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Will Vietnam’s FDI-led economy get stuck in a middle income trap?

Vietnam is basically little China. From government, to culture, to economic policy. Particularly in the field of Economic Vietnam is actually emulating China in the 80s, but only time will tell whether or not it will follow through like China.

To me Vietnam's weakness lies in its state run company.

Historically, that's the reason why the French referred to Vietnam as 'Cochin-China'.
To me Vietnam's weakness lies in its state run company.
we killed lots of state owned companies in the 90s, millions were laid off....it was painful and controversial at the time but definitely crucial for our economy boom in 2000s. Zhu Rongji was the unsung hero of those reforms and for that i respect him very much.
Vietnam may need similar reforms, but whether or not VCP will do it and how good they are at controlling the side effects are still questionable....
we killed lots of state owned companies in the 90s, millions were laid off....it was painful and controversial at the time but definitely crucial for our economy boom in 2000s. Zhu Rongji was the unsung hero of those reforms and for that i respect him very much.
Vietnam may need similar reforms, but whether or not VCP will do it and how good they are at controlling the side effects are still questionable....

Very firm cooperation between Zhu Rongji and Koizumi Junichiro... ;)
Investment is a multi-lateral front.

Since Chinese firms don't feel comfortable in Vietnam's environment, they're moving out.

That will be replaced by other countries like Japan, Korea and India. And even their Southeastern partners like Singapore.
we killed lots of state owned companies in the 90s, millions were laid off....it was painful and controversial at the time but definitely crucial for our economy boom in 2000s. Zhu Rongji was the unsung hero of those reforms and for that i respect him very much.
Vietnam may need similar reforms, but whether or not VCP will do it and how good they are at controlling the side effects are still questionable....

To me its more like damn gamble. Killing of state assets to appropriate the fund for something else. Its not the same as cutting our fuel subsidies that's for sure.
Very firm cooperation between Zhu Rongji and Koizumi Junichiro... ;)
o_Oi don't know much about that....i was too young at the time....
To me its more like damn gamble. Killing of state assets to appropriate the fund for something else. Its not the same as cutting our fuel subsidies that's for sure.
that's why i said it was controversial. but if we look back now, the 90s was scary....they had to do something or 'china collapse' would have come true...luckily we survived.
o_Oi don't know much about that....i was too young at the time....

that's why i said it was controversial. but if we look back now, the 90s was scary....they had to do something or 'china collapse' would have come true...luckily we survived.

That was Best Time of Japan China relations! It was honey moon period!
that's why i said it was controversial. but if we look back now, the 90s was scary....they had to do something or 'china collapse' would have come true...luckily we survived.

Talk about hit or miss. I'm glad I wasn't the guy in the batter box. Luckily though we cut fuel sub at the start of the fuel drop.
& the VCP don't?

VCP can reach to level of Indonesia.

"As for corruption, your cops ask for bribes openly which is far beyond the imagination of our people on how far corruption can go..."

Dude,if you don't have some good points to respond, better choice is silence...

You compare highest ranking corrupted Chinese officials in CPC with Vietnamese corps (thay may be are not members of VCP).

Do you understand What is different here ?

You have good choice.

Vietnam is basically little China. From government, to culture, to economic policy. Particularly in the field of Economic Vietnam is actually emulating China in the 80s, but only time will tell whether or not it will follow through like China.

To me Vietnam's weakness lies in its state run company.

both CPC and VCP copied from Stalin model in the past and from Capitalism now.

Historically, that's the reason why the French referred to Vietnam as 'Cochin-China'.

Historically, CPC and VCP is copied what 明治天皇 did in past.:enjoy:
VCP can reach to level of Indonesia.

Vietnam will never attain Indonesian standards of living. It just won't happen. :pop:

You compare highest ranking corrupted Chinese officials in CPC with Vietnamese corps (thay may be are not members of VCP).

Do you understand What is different here ?

And those high ranking CCP members were prosecuted for corruption. You have high ranking VCP members that are even more corrupt and nothing happens to them as they continue to plunder Vietnam while the average Viet's living standards haven't improved in 20 years. The fact that you think not exposing and prosecuting high ranking government officials is better shows why Vietnam will continue to be the worst country in Asia in every measure. :agree:
you should improve the uniqueness of your language, since it sounds like Chinese.

Maybe after the word, Vietnamese can make up some new thing.
Vietnamese does not sound remotely even close to Cantonese or Mandarin to me.

A least we troll with fact and data and logic,while u guys with your imagination and suspicion.
How can China become the largest iphone market last year and has a double digit growth rate every year in consumption market if large amount of money is flowing out?
As for corruption, your cops ask for bribes openly which is far beyond the imagination of our people on how far corruption can go...
Seriously, quite easy to find your nation's flaws.But it's nonsense.
A person gets respect from his attitude instead of crying and making a mess.

If you go to Vietnam, the corrupt airport guards expect you to put $20 USD in your passport if they think your surname is Vietnamese. Corruption is Vietnam.
:D :D :D


@EastSea @Nihonjin1051 @bolo @Reashot Xigwin and others
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Vietnam will never attain Indonesian standards of living. It just won't happen. :pop:

And those high ranking CCP members were prosecuted for corruption. You have high ranking VCP members that are even more corrupt and nothing happens to them as they continue to plunder Vietnam while the average Viet's living standards haven't improved in 20 years. The fact that you think not exposing and prosecuting high ranking government officials is better shows why Vietnam will continue to be the worst country in Asia in every measure. :agree:

I said about VCP, communist corrupted official. To take money from state budget, VCP have to follow CCP. CCP is the worst dictatorship in the world. It is reported that High ranking officials of CCP is continouesly arested.

Vietnamese does not sound remotely even close to Cantonese or Mandarin to me.

If you go to Vietnam, the corrupt airport guards expect you to put $20 USD in your passport if they think your surname is Vietnamese. Corruption is Vietnam.

you are liar. Is lying belong to Chinese character ?

Vietnamese does not sound remotely even close to Cantonese or Mandarin to me.

If you go to Vietnam, the corrupt airport guards expect you to put $20 USD in your passport if they think your surname is Vietnamese. Corruption is Vietnam.

you are liar. is lying belong to Chinese character ?
I said about VCP, communist corrupted official. To take money from state budget, VCP have to follow CCP. CCP is the worst dictatorship in the world. It is reported that High ranking officials of CCP is continouesly arested.

you are liar. Is lying belong to Chinese character ?

you are liar. is lying belong to Chinese character ?

What part about "Vietnam is so corrupt that no one is arrested" do you have trouble processing? One of the reasons why Vietnam will continue to be the biggest shithole in Asia is because Viets can't understand simple factual statements - like the one I made about Vietnam being more corrupt than China.

And here's proof: 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index -- Results

China is 19 spots better than Vietnam. And Vietnam will never reach Indonesian levels of economic and human development. :pop:

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