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Will Vietnam’s FDI-led economy get stuck in a middle income trap?

No, they just put you in a waiting room, just wasting your time and they search your luggage to give you trouble. A former co worker of mine and I were going to VN for work. He claimed to be Chinese, speaks Chinese but his fxxking surname is Viet. So they said to him, " You know, when you come back for a visit, you should bring a gift." Other older Viets slipped money in their passport.

he didn't get much trouble because he spoke in English and kept telling the guard he's not Vietnamese but Chinese, LOL. I had no issue I don't have a Vnese last name.

lying is habitat of chinese.

What part about "Vietnam is so corrupt that no one is arrested" do you have trouble processing? One of the reasons why Vietnam will continue to be the biggest shithole in Asia is because Viets can't understand simple factual statements - like the one I made about Vietnam being more corrupt than China.

And here's proof: 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index -- Results

China is 19 spots better than Vietnam. And Vietnam will never reach Indonesian levels of economic and human development. :pop:

china is biggest shithole in the world.

Thinktank of Hu Jin Tao 胡锦涛 is arrested. Leadership of CCP earn to much money from his politic bussines.

Chinese Judicial System Investigated for Corruption - Borgen Project
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lying is habitat of chinese.

china is biggest shithole in the world.

Thinktank of Hu Jin Tao 胡锦涛 is arrested. Leadership of CCP earn to much money from his politic bussines.

Chinese Judicial System Investigated for Corruption - Borgen Project

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China is 91. Vietnam is 121. As well as more corrupt, Vietnam is also a worse place to live. I provide you with rankings and facts. You provide me with sensationalist articles that actually reaffirm my point - that the reason you're hearing about corrupt high ranking Chinese officials is because China is actually prosecuting them.

When has Vietnam ever prosecuted a high ranking official for corruption? Are you saying that Vietnam is not corrupt? If that's the case, then why is it so much worse than China in the transparency international rankings? Obviously it's because no one gets in trouble for corruption in Vietnam because Vietnamese people are satisfied with being the worst country in Asia with no hope of ever improving.

Meanwhile, Viets live with their imaginary "moral" victories while their leaders will never be prosecuted for robbing the Vietnamese people blind while completely failing to enrich the lives of their malnourished citizens. All the while, Viets look at their country around them, 30 spots worse than China on the human development index, and realize how truly pathetic and worthless their lives are. And then they troll PDF to vent their frustrations. :pop:
When has providing these Vietcongs with actual facts ever stopped them from laughing at us by posting "humiliating" photos of Chinese people, be it their women holding AK-47 pointing at Chinese soldiers, corrupt Chinese officials on trial anything that is supposed to put us in shame according to their logic they will use it for their own pleasure just to proof something totally irrelevant.
What does the Viet surname look like?Don't they have different characters ?

Vietnamese names are basically Chinese surnames. Before China came and gave Vietnam the gift of civilization, Viets were a loosely associated tribe of itinerant scavengers.

When has providing these Vietcongs with actual facts ever stopped them from laughing at us by posting "humiliating" photos of Chinese people, be it their women holding AK-47 pointing at Chinese soldiers, corrupt Chinese officials on trial anything that is supposed to put us in shame according to their logic they will use it for their own pleasure just to proof something totally irrelevant.

That's the precise reason why Vietnam will forever remain the laughing stock of Asia. They'd rather post random pictures and delude themselves than *actually* improving their economy, corruption, and living standards.

When they're finally forced to face facts and they come to realize they're poor, technologically backwards, economically and militarily impotent, they respond in the traditional Vietnamese way - asking for handouts.

Be it handouts for spare clothing for their children, free rusty coast guard ships, or foreign help to unify the Sub-Mekong area. If it's free, they demand that you "gibs it to them." If you don't give it to them, they'll resort to looting and burning factories. :pop:
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You know the saying "monkey see, monkey do", hey inspirations need to come from somewhere ya know :lol:
Truth hurts, it's wishful thinking to completely separate Vietnam from Sino sphere, we are attached to each other and we are also their biggest trading partner. No matter how much these nationalistic Viets hate Chinese they can't cut ties with big boss China. :big_boss:

Very true. Given the sad pathetic state of Vietnam - worse than a war-torn Syria infested with ISIS - it's only a matter of time before the Viet president prostrates himself before Xi Jinping and begs for another 1000 years of Chinese rule to straighten out that dungheap. :lol:
Very true. Given the sad pathetic state of Vietnam - worse than a war-torn Syria infested with ISIS - it's only a matter of time before the Viet president prostrates himself before Xi Jinping and begs for another 1000 years of Chinese rule to straighten out that dungheap. :lol:
i hope not, we don't want to feed these ingrates or help them, they already gave us a bloody nose :cray:
Vietcongs and Indians are buddies

Not exactly
Read the article again please. It says:

"Because of the large flows of FDI, Vietnam has been increasingly intertwined in the machinery supply chains developed by multinational corporations in East Asia. Machinery is becoming increasingly important in Vietnam’s trade structure: it accounted for more than 30 per cent of Vietnam’s exports in 2013."

I think oil and gas account for 1/4 of their economy before the price drops
But Vietnam's garment industry is one of the global manufacturing players that you have to recognise alongside Bangladesh


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