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WHY Pakistanis don't like the US?

It is a fair question on the face of it, but an equally important question is why increasing numbers in USA don't like Pakistan either. Such questions must be asked of both sides, to see what can be done to lay the foundations of repairing damaged ties, for mutual benefit.

I'm not talking about why dumb-***** on both sides don't like the other. There are stupid idiots like followers of Maulana Fazlur Rehman who don't like America just because they are Yahood-o-Nassara. America doesn't need to worry about them, just like we don't need to worry about why probably the Ku Klux Klan does not like us.

The main problems are when even the smarter people don't like you. The people in the know in America usually like us, they fight for us, they risk their lives for us. Codepink is a brilliant example of America's finest. The same sheep class in America who are being lied to about us are the ones who may increasingly not like us. They are being lied to by the other kind of smart people the ones with an agenda. They know they can steer their herd in any direction. Early in Musharraf's time, the sheep was told to like Pakistan and they did. Now they are being told to dislike. This sort of control is the Sheep's problem.

I repeat the question is fundamentally wrong and purposely tries to get a skewed type of answer.
The pursuit of national interests is supreme, and it is unfair to single out USA for doing that. ALL nations have done it throughout history and will continue to do it in the future. ALL nations, without exception. It is just that some do it better than others, for a period of time.

There are 7-8 countries in the world having nuclear weapons and YET none of them used them in an actual war, let alone using them on civilians, except for USA.

Got my drift ?
Man, I hate these assholes that accuse me of bad-mouthing the foreign policy of the country I live in.

I pay my taxes to live here and am a citizen. I have every right to throw **** at the government.

What kind of examples do these coconuts give?

If my own son was found drinking, I would personally call the police on him in Pakistan.

So what is this bullshit that these white-washed Pakistani/Indians claim about not being grateful?

What's wrong is wrong, and what's right is right.
The nut-cases on PDF don't fool me...Pakistanis (deep in their heart) love the US. PS...A1lkaid has several US Flag towels....
If you dont want Indians to respond, post your $hit in a Pakistan only forum.....

Nobody asked you, you degenerate subspecies. Obsessed with Pakistanis and the admins of this forum give you a pass to do this, pathetic and ugly just like that face in your avatar.

The nut-cases on PDF don't fool me...Pakistanis (deep in their heart) love the US.

Be honest, you hate this country sometimes too.
Nobody asked you, you degenerate subspecies. Obsessed with Pakistanis and the admins of this forum give you a pass to do this, pathetic and ugly just like that face in your avatar.

Be honest, you hate this country sometimes too...

Very American response really....(sub humans and all)
Very American response really....(sub humans and all)

He's a indian, that's how I treat the internet stock of Indians, especially on this forum, they deserve the abuse they get from me. Believe me it's not nearly half as bad as what I would do to them in reality face-to-face...
He's a indian, that's how I treat the internet stock of Indians, especially on this forum, they deserve the abuse they get from me. Believe me it's not nearly half as bad as what I would do to them in reality face-to-face...
And like I said...very American response (most have a group to hate....but we spread it out...so it doesn't get tooo crazy)
And like I said...very American response (most have a group to hate....but we spread it out...so it doesn't get tooo crazy)

You guys getting ready to burn some crosses? :lol:
And like I said...very American response (most have a group to hate....but we spread it out...so it doesn't get tooo crazy)

Hatred isn't exclusive to Americans, America opinion is diverse, some hateful some peaceful and friendly. So what exactly constitutes as an "American response", nothing really is an "American response" that's a meaningless phrase...

The nut-cases on PDF don't fool me...Pakistanis (deep in their heart) love the US. PS...A1lkaid has several US Flag towels....

Yeah right, don't own any US flags, but do have an American girlfriend, and my friends and colleagues are American.
The main problems are when even the smarter people don't like you. The people in the know in America usually like us, they fight for us, they risk their lives for us. Codepink is a brilliant example of America's finest. The same sheep class in America who are being lied to about us are the ones who may increasingly not like us. They are being lied to by the other kind of smart people the ones with an agenda. They know they can steer their herd in any direction. Early in Musharraf's time, the sheep was told to like Pakistan and they did. Now they are being told to dislike. This sort of control is the Sheep's problem.

I repeat the question is fundamentally wrong and purposely tries to get a skewed type of answer.

To be fair, sheeple are found on both sides too. Can you deny that people in Pakistan are being manipulated too?

There are 7-8 countries in the world having nuclear weapons and YET none of them used them in an actual war, let alone using them on civilians, except for USA.

Got my drift ?

So how many of the nuclear club had nuclear weapons towards the end of WW2? None. How many would have used them IF they had them then? ALL of them.

Your "drift" is rather pointless here.
He's a indian, that's how I treat the internet stock of Indians, especially on this forum, they deserve the abuse they get from me. Believe me it's not nearly half as bad as what I would do to them in reality face-to-face...

Try and stick to the topic instead of flaming , the thread may get derailed.

Thank you
The nut-cases on PDF don't fool me...Pakistanis (deep in their heart) love the US. PS...A1lkaid has several US Flag towels....

yes if you have been historically in a deep alliance with a country, so its natural...but things got worst only in last decade, when the war went complicated for Pakistan (which has divided pakistanis)...We generally try to remember our long-term relationship as well, though things at both sides are fractious...

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