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Is India's Tajikistan airbase a major threat in case of war?

Seriously people use of Farkhor air base in a air campaign is highly debatable. In my personal opinion Farkhor will not be used for air campaign unless ofcourse India offer Tajak's something they cant refuse !
But the saner ideas would be --

1) Position of special ops forces.
2) Positioning sensitive Intelligence equipment
3) Just to create a sense of doubt amognst PAF to keep some reserves to handle Tajak base.

After all India doesnt need to attack or intrude PAK air space to achive this ! What if the fighters take off from Farkhor -- they come close to Pak border and then turn back -- It will be cat and mouse game -- It will just create some unwanted pressure for Pakistan !

:woot:would you care to explain the bold part, please?
After all India doesnt need to attack or intrude PAK air space to achive this ! What if the fighters take off from Farkhor -- they come close to Pak border and then turn back -- It will be cat and mouse game -- It will just create some unwanted pressure for Pakistan !
Two ways to get to Pakistan - north over the Himalayas and over a narrow strip of land, or East over Afghanistan. IAF fighters detected over Afghanistan would be likely taken as a threat and engaged (hence all the noise about Afghanistan being a 'neutral state' from the West, Russia and China), especially during a war or State of high tensions, and in either case it would be very hard for India to explain what its fighters were doing so far from their airbase close to Pakistan and in Afghan airspace, if not on offensive missions against Pakistan.

But back to the base - deployed fighter numbers are too low to really be an offensive force, plus the other constraints mentioned before. The likely use of the base, militarily, is as a hedge against a Taliban like takeover of Afghanistan, and the need to target any potential anti-India groups operating out of Afghanistan in such a situation. After all, if the IAF bombed targets in Afghanistan (under control of a Taliban regime) in the throes of a civil war, who would the Taliban complain to and what would they be able to do in response? They would have neither diplomatic nor military clout.

India would claim the same rationale the US does.
if not now,soon pak will realize who is real threat 4 them.and in that case they will forget that base.btw pak shouts more abt india coz army knows they will not have their existence without india label
Two ways to get to Pakistan - north over the Himalayas and over a narrow strip of land, or East over Afghanistan. IAF fighters detected over Afghanistan would be likely taken as a threat and engaged (hence all the noise about Afghanistan being a 'neutral state' from the West, Russia and China), especially during a war or State of high tensions, and in either case it would be very hard for India to explain what its fighters were doing so far from their airbase close to Pakistan and in Afghan airspace, if not on offensive missions against Pakistan.

First things first -- how would you know its an IAF fighter ? and not a NATO or American fighter or Tajik or Soviet fighter for it to be considered as a threat ? AWEC cant make distinction on the origin of fighters untill and unless their frequency is with them. Second threat -- the narrow strip of land is all it takes -- if Kargil operations can be carried out without crossing LOC then these missions can be carried out using that narrow strip as well.

As you pointed out -- any fighters orginating from that area will be considered as threat -- but this would mean actively monitoring that base and if fighters do originate then dedicating CAP sorties or Air defence sorties towards them -- IAF would achieve its mission of creating un-necessary pressure for PAF maybe even to the point that PAF grows lax with these missions.

And last if Pakistani AWEC does vector PAF fighters to interdict AIF fighters then this would also be equally tracked by indian radars in Tajik ..which would advise them to return to Farkhor base --then its upto pakistan to violate Tajik territory and drag Tajik into war.

But back to the base - deployed fighter numbers are too low to really be an offensive force, plus the other constraints mentioned before. The likely use of the base, militarily, is as a hedge against a Taliban like takeover of Afghanistan, and the need to target any potential anti-India groups operating out of Afghanistan in such a situation. After all, if the IAF bombed targets in Afghanistan (under control of a Taliban regime) in the throes of a civil war, who would the Taliban complain to and what would they be able to do in response? They would have neither diplomatic nor military clout.

India would claim the same rationale the US does.

True i agree -- the primary mission would be to assist indian forces in dealing with Anti Indian elements in AF..

But these missions also could evolve into special ops missions against Pakistan (in event of war - this is the best option) or overt use of fighters against PAK in event of war (highly unlikely IMO).
if not now,soon pak will realize who is real threat 4 them.and in that case they will forget that base.btw pak shouts more abt india coz army knows they will not have their existence without india label

Its funny how many times i hear Indian members saying this although this statement holds absolutely no merit. This statement is in the same line of Indian members claiming that Pakistan Army and ISI are not interested in peace and are deliberately derailing the Peace Talks. Pakistan Army is the arms bearer of the State of Pakistan, their job is to defend Pakistan against External threats and this is a job they have done very well. India is the biggest external threat to Pakistan's sovereignty and rightfully so Pakistan Army has every reason to be worried about India's hegemonic designs. When a country threatens you with a short war and surgical strikes, its something you don't take lightly.

As far as this base is concerned, i am sure the Northern Air Command has taken note of this factor and would have prepared proper counterattack in case IAF decides to attack from the West. PAF has a proper net centric radar system active now, IAF planes will be long detected before they even come close to Afghanistan's border. For argument sake lets say IAF fighters do attack from the West, they will be violating Afghanistan's sovereignty and Tajikistan will be indirectly declaring war on Pakistan. I am sure in this case PAF will immediately launch their stand off weapons, also it would be an impossible scenario for IAF in terms of resupplying the base. So in my opinion, this base is not as big of a threat as some members are making it out to be.
The base in Tajikistan should not to left unchecked. PAF should plan for countering an attack by IAF from the Tajik Base. Logistically it will be hard for India to have continues supplies to the Tajik Base during a war, but India can always plan in advance to store enough fuel, personnel and fire power to launch an extended attack on Pakistan and hold on.
if India will use Farkhor Air Base then she will pledge defences for Tazik security as well. Using air space of Afghanistan will help India air force manifolds and it will be Pakistan's choice to declare war on both.

Please give these three line an attention and thought.

Afghanistan was never a neutral state and air space we will use would always favour India over Pakistan at any cost.
As far as babur's strike on Tazik in concerned then Pakistan will ran out of Cruise missile (if they could) before shifting battery angle towards Tazik.
The indian using Tajikistan base in on which base. ?
I think indian have many blood banks for their solders.
I thought even Iran said India can use its land to attack Pakistan this was during the kargil war if im not mistaken.
I thought even Iran said India can use its land to attack Pakistan this was during the kargil war if im not mistaken.

well how will iran provide u its base this time when it will be in its own threats of war
Russia doesnt care about anybdy except herself.Nor would they even interfere.
They didnt even give a look at wat happened in kazakistan.
Tajikistan isnt stupid to allow indias use their base against a friendly country Pakistan also a member of OIC etc.
About bear hug:rofl:

Made me remmember BEAR TRAP and the disection of the bear just 2 decades back:rofl:
This time an Eagle won't come to save your back. So tread carefully. Tajikistan is practically Russia's satellite state as most are. BTW what happened in Kazakhstan? If you are refering to Kyrgyzstan violence, it was an internal matter where no foreign country attacked. All former Soviet states have a pact with Russia for assistance and protection except Turkmenistan which is a US ally.

You're again depending on a dead organization OIC which has not military pact and only sticks to religious stuff. Get real; a lot of stuff recently happened to OIC members and none of them raised a single word.

Tajiks are closer to Russia than these. I'd say you don't make the mistake of taking credit to "dissecting Russia".

And we aren't sitting in Ayni for fashion show either. The deal has been secretive so we don't know the agreements in open. But operating a base is usually during Kandahar like situations. I honestly have no idea about why MiG-29 fighters are there. Perhaps for swift interdiction and as a protection for the ground forces and our helos stationed there.

BTW the base is shared and our stuff is mixed with Russian stuff there. An air attack of hit and run won't work there.
India's two Airbase in Tajikistan is very close to Turkic Brother States, like Uzbekistan and Kyrgistan. These Bases give India the Capabillity to Project it's Power in Central Asian direction. Turkey is also a Player in this Region and should pay Indian hegemonic Ambations more Attention !
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