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Zaid Hamid interview with Radio Islam – South Africa

Thats unfortunate. He should have verified twice to make such claims. Anyway, he is not a news resource that if found false shouldn't be trusted again. He could be wrong but Iqbal was the scholar of centuries. I don't find any reason why I shouldn't listen to him when he talks of Islamic History, Life of Caliphs or Philosophy of Iqbal. Don't judge him on wrong parameters, there is a good side to it which you cannot malign him because his "told" news is not correct.

A Message to Zaid Hamid if he would listen (which I hope he does from this forum), Please stop proving yourself a super-human who knows everything. You are good at what you are and also PLEASE double check everything before you post. Some false posts/news items would harm your credibility more than you think it would.
So what he has done a mistake, but you can't deny that he is not a patriotic Pakistani, at least he is doing something to try and improve and revive Pakistan, unlike most Pakistani's, who are all talk but not the walk. Before you point fingers onto other's remember, 3 fingers will always point back to you.

Pakistan Zindabad
For Zahid Hamid whatever he says he is always interesting and also he is doing whatever he thinks is right, at least he has his intentions correct.

He as a patriot person is doing what he considers in right in favor of his country. And also we should recall something called freedom of speech, it applies here too, also hasn't killed or harmed any of those who he calls enemies of Pakistan.

Chilax .. BTW why does those Mullas do bad stuff in the first place for which they ultimately land in the hot seat .. !
Frankly the Mullas as being percieved as most religious should be extreemly carefull as they are being watched by huge majority. But they cant controll the the flow of adrenaline/ and why should they.. Akhir un ka bi dil darahkta he aur wo bi hamari tarah insan hein ..

Its a shame, that we are blaming thousands of Mullahs for wrong doings of only a few handful ones, even when we can see all the scholars and religious personalities always protesting against them. :frown:
more funny was was semi nude ghandhi lol

Was it? We have only face on indian currency. But don't worry you will get "Lal Topi" in pic so you can laugh on it all the time. Also recently it was found out that pakistani people least smile, having Hamid's pic might improve your ranking. :D
didnt you read the news about hamid mir, how old are you??? 6 months??

hmm, Logically speaking a 6 month fetus would probably weigh between 570-680g barely developing the sense of touch. In the womb a 6 month fetus probably develops blinking as well, maybe even hiccups to.. still a very primitive time to be reading about Hamid Mir or Zion Hamid 'Into the Wild'.

Take your conspiracy, RAW, CIA, MOSSAD ideology some place else like maybe Ahmed Quereshi's website or maybe your buddy Ali Azmat would love to contribute in this dialog.
hmm, Logically speaking a 6 month fetus would probably weigh between 570-680g barely developing the sense of touch. In the womb a 6 month fetus probably develops blinking as well, maybe even hiccups to.. still a very primitive time to be reading about Hamid Mir or Zion Hamid 'Into the Wild'.

Take your conspiracy, RAW, CIA, MOSSAD ideology some place else like maybe Ahmed Quereshi's website or maybe your buddy Ali Azmat would love to contribute in this dialog.

you just exactly got my idea dude, i meant, you just came out of your mothers womb???:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::tup:
For Zahid Hamid whatever he says he is always interesting and also he is doing whatever he thinks is right, at least he has his intentions correct.

He as a patriot person is doing what he considers in right in favor of his country. And also we should recall something called freedom of speech, it applies here too, also hasn't killed or harmed any of those who he calls enemies of Pakistan.

Its a shame, that we are blaming thousands of Mullahs for wrong doings of only a few handful ones, even when we can see all the scholars and religious personalities always protesting against them. :frown:

So you consider him talking about conquering india, doing a favor for Pakistan? If he wanted to favors for Pakistan then he can tell the youth to make a difference by going out and vote, help stop corruption, help the poor, volunteer, get an education, etc instead of preaching about nonsensical thing like ghazwa e hind.
So you consider him talking about conquering india, doing a favor for Pakistan? If he wanted to favors for Pakistan then he can tell the youth to make a difference by going out and vote, help stop corruption, help the poor, volunteer, get an education, etc instead of preaching about nonsensical thing like ghazwa e hind.

y dont you stand and talk about it, if you can do it, where r u hiding???

he talks about patriotism, and you are going against him..??
y dont you stand and talk about it, if you can do it, where r u hiding???

he talks about patriotism, and you are going against him..??

First of all he's well known, so if he started to talk about these things then he would get more attention. Secondly, I don't live in Pakistan, but you do so why don't you? No, I'm against him because he sends out the wrong messages. You can be patriotic without labeling everything as a RAW, CIA, MOSSAD conspiracy or talk about the retarded idea of taking over india.
First of all he's well known, so if he started to talk about these things then he would get more attention. Secondly, I don't live in Pakistan, but you do so why don't you? No, I'm against him because he sends out the wrong messages. You can be patriotic without labeling everything as a RAW, CIA, MOSSAD conspiracy or talk about the retarded idea of taking over india.

look zaid hamid doesnt talk about the education, economic crises, but who does???,

these brave souls in dawn news, geo news, do they talk about economic crises, they spread fear in pakistan by every time telecasting bad news, the war is in the north, but its like the whole country is having a war, foreigners think, the whole country is unsafe!!

ZH is also a defence analyst, and hes not some economist and educationalist, he talks about the field in which hes professional

esp in dawn news garbages like nadeem F paracha writes nonsense, writes anti pakistan, criticises pakistani society, hes not even professional in any field, all other garbages in dawn news talk more about the pakistan identity issues which is not even an issue and leave all other matters like energy crises. read dawn news and youll get the idea.
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after what india did to us in 71 u still trust these indians..

our govt is corrupt, it gives directions to media, what to speak for a specific topic, we get all the information through the state controlled media, the news we hear is manipulated, so that govt can use this to divert minds...

after we have a history of fighting war with india and still fighting it, labeling every thing taliban generated which is merely a few years old is also "taliban conspiracy"..

No I don't trust india, but why would we want to conquer it? We have our own problems and we have our own land, whats conquering it going do for us. (It's an impossible and illogical dream).

Actually the media is pretty free in Pakistan, if it wasnt then they wouldnt be able to make fun of politicians or expose all the fake degree scandals.

So are you saying that the taliban is not responsible for all the bomb blasts and mayhem that occur in Pakistan?
So are you saying that the taliban is not responsible for all the bomb blasts and mayhem that occur in Pakistan?


we didnt even have bomb blasts untill musharraf left.., till musharraf the war was not fought on that large scale, surely he was acting an american stooge but he kept his stoogeness minimum for country's sake.

but zardari doesnt need to care for his country, the first thing is american money..
No thats not true, bomb blasts used to happen in the 80's when Zia was president.

that must have nothing to do with talibans, as zia was pro mujahidin, talibans came after zia, and im talking about musharraf time when army first attacked fata, but for entire mushy era we didnt have bomb blasts
that must have nothing to do with talibans, as zia was pro mujahidin, talibans came after zia

But you said that no bomb blasts happened until Musharraf left and thats not true. They did happen before that, especially when zia was president. As for if they were by the taliban or not who knows?

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