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Stop demeaning Indian soldiers

Lol. Kargil was a complete military and diplomatic victory for India. What pressure by Clinton? Clinton didn't go to Pak. Your Sartaj Aziz first came to India asking for a face saving exit. And when shown the door, your PM ran to Clinton. Should have stayed and fought if you were winning.

Please don't tell the truth... OBL was never there till his SAHADAT (PM IK called him Shaheed)...

We are grass eaters and don't have any guts... Longewala is 1000s of KM away from MAINLAND and 2000 IA personnel with tanks were unable to have dinner in the capital city because of 120 PA personnel...

Similarly, In Kargil IA decided to ABANDONE their BRAVEHEARTS... and Indian PM went to US to save the IA (On IA COAS request) from the wrath of PA...

please don't spread your propaganda over here... and yes, IA SOLDIERS ARE TOO WEAK... and wha
I see a lot of my countrymen and women’s demean Indian soldiers. They say they are cowards, afraid and unworthy. This is not true. They are honorable men and women sent on the orders of their country and we belittle our selves when we make fun of them or their religion. It is against our religious and cultural value. I know some Indians say things about our brave soldiers but we should avoid responding to them as it belittles our argument. We should strategically increase the motivation and bravery of our enemies as it will help us plan better and come up with ingenious solutions.

An Indian soldier is as brave , motivated and professional as our soldiers. he Or she is there following orders of their government. Orders they may or may not agree with but this is their duty.

the motivation can be seen in Kargil , despite every thing the Indians charged Pakistani mountain positions. I can only imagine the thinking in ones head when charging up a mountain facing the business end of a Pakistani MG-3 manned by our brave soldiers. They in the initial phases had significant losses but eventually were able to use air power to dislodge our troops. We failed our troops by not engaging our air force to cover them but that is a different matter

The Indian colonel who with his men fought the Chinese was equally as brave. He did not retreat and tried to fight as best as he could and bravely gave his life for his country. He did not run! He was failed by his goverment , he should never have been there but he fulfilled his duty. So belittling this brave man is bellow our teachings.

in conclusion , I humbly request that we consider the Indian solider highly motivated, professional and trained, they will not run or falter. We need to develop tactics to outsmart them and meet our objectives.

We should not make fun of them and their religion. This is against our teachings.

by this logic what israeli soldiers are doing to Palestinians, or wat US soldiers did to iraqis and Libyans or wat indian soldiers are doing to kashmiris or wat the hell pick any case u like, All soldiers must be respected on this pretext that u shared above? seriously? my friend, it silly to think like tat even with the basic human morals let alone the religion aspect to it.
by this logic what israeli soldiers are doing to Palestinians, or wat US soldiers did to iraqis and Libyans or wat indian soldiers are doing to kashmiris or wat the hell pick any case u like, All soldiers must be respected on this pretext that u shared above? seriously? my friend, it silly to think like tat even with the basic human morals let alone the religion aspect to it.
Brother, I feel calling them names Plays into their narrative of us being hot heads and bigots. Calling individual soldiers who are not known to commit atrocities and fought for their country names makes us look small.

We do respect us, British and other soldiers and condemn the actions of the part of the army that committed atrocities.

Either way I thank you for your guidance

Brother, I feel calling them names Plays into their narrative of us being hot heads and bigots. Calling individual soldiers who are not known to commit atrocities and fought for their country names makes us look small.

We do respect us, British and other soldiers and condemn the actions of the part of the army that committed atrocities.

Either way I thank you for your guidance


That was our old line for 73 years. And it cost us our narrative. We were fighting an army of goons and criminals, while we were gentlemen. We lost 75,000 Pakistanis to Indian terror. Never again.

If Chinese are willing to club Indian soldiers with nailed clubs without blinking, we should be willing to be even stronger against them.

Learn from successful strategies of warfare and setting the proper narrative. We did right in pursuing Feb 27 and obtaining advantages from our enemies' shameful defeat.

It is time to disprove the oft-repeated notion that Pakistan is a soft state.

We are much tougher than we give ourselves credit for.
I see a lot of my countrymen and women’s demean Indian soldiers. They say they are cowards, afraid and unworthy. This is not true. They are honorable men and women sent on the orders of their country and we belittle our selves when we make fun of them or their religion. It is against our religious and cultural value. I know some Indians say things about our brave soldiers but we should avoid responding to them as it belittles our argument. We should strategically increase the motivation and bravery of our enemies as it will help us plan better and come up with ingenious solutions.

An Indian soldier is as brave , motivated and professional as our soldiers. he Or she is there following orders of their government. Orders they may or may not agree with but this is their duty.

the motivation can be seen in Kargil , despite every thing the Indians charged Pakistani mountain positions. I can only imagine the thinking in ones head when charging up a mountain facing the business end of a Pakistani MG-3 manned by our brave soldiers. They in the initial phases had significant losses but eventually were able to use air power to dislodge our troops. We failed our troops by not engaging our air force to cover them but that is a different matter

The Indian colonel who with his men fought the Chinese was equally as brave. He did not retreat and tried to fight as best as he could and bravely gave his life for his country. He did not run! He was failed by his goverment , he should never have been there but he fulfilled his duty. So belittling this brave man is bellow our teachings.

in conclusion , I humbly request that we consider the Indian solider highly motivated, professional and trained, they will not run or falter. We need to develop tactics to outsmart them and meet our objectives.

We should not make fun of them and their religion. This is against our teachings.


There was a good time for this forum, ironically it was the worst for Pakistan, WoT was on peak and defense became a matter of curiosity among masses, resulted into influx of learned posters on PDF.

Administration opted policy to cater to civilized posters, one of them was to respect men on duty: soldiers. More of fallen ones. No exceptions,

Fast forward to 2017 and beyond. WoT subsided, learned posters went to their busy worlds. Trolls lefts on this forum to attract further trolls. Those elite posters who used to be mocked and banned left and right then, run the show now with newly appointed stooges and some old ones in new avatar to promote and protect them.

Today PDF is catering to its new breed of posters, what good this thread of yours will do? Its by design and for purpose.

Cut down on abuse, religious insults and mockery, do you think these posters will have anything else to utter?
Did they report "rape by Indian army" ?
Human Rights violations has different forums, even you ban internet in particular area, it is considered human rights violations.
Even India don't deny it. And sometimes unfortunate accidents happens in a war zone, like any innocent comes in between cross fires and get killed.
It happens, we don't deny it at all.
But it doesn't happen like you spread lies and propaganda, as if Indian army has no work other than rapping and killing innocents. Watch your house before you spread lies for others.

You seem to live in la la land .... have no fear Prado is here

you need education ... on how violence is deliberate and state sponsored by Hindus

Let’s start with Delhi massacre of Muslims by Hindus and how the police stood by just like in 1947

It really doesn't matter what some no name PDF Pakistanis think of the Indian army or Indians for that matter.
Our soldiers are putting their lives on the lives for our nation. No matter what, we Indians respect and love our soldiers and that is all that matters in the end.
Our enemies are supposed to deride and ridicule them. that is their job and this is the platform for them to vent out their frustrations towards India, Indians and the Indian armed forces.
Nothing surprising here.

@Khan vilatey your gesture is noble and respectable, and its people like you that have the respect of Indians like me of being an honorable adversary. Thanks for trying, but your efforts are akin to using a dryer in the rain.

you have respect for cow piss drinking .... so it seems you have a low standard...
You seem to live in la la land .... have no fear Prado is here

you need education ... on how violence is deliberate and state sponsored by Hindus

Let’s start with Delhi massacre of Muslims by Hindus and how the police stood by just like in 1947


What do you expect when the response to organized mass-rape, torture, and murder of Kashmiris is 'accidents do happen.'

None of these human rights violations and terrorism against Kashmiri populace are an accident. It is a well-planned genocide and enforced demographic change of Muslim majority regions of JK.
What do you expect when the response to organized mass-rape, torture, and murder of Kashmiris is 'accidents do happen.'

None of these human rights violations and terrorism against Kashmiri populace are an accident. It is a well-planned genocide and enforced demographic change of Muslim majority regions of JK.

It is hard for them to accept they are the bad guys... even though that is the truth
It is hard for them to accept they are the bad guys... even though that is the truth


It is obvious to everyone else.
Are you an indian hiding behind a Pakistani flag? or are you defending these unprofessional, uncouth, stinky, smelly rapists killing women, children and old unarmed people?

I see a lot of my countrymen and women’s demean Indian soldiers. They say they are cowards, afraid and unworthy. This is not true. They are honorable men and women sent on the orders of their country and we belittle our selves when we make fun of them or their religion. It is against our religious and cultural value. I know some Indians say things about our brave soldiers but we should avoid responding to them as it belittles our argument. We should strategically increase the motivation and bravery of our enemies as it will help us plan better and come up with ingenious solutions.

An Indian soldier is as brave , motivated and professional as our soldiers. he Or she is there following orders of their government. Orders they may or may not agree with but this is their duty.

the motivation can be seen in Kargil , despite every thing the Indians charged Pakistani mountain positions. I can only imagine the thinking in ones head when charging up a mountain facing the business end of a Pakistani MG-3 manned by our brave soldiers. They in the initial phases had significant losses but eventually were able to use air power to dislodge our troops. We failed our troops by not engaging our air force to cover them but that is a different matter

The Indian colonel who with his men fought the Chinese was equally as brave. He did not retreat and tried to fight as best as he could and bravely gave his life for his country. He did not run! He was failed by his goverment , he should never have been there but he fulfilled his duty. So belittling this brave man is bellow our teachings.

in conclusion , I humbly request that we consider the Indian solider highly motivated, professional and trained, they will not run or falter. We need to develop tactics to outsmart them and meet our objectives.

We should not make fun of them and their religion. This is against our teachings.

I see a lot of my countrymen and women’s demean Indian soldiers. They say they are cowards, afraid and unworthy. This is not true. They are honorable men and women sent on the orders of their country and we belittle our selves when we make fun of them or their religion. It is against our religious and cultural value. I know some Indians say things about our brave soldiers but we should avoid responding to them as it belittles our argument. We should strategically increase the motivation and bravery of our enemies as it will help us plan better and come up with ingenious solutions.

An Indian soldier is as brave , motivated and professional as our soldiers. he Or she is there following orders of their government. Orders they may or may not agree with but this is their duty.

the motivation can be seen in Kargil , despite every thing the Indians charged Pakistani mountain positions. I can only imagine the thinking in ones head when charging up a mountain facing the business end of a Pakistani MG-3 manned by our brave soldiers. They in the initial phases had significant losses but eventually were able to use air power to dislodge our troops. We failed our troops by not engaging our air force to cover them but that is a different matter

The Indian colonel who with his men fought the Chinese was equally as brave. He did not retreat and tried to fight as best as he could and bravely gave his life for his country. He did not run! He was failed by his goverment , he should never have been there but he fulfilled his duty. So belittling this brave man is bellow our teachings.

in conclusion , I humbly request that we consider the Indian solider highly motivated, professional and trained, they will not run or falter. We need to develop tactics to outsmart them and meet our objectives.

We should not make fun of them and their religion. This is against our teachings.

Sorry to say but honourable men don't rape villages, don't kill people in fake encounters, don't target civilians, don't use civilians as human shields, don't blow up civilians homes.
There is not much in Indian army to be called honourable.
You seem to live in la la land .... have no fear Prado is here

you need education ... on how violence is deliberate and state sponsored by Hindus

Let’s start with Delhi massacre of Muslims by Hindus and how the police stood by just like in 1947

Changing the topic is old habit of Pakistani posters. Do you want to discuss Kashmir or Delhi? Decide first.
Brother, I feel calling them names Plays into their narrative of us being hot heads and bigots. Calling individual soldiers who are not known to commit atrocities and fought for their country names makes us look small.

We do respect us, British and other soldiers and condemn the actions of the part of the army that committed atrocities.

Either way I thank you for your guidance

my friend, let me say i have no issue with peter, john, rahul, rohit or whoever is the person. i have issue with their actions. look at it this way, some soldier who is following orders and in the process is killing innocent, raping them, abusing the power over weak. i stand with the oppressed, irrespective of the religion of the oppressed. i am proud to be called a hot headed person if that is something u wanna call me for this.
understand this please, by any standard u wanna set, a wrong is a wrong. the examples i gave earlier, none of those were of one or two individuals but of the whole armies. 700,000 troops in kashmir and they use pellet guns on innocent children by which f standards can i possibly have a soft corner for them and show respect to them for they were following orders. u mean the soldier who shot is the only one to be blamed and not the soldier who was facilitating all of it. letting it happen?
my friend, you are good soul but i think u are lil confused. Honour! its is not something u earn by killing the weak and showing might over them in name of duty and following orders.
please understand, someones freedom fighter is someones terrorist. now the question arises which side u wanna stand on. easiest way is to find the one who is on the right. but than again that is a subjective to multiple interpretations. but its only natural to have hate towards the armies who killed millions just over some orders they were following and it is close to impossible to segregate Rahul from all of the shit. had it been just Rahul who did it, than it was ok but if everyone except Rahul than its simply not possible.
i hope u cleared things to some degree. coz its not a simple topic to close over some comments....
how the fk does OP expect us to respect those who murder loot and rape our brothers and sisters!!
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