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Patriots of Pakistan who did not join military, do you ever feel depressed?


Apr 13, 2020
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Patriots of Pakistan who did not join military, do you ever feel depressed that you did not join?

What is your plan now that you know a war is coming, how are you planning to help the military/country? how are you preparing yourself?

Edit: So many people are taking it the wrong way, guys I know that there are other methods to serve the country. I meant to ask what are your plans if the country is actually fighting a war.
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Military is not the only way to serve your country. If you are doing anything that is contributing to the progress of your country and doing your job honestly. You should be proud of yourself.
For your second part, the era of conventional military clash like ww2 is long gone. What you are witnessing in the form of covid 19 is a war in which every human is a soldier. So stay home stay safe!
Military is not the only way to serve your country. If you are doing anything that is contributing to the progress of your country and doing your job honestly. You should be proud of yourself.
For your second part, the era of conventional military clash like ww2 is long gone. What you are witnessing in the form of covid 19 is a war in which every human is a soldier. So stay home stay safe!

That I am doing already. But that is PEACE time contribution not war time, money only goes so far in helping the country (and I am not THAT rich). I feel ashamed and depressed that I wont be able to serve my country/fellow country men in case of war.

I wanted to be able to serve the country in making weapons or stuff, something that would require brains instead of just physical strength.

I did not mean fighting as a soldier (although, If I got a chance of shahadah, why would I give it up?).
If Pakistan declares Jihad then it would be a duty on every able Muslim to fight.

Unfortunately, Musharaff acted like a true traitor and disarmed the Pakistanis so civilians fighting is not going to be very effective since majority don't have any guns.

If Bajwa and Imran Khan declare Jihad on India then I'll InshaAllah help and join the army and be used as they see me fit. Only they have the authority and so far, they didn't use it.

I won a shooting competition arranged by army when i was in 10th grade. Can shoot any type of guns and pistols since as a Pathan, it was our culture.

I have no regrets about not joining the army. Having lived closer to army and witnessed their lifestyle, i really didn't want to go that route. Besides, i used my talents elsewhere to serve my country.
That I am doing already. But that is PEACE time contribution not war time, money only goes so far in helping the country (and I am not THAT rich). I feel ashamed and depressed that I wont be able to serve my country/fellow country men in case of war.

I wanted to be able to serve the country in making weapons or stuff, something that would require brains instead of just physical strength.

I did not mean fighting as a soldier (although, If I got a chance of shahadah, why would I give it up?).

Go join in MOD as a civilian or any defence related org if you want to feel more satisfied. Otherwise as long as you are paying your taxes and taking part in making your organisation grow. You are doing your part. You are in no way less than a soldier on the battlefield, coz ur tax money is feeding the soldier.
That I am doing already. But that is PEACE time contribution not war time, money only goes so far in helping the country (and I am not THAT rich). I feel ashamed and depressed that I wont be able to serve my country/fellow country men in case of war.

I wanted to be able to serve the country in making weapons or stuff, something that would require brains instead of just physical strength.

I did not mean fighting as a soldier (although, If I got a chance of shahadah, why would I give it up?).
Welcome to Pakistan Defence Forum :)
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That I am doing already. But that is PEACE time contribution not war time, money only goes so far in helping the country (and I am not THAT rich). I feel ashamed and depressed that I wont be able to serve my country/fellow country men in case of war.

I wanted to be able to serve the country in making weapons or stuff, something that would require brains instead of just physical strength.

I did not mean fighting as a soldier (although, If I got a chance of shahadah, why would I give it up?).

Sorry to say it but it sounds like you are depressed, full stop, you are attaching it to patriotism and shahadah unnecessarily.

None of what you have stated to desire will cure depression, maybe some bursts of adrenaline will give you short term relief but in the long term, it will be an empty exercise. Find out the true source of your problem and treat it.

People in your situation are the ones who get mislead and exploited to do horrible things by others.
Go join in MOD as a civilian or any defence related org if you want to feel more satisfied..

What are the academic/age requirements/ of joining MOD? Would I have to give up my other occupations? I do not have much academic qualifications... I am self taught software engineer, I run a small software shop.

Otherwise as long as you are paying your taxes and taking part in making your organisation grow. You are doing your part. You are in no way less than a soldier on the battlefield, coz ur tax money is feeding the soldier.

Thats how I have convinced myself so far that I am doing fine, but I dont know, I am wired differently, I just cannot fathom being a spectator and just paying out money when war is going on (which we all know is only a few years away). I want to be in front line, either fighting with guns OR in some office working with other sorts of weapons... If only I could.
That I am doing already. But that is PEACE time contribution not war time, money only goes so far in helping the country (and I am not THAT rich). I feel ashamed and depressed that I wont be able to serve my country/fellow country men in case of war.

I wanted to be able to serve the country in making weapons or stuff, something that would require brains instead of just physical strength.

I did not mean fighting as a soldier (although, If I got a chance of shahadah, why would I give it up?).

You can educate yourself and assume positions of power abroad. At least learn from the Zionists , how they were able to capture EU and USA and help Mossad/Israel in every way possible.
If Pakistan declares Jihad then it would be a duty on every able Muslim to fight.

Unfortunately, Musharaff acted like a true traitor and disarmed the Pakistanis so civilians fighting is not going to be very effective since majority don't have any guns.

If Bajwa and Imran Khan declare Jihad on India then I'll InshaAllah help and join the army and be used as they see me fit. Only they have the authority and so far, they didn't use it.

I won a shooting competition arranged by army when i was in 10th grade. Can shoot any type of guns and pistols since as a Pathan, it was our culture.

I have no regrets about not joining the army. Having lived closer to army and witnessed their lifestyle, i really didn't want to go that route. Besides, i used my talents elsewhere to serve my country.

You have the guts to call out musharraf, I refrained from it knowing how negative people here respond. I wish I was capable of using all sorts of guns and be fit enough to be useful. I am not.

Sorry to say it but it sounds like you are depressed, full stop, you are attaching it to patriotism and shahadah unnecessarily.
So you read the title, I get it. I dont know if you are muslim or not, but we are taught the concept of shahadah from early age. You are misguided if you think we attach the concept of shahadah with patriotism, we dont.

None of what you have stated to desire will cure depression, maybe some bursts of adrenaline will give you short term relief but in the long term, it will be an empty exercise. Find out the true source of your problem and treat it.
I dont think you understand the idea if willingness to serve your country when it is needed.

People in your situation are the ones who get mislead and exploited to do horrible things by others.
If it was possible, It would have happened a long time ago, It has not happened so far. I know how to see through people's BS. But anyways, I appreciate your concerns, dont be.
You have the guts to call out musharraf, I refrained from it knowing how negative people here respond. I wish I was capable of using all sorts of guns and be fit enough to be useful. I am not.

Bhai, go to any shooting range in your city and practice with a small pistol. If you live in Peshawar, i can point you out one where i frequent. The shooting range people might be helpful and help you learn to shoot.

Shooting a gun is really simple, it's just the fear that's the biggest challenge. Unfortunately, it's extremely expensive even though they use "dara guns" but hella fun.
You can educate yourself and assume positions of power abroad. At least learn from the Zionists , how they were able to capture EU and USA and help Mossad/Israel in every way possible.
This sounds like an awesome idea actually. If only I was able to conceive it when I was young. I would rather assume position of power in my country now though (too many freaking traitors). You have actually gave me a pretty good reason to pursue more education...

Bhai, go to any shooting range in your city and practice with a small pistol. If you live in Peshawar, i can point you out one where i frequent. The shooting range people might be helpful and help you learn to shoot.

Shooting a gun is really simple, it's just the fear that's the biggest challenge. Unfortunately, it's extremely expensive even though they use "dara guns" but hella fun.
Let me know about Karachi... How expensive it is?
I m mentally and physically prepared for war. I never stopped thinking like a soldier throughout my life. I have manual of training for navy seal so I do their workouts and other bodyweight exercises. In Sha Allah incase of war I will fight on the frontline with Pakistan army.
I m mentally and physically prepared for war. I never stopped thinking like a soldier throughout my life. I have manual of training for navy seal so I tey to do as much workout as they do in their training. In Sha Allah incase of war I will fight on the frontline with Pakistan army.
seriously? are you following that manual?

I have heard that they make you hunt and eat RAW animals, wood, etc. And that they teach you how to swim in the sea (different from swimming in a pool).

A navy seal's workout is pretty intense, how are you doing it on your own?

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