dream, and peace on earth.

  This big blue earth is big enough for all of us.

This "poem" highlights the insecurity of Chinese people (or maybe just the insecurity of the author). For hundreds of years, Chinese people looked up to Western people and clamouring for their "acceptance" when Western countries treat Chinese like inhuman ****, Chinese cry about "hurt feelings"

I think this poem is ridiculous and does nothing but inflate Western's ego.

It doesn't matter what Western countries want. If you asked an average white person's views of Chinese, it will mostly negative. Does that mean whites are better than Chinese? NO, it only illustrate the desire of white's supremacy to dominate by dehumanizing China and force Chinese for follow Western's opinon and worldviews.

This Chinese "poetry" it legitimize Western's opinion which is mostly rooted in racism and Sinophobia that have been practiced for centuries. It shows how much Chinese cares about "Western opinion", when the West can give two **** about Asian opinon or perspective.

The bottom line is who give a **** what Western's countries think. China is China. China just need to do what is in her best intrest.
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putting a leash on NK would be a welcomed start

or at least nullify the defense pact with it
I think this poem is ridiculous .

add trite and self indulgent.

China is a modern nuclear state with the second largest economy in the world, yet trash like this isnt laughed at?

wha wha wha some one said some thing not nice, grow a pair.
《What Do You Really Want from Us?》

When we were the sick man of Asia, we were called the yellow peril.

  When we are billed to be the next superpower, we are called the threat.

  When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.

  When we embrace free trade, you blame us for taking away your jobs.

  When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and wanted your fair share.

  When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again,

  free Tibet you screamed, It was an invasion!

  When tried communism, you hated us for being communist.

  When we embrace capitalism, you hate us for being capitalist.

  When we have a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet.

  When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights.

  When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.

  When we loan you cash, you blame us for your national debts.

  When we build our industries, you call us polluters.

  When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming.

  When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide.

  When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation.

  When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law.

  When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it violating human rights.

  When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech.

  When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed-xenophobes.

  “Why do you hate us so much﹖”we asked.

  “No,” you answered, “we don't hate you.”

  We don't hate you either, but, do you understand us?

  “Of course we do, ”you said, “We have AFP, CNN and BBC's ……”

  What do you really want from us?

  Think hard first, then answer, Because you only get so many chances.

  Enough is enough, enough hypocrisy for this one world.

  We want one world, one dream, and peace on earth.

  This big blue earth is big enough for all of us.

Just keep on going the way you are with hard work and self belief.you are doing great.haters will always be haters.I wish you all the best on the behalf of 180 million people of Pakistan.GOD speed.:tup:
Ofcourse China is supporting North Korea. The question is more like why shouldn't China supprt North Korea. It's in china's best interest to support it. If US can support Saddam when it good for US interest then China can do the same. And there is need to have a explanation for it. When US stop doing thing the way they want,then ask China to stop thing China wants.

I double US want make things worst in Middle East. It's not in their best interest to have war in that area. Irak war was in the best interest of USofA.

China does not, and has not for a long time, support North Korea. China, in a Wikileaks article, stated that they wanted to end its North Korean relations and considered North Korea to be a "spoiled child". China also reacted angrily when North Korea detonated its nuclear weapon in 2009.

China seems to support North Korea because it can't do anything else. North Korea is right on China's border, and any conflict will bring the entire region to chaos. China does not want that. China also does not want a fanatical leader threatening war on China's borders with nuclear weapons.
Good that you want a conversation ...

On N Korea's side: why do you refuse to sign a non-aggression treaty with us? We are not to be that foolish to surrender our nuclear weapon, so you can walk into our country...

On China's side: Can't you stop selling weapons to our province Taiwan? Can you guarantee that you will not invade N Korea and then station your troop on our door step?

Give your non-hypocrite answer now, Mr. TruthSeeker? :woot:

gpit, you are an American. Why are you asking me to answer these questions for America?

IF I were the "King" of America, then I would not sign a non-aggression treaty with North Korea because I do not want to help that regime to survive. I believe the regime is a great burden for the Korean people and I would not do anything to prop it up. On the other hand I would never invade it either unless it was selling nuclear weapons to people might attack the USA. So I could make a non-invasion guarantee to China with that proviso.

If I were "King" I would continue to sell weapons to Taiwan as long as Taiwan had not re-united with China. Let China convince the Taiwanese to rejoin the "mother country" in a peaceful way with economic and political incentives. Then Taiwan would really be a province of China. Surely the savings in military spending that would result for both would easily pay for any incentives required. However, I believe that the authoritarian PRC regime, today, could not tolerate the amount of autonomy required to woo the Taiwanese. Maybe in another generation this reunion will occur.
gpit, you are an American. Why are you asking me to answer these questions for America?

IF I were the "King" of America, then I would not sign a non-aggression treaty with North Korea because I do not want to help that regime to survive. I believe the regime is a great burden for the Korean people and I would not do anything to prop it up. On the other hand I would never invade it either unless it was selling nuclear weapons to people might attack the USA. So I could make a non-invasion guarantee to China with that proviso.

If I were "King" I would continue to sell weapons to Taiwan as long as Taiwan had not re-united with China. Let China convince the Taiwanese to rejoin the "mother country" in a peaceful way with economic and political incentives. Then Taiwan would really be a province of China. Surely the savings in military spending that would result for both would easily pay for any incentives required. However, I believe that the authoritarian PRC regime, today, could not tolerate the amount of autonomy required to woo the Taiwanese. Maybe in another generation this reunion will occur.

let me ask 1 question then: do you think that the 40 year old weapons you sold to Taiwan will make a significant difference? Even if the US sold F-22s to Taiwan it won't make a difference, why would F-16s make a difference?
We want you to help contain the nuclear genie so that that peaceful world you aspire to will be achieved. That means stop coddling your crazy nuclear nephew Kim Jong-il and help us stop the mad mullahs of Iran from getting the bomb, too. How can you support these regimes in their quest for nuclear weapons and say you want "peace on earth"?

well,who developed nuclear weapon first and who USED nuclear weapon first? how many people did it killed?we thank US for ending the WWII.but what did u do after the WWII?cold war,korean war,vietnan war,iraq war....who has the most nuclear weapons in the world?u already have the most powerful nuclear weapons.now u say this world shoud be peaceful.one Kim Jong-il down,thousands Kim Jong-ils stand up~~Maybe china can stop north korea developing nuc-weapon. but it cannot stop people and other countries like Kim and North korea.

whose army is everywhere in the world? Whose army is fighting every year?for what reason?to give other countries decromcy?or give other countries war?

peaceful world means u can send 3 aircraft carriers along other countries coast?means u can fire weapon on other countries' land?means u can do everything u want while others cannot?means ur marines can rape japanese girls without being punished?means u can possess the energy,resouce of all the humanity?

american is a country with more than 200 years history. it is the biggest and strongest country ever been exist in the world.u make the rules of the world now.

while china has a history of more than 2000 years.i feel proud. not because we have such a long history.i am proud of after so many dynasties founded and disappear,i still born and grew up with chinese culture.i still live in the place of east asia,chinese mailand.we use chinese characteristics.we learn chinese poets which were written 1200 years ago.though world has changed a lot,we still r people that other people called chinese.thats enough.this is really different from Alexander empire,Rome empire,Asia Syria Empire,Ottoman Turkey,Arabic,perssia。。。。i have the faith that 1000 years later ,there will still be people grown up with CHINESE CULTURE.and,can US do this?1000years later,will there be people be proud of saying i am the Descendant of US?

US should check the method when it deal with other countries
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well,who developed nuclear weapon first and who USED nuclear weapon first? how many people did it killed?we thank US for ending the WWII.but what did u do after the WWII?cold war,korean war,vietnan war,iraq war....who has the most nuclear weapons in the world?u already have the most powerful nuclear weapons.now u say this world shoud be peaceful.one Kim Jong-il down,thousands Kim Jong-ils stand up~~Maybe china can stop north korea developing nuc-weapon. but it cannot stop people and other countries like Kim and North korea.

whose army is everywhere in the world? Whose army is fighting every year?for what reason?to give other countries decromcy?or give other countries war?

peaceful world means u can send 3 aircraft carriers along other countries coast?means u can fire weapon on other countries' land?means u can do everything u want while others cannot?means ur marines can rape japanese girls without being punished?means u can possess the energy,resouce of all the humanity?

american is a country with more than 200 years history. it is the biggest and strongest country ever been exist in the world.u make the rules of the world now.

while china has a history of more than 2000 years.i feel proud. not because we have such a long history.i am proud of after so many dynasties founded and disappear,i still born,grown up with chinese culture.i still live in the place of east asia,chinese mailand.we use chinese characteristics.we learn chinese poets which were written800years ago.though it has changed a lot,we r people that other people called chinese.thats enough.this is really different from Alexander empire,Rome empire,Asia Syria Empire,Ottoman Turkey,Arabic,perssia。。。。i have the faith that 1000 years later ,there will still be people grown up with CHINESE CULTURE.and,can US do this?1000years later,will there be people be proud of saying i am the Descendant of US?

US should check the method when it deal with other countries

He's Indian. No need to over react...
Americans are too powerless to invade north korea, because they know China's might will thwart any foreign aggression on the Korean peninsula. Now their strategy is to drive a wedge between china and north korea.

They want china to sanction the koreans, starve them, kill them. Like the Americans have done to countless peoples--Iraqis, Iranians, Cubans, and on and on. Once the sanctions have weakened the koreans, they will move in, as they did in iraq, as purported liberators.

Americans are cunning and manipulative; but their tricks are transparent.

Support human rights; support China's policy of peacefully reforming North Korea.
The american korean policy is an abuse of human rights, just as they continue to abuse human rights by murder and torture, extraordinary rendition and military occupation.
gpit, you are an American. Why are you asking me to answer these questions for America?

IF I were the "King" of America, then I would not sign a non-aggression treaty with North Korea because I do not want to help that regime to survive. I believe the regime is a great burden for the Korean people and I would not do anything to prop it up. On the other hand I would never invade it either unless it was selling nuclear weapons to people might attack the USA. So I could make a non-invasion guarantee to China with that proviso.

If I were "King" I would continue to sell weapons to Taiwan as long as Taiwan had not re-united with China. Let China convince the Taiwanese to rejoin the "mother country" in a peaceful way with economic and political incentives. Then Taiwan would really be a province of China. Surely the savings in military spending that would result for both would easily pay for any incentives required. However, I believe that the authoritarian PRC regime, today, could not tolerate the amount of autonomy required to woo the Taiwanese. Maybe in another generation this reunion will occur.

Don’t know why I can’t ask you? Because you are my fellow countryman? Sorry, if there is inconvenience in that, but I regard this a public forum.

We have seen thousands of innocent American sons and daughters died for ideological purity. I feel extremely bad for their parents and loved ones.

This is the scene very much like the British King, claiming to be on God side, requested religions purity, causing the misery of many who eventually fled to America. It is a human tragedy that history keeps repeating in a different format when the descendents of the Puritans and their fellow countrymen are strong, rich and proclaimed to be on God side.

In this world, there are too many things that we don’t like and we don’t know even if we claim we know them. And it’s silly trying to make everything in the world our thing.

GW Bush had fully believed that Saddam had nukes, so he illegally invaded Iraq. In fact, God told Bush to invade Iraq. He thus said: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did. George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq' | World news | The Guardian

Funny, why God didn't ask George go for NK which poses a more direct threat to US personals than Saddam. Maybe China is there. :lol:

When evangelizing, especially trying to follow up with forces, how do you know you are not working for Satan?

If people of NK can’t live with their system, they’ll find a way out themselves. Resorting to force to impose a system is a rogue behavior of Satan.

It is a human nature that China wants a buffer zone as there is no Sino-US trust. I’m fully sure neither US not China would intentionally like to pit a 2nd Korea War (except of course some fanatics nurturing decades long personal hatred), since both countries learnt each other around 60 years ago. If there is no such trust, NK will only hijack the situation and does whatever it wants.

An important difference here is that NK is a sovereign independent country, but SK is not. Thus, China can’t be in charge to disarm NK, but US can be in charge to reign SK not to provoke NK by doing military exercises in a disputed region at lease, and perhaps US forces should be withdrawn from the peninsular (to Japan for instance) to create a environment of peace.

If the US keeps selling Taiwan weapons, the trust with China will never be established. Even a kid knows this. If there is no trust, how could the US gain what it wants? How would China not suspect foreign forces on Korea peninsular? Why should China not prevent NK from falling? How could China not cast doubtful eyes on anything that the US is doing, including but not limited to Iran issue, Afghanistan situation, etc.?

At current trend, I personally believe Taiwan would eventually be unified with mainland, it doesn’t matter how the US wants. The most US can do is to make some money from Taiwan.

Thus all the balls seem on US court. Nonetheless, this argument is based on Eastern philosophy that if you yield one inch to me, I’ll yield one inch to you. Western philosophy is perhaps: whenever there is an inch, I must gain it, because I try to prevent what if I yield an inch but you don’t.

If China has doubt, how could the US feel easy?

Of course I want US to be strong and rich. But this shouldn’t be based on making others weak and poor. In today’s world, you can never be really rich when others are poor; you can never be really safe when others are in danger; and you can never be loved when you hate the others.

If you say: I don’t want China to love us. So be it! And we are on our own, and stop asking for help from China about NK!

BTW, jingoism works only for a moment, and can’t be hoped to last long. Calcualted analysis is the key to win.

BTW again, do you know cutting down military spending is bad for some Americans on the top of food chain?
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