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Featured Donald Trump says India doesn’t fully disclose Covid-19 death toll

According Chinese member here massive death of Chinese during great leap of 20 to 30 million was a natural eugenics effort by CCP to eradicate Untermensch Chinese polluting the purity of Glorious high Han IQ genepool and hence overall improving Chinese IQ

Now, with a 21 million Untermensch Chinese drop now,


Chinese IQ would have increased even more
In order to catch up with China, you should drink more cow u***
India might have things under control purely due to its unhygenic and young general population.

Very powerful immune systems.
and what explains sudden outbreak in wuhan high iq chinese?? Have your master didn't hide the situation from world no one would have been living in the situation we are forced to live. India has kept the situation under control with 1350 million+ people living in our country.
Indians with low IQs always return their faults to others. India concealed its number of cases and was lying until February 14 India only had a few infections
If the founding father of modern India, Nehru decided to sell 10 million Indian women to USA for unspeakable purposes-


What can be expected future generation of Indian leaders

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree :enjoy:
Millions of people in India go to the United States and the Middle East to work every year. According to your logic, this is selling millions of Indian women to the United States and Arab countries. :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

India is getting utterly humiliated from every direction. Even Trump is giving it to them. COVID has destroyed India. Indian economy in complete tatters. Indian military got a good old spanking. No wonder Indians are angry.

Do the Indians still build shrines to a white supremacist? :lol:
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The COVID-19 virus was discovered in the sewers in Spain a few months earlier than in Wuhan. Indians with low IQ cannot read the news:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

In addition, India will soon surpass the United States to become the world's number one. Are you happy?

Yeah...right....so you think world believes in that?....it's still China Virus for most of the world...try harder

Besides, China hid the figures, did all things to let it spread (containing internally by stopping everything but letting it's infected people travel to rest of countries).....

Hope you guys are busy eating your exotic animal food and in process of forming a new virus....this time from cat, fox or may be cockroach!!
Yeah...right....so you think world believes in that?....it's still China Virus for most of the world...try harder

Besides, China hid the figures, did all things to let it spread (containing internally by stopping everything but letting it's infected people travel to rest of countries).....

Hope you guys are busy eating your exotic animal food and in process of forming a new virus....this time from cat, fox or may be cockroach!!

Spanish scientists themselves said so.

Yeah...right....so you think world believes in that?....it's still China Virus for most of the world...try harder

Besides, China hid the figures, did all things to let it spread (containing internally by stopping everything but letting it's infected people travel to rest of countries).....

Hope you guys are busy eating your exotic animal food and in process of forming a new virus....this time from cat, fox or may be cockroach!!
Scientists believe in science, which is the most important.
You politicians and the media cannot distort science, and politicians in most countries in the world will follow the advice of scientists, except India and the United States. :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
The rumors in your media will only lead to populism, pandemics, and economic decline. This is the price you pay for believing rumors. This is what China would like to see.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Donald Trump says India doesn’t fully disclose Covid-19 death toll
Trump was responding to debate moderator Chris Wallace's question on why the American people should trust him more than his opponent Joe Biden to deal with the public health crisis caused by Covid-19.
By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Updated: September 30, 2020 2:45:10 pm
Donald Trump, Presidential Debate, Trump on India, India Covid-19 deaths, Coronavirus news, Trump vs Biden, Indian Express
President Donald Trump speaks during the first presidential debate with Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020, at Case Western University and Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

US President Donald Trump Wednesday claimed India was among the countries that do not accurately disclose the number of deaths due to Covid-19. Speaking in the first presidential debate against his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, Trump said India, China and Russia “did not exactly give a straight count” on deaths due to the novel coronavirus.

“When you talk about numbers, you don’t know how many people died in China. You don’t know the deaths in Russia or in India… they don’t exactly give you a straight count, just so you understand,” Trump said to Biden after the latter highlighted the United States has more than seven million cases and over 200,000 deaths.

“By closing the country early, we saved thousands of lives… If it was left to you, millions of people would have died. You could have never have done the job we did. You don’t have the blood to do the job,” Trump told Biden.

Biden had claimed Trump had “no plan” to combat the pandemic. “The President has no plan. He knew in February how serious this crisis was, but what did he do? I laid out in March what we should be doing, and did so again in July. We should we providing funds to people so they can get the help they need,” Biden said.
“Fund what needs to be done now to save lives,” he told Trump.

Trump and Biden were responding to moderator Chris Wallace’s question on why the American people should trust them more than their opponent to deal with the public health crisis caused by Covid-19.

The first debate ahead of the US elections on November 3 saw the two candidates spar on several topics, including the vacant Supreme Court seat, the ongoing protests against racial inequality, healthcare, climate change and mail-in ballots. While Biden was targeted for his son Hunter Biden’s alleged Ukraine links, Trump was questioned over a report that alleged he paid only $750 in taxes in the first two years of his presidency.

Wednesday’s debate was the first of three scheduled ahead of the US polls. The next will take place on October 15, followed by the third on October 22. The Vice Presidential debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris is slated for October 7.

He speaks the truth.

To Trump, every other countries are lying. He cannot accept the bare fact that the death toll in the US is the world's highest, with all the bragging about the quality of its healthcare system.

I do not deny that quality of some niche areas of healthcare in the US may be the world's best, but the average quality of the US doctors and nurses may be too poor, by first world and second world standards.

Do you deny the charge?

No one is reporting COVID deaths accurately, In the US, COVID deaths are massively over reported.
The total deaths in September and October 2020 from all causes is lower than total deaths in the same period in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

So less people have died in the US in the last three month than in the same period in the last three years - bizarre, the pandemic is killing less people :crazy:

You try very very hard to defend India.

What is more surprising is how you are still here, and how did u become TTA...
Do you deny the charge?

I do not say he is right or wrong, but will not take his words seriously. If we want to say India statistics is not correct, we should find other sources.

Trump is notorious for speaking against truths.
That’s why you are number one in the pandemic :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

Yes, we are no1 in pandemic deaths, unfortunately, when you look at numbers submitted by countries. Nobody believes your death count, because china has lied about their death counts in almost all major calamities. BUT if deaths count = low IQ. China would take the cake for purposefully allowing 30 million of its citizens to starve to death.
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