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BREAKING! Trump Defends Retweeting Conspiracy Theory Claiming Bin Laden Is Alive

I think now those supporting/narrating OBL death in Abbottabad should be in immense pain that how they were fooled by US for years.
Morale - What USA government tells, not always true - so don't follow their leads blindly without using your head.
I couldn't have said it better, after years of wanking over the so called obl raid and making Trump their deity. this has to be hard hit.

Thing is, Trump is not apologetic about this, matter on which America fought all these years, screwed Pakistan, allowed India to conduct its relentless terror campaign inside Pakistan with American backing.

For Pakistan, it's a god given opportunity, we must not let it slip by and get rid of this stigma on our nation all these years. This should be picked up by all media and run as breaking news.

For trump, he want to screw up Biden chance of winning the election by this revelation, for us, it is a get of jail card.

Its POTUS for crying out loud saying that abbotabad raid was a drama.
Trump declared that the pandemic is over as well in his recent rallies. The Zombies cheered happily.
But it has been a stressful period and the US needs a clown to cheer them up.
I observed that Dr Deborah Birx has started distancing herself from the clown in recent days.
She looks so embarrassed and disgusted when Trump turned his face to her for endorsement when he promoted his CLOROX treatment during a press release.
:no: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
And leaders like Scot Morrison and Modi idolised him.
I am on the record on this forum from the time it took place to state that it is nothing but a drama.
Marine has a right to be angry.

POTUS is right, the mystery of the seal team dying later in a mystery crash in Afghanistan.
As I have stated recently exactly like the Su 30 pilots died in a road accident days after they were shot down and killed by PAF.
@WebMaster I don't normally request, but this is huge. Needs to be pinned. Pandora box is now opened.

+1 to that!

Let me ping him too @WebMaster wake up and get to work. :wave:
Thing is, Trump is not apologetic about this, matter on which America fought all these years, screwed Pakistan, allowed India to conduct its relentless terror campaign inside Pakistan with American backing.

For Pakistan, it's a god given opportunity, we must not let it slip by and get rid of this stigma on our nation all these years. This should be picked up by all media and run as breaking news.

For trump, he want to screw up Biden chance of winning the election by this revelation, for us, it is a get of jail card.

Its POTUS for crying out loud saying that abbotabad raid was a drama.

If even one Pakistani news channel shows this tweet....I'll have hope again.

If not....ye saray bik gai hain...
Maybe trump is trying to sabotage his own chances of reelection with such retweets , as the charm of being a president has worn off ?
But his actions as president cannot be criticized from a American perspective, but he has a loose canon media personality.
Making other nato members pay for their own security.
Cutting down on the trade deficit with China.
Economically before the pandemic, usa enjoyed lowest unemployment and high growth , of many decades.
Blocking blatant Chinese stealing of western technology.
Making H1B visas difficult to get to generate high paying employment for locals.
No new wars started.

His negatives are the handling of the virus and
His social media activity .
It's okay. He is not the first buffoon in that office, and surely will not be the last, either. After all, USA is what it is despite its Presidents, and not because of them.
Agree. The biggest advantage of the US is its political,legal and judiciary system which are strong, Powerful and independent. US institutions are stable/independent/staff by competent skilled personnel and have wide ranging powers. This makes it in such a way that even without a president the US will keep functioning perfectly well without any political instability.

Trump Defends Retweeting Conspiracy Theory Claiming Bin Laden Is Alive

Guests at Wunder Garten Beer Garden watch as President Donald Trump speaks during a town hall on October 15, 2020 in Washington, DC.

Guests at Wunder Garten Beer Garden watch as President Donald Trump speaks during a town hall on October 15, 2020 in Washington, DC.Credit: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images/AFP

The day before, the Navy Seal who killed bin Laden blasted Trump for 'trampling on the graves' of heroes

U.S. President Donald Trump defended retweeting a widely debunked conspiracy theory about Osama bin Laden during a town hall event on NBC on Thursday.

Moderator Savannah Guthrie asked Trump about the retweet, saying, "Why would you send a lie like that to your followers?"

Trump replied, "That was a retweet, I’ll put it out there. People can decide for themselves.”

Guthrie, not satisfied, hit back, “I don’t get that. You’re the president. You’re not, like, someone’s crazy uncle who can just retweet whatever.”

Trump spread the conspiracy theory with a retweet on Twitter Tuesday, alleging that bin Laden is still alive and Joe Biden and Barack Obama “may have had Seal Team 6 killed.”

The former Navy Seal who killed bin Laden blasted Trump on CNN Wednesday. Robert O'Neill, 44, expressed to host Chris Cuomo his shock to see the "highest-ranking person in the country ... trampling on the graves of some of the best heroes" in the United States.

The tweet Trump retweeted read, “Hiden Biden and Obama may have had Seal Team 6 killed! EXPLOSIVE: CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Alleged Role with the Deaths of Seal Team- Claims to have Documented Proof. RETWEET!!!”

  • The tweet came from an account linked to the QAnon conspiracy theory and linked to an article that further laid out the conspiracy theory.

The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer explains that this “bizarre theory, which is outre even by the standards of the right’s usual Benghazi claims, also alleges that Osama Bin Laden’s body-double, rather than the terrorist mastermind himself, was killed in 2011.”

Twitter has since suspended the account Trump retweeted after the tweet went viral as a result of Trump boosting it. Reactions on Twitter were quick and condemned Trump’s promotion of the conspiracy theory.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper called it “sheer lunacy.” Trump critic George Conway jested, “gosh, the president should be careful what he retweets because people might get the impression he is possibly deranged.”


NOW WHAT???? :pop:

This is for you Indians, when all these years we been telling you, now your daddy Trump saying the same.

Wait so he doesnt know
He should have acess to all evidence (if there is any)

Its not like it doesnt exist(unless he is right)

So either trump is balantaly lying with straight face
There is no material evidence or he doesnt has acess to the evidence
Bhai, this President can't be taken seriously. Especially shouldn't be taken seriously on PDF.

It is something hugely benefical to Pakistan. Why we are not availing this god given opportunity to remove this stigma from our nation? Atleast make noise about it!

I suspect the black sheeps within the Pakistani establishment who allowed the Abbottabad drama are also having their panties in the twist.

Trump Defends Retweeting Conspiracy Theory Claiming Bin Laden Is Alive

Guests at Wunder Garten Beer Garden watch as President Donald Trump speaks during a town hall on October 15, 2020 in Washington, DC.

Guests at Wunder Garten Beer Garden watch as President Donald Trump speaks during a town hall on October 15, 2020 in Washington, DC.Credit: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images/AFP

The day before, the Navy Seal who killed bin Laden blasted Trump for 'trampling on the graves' of heroes

U.S. President Donald Trump defended retweeting a widely debunked conspiracy theory about Osama bin Laden during a town hall event on NBC on Thursday.

Moderator Savannah Guthrie asked Trump about the retweet, saying, "Why would you send a lie like that to your followers?"

Trump replied, "That was a retweet, I’ll put it out there. People can decide for themselves.”

Guthrie, not satisfied, hit back, “I don’t get that. You’re the president. You’re not, like, someone’s crazy uncle who can just retweet whatever.”

Trump spread the conspiracy theory with a retweet on Twitter Tuesday, alleging that bin Laden is still alive and Joe Biden and Barack Obama “may have had Seal Team 6 killed.”

The former Navy Seal who killed bin Laden blasted Trump on CNN Wednesday. Robert O'Neill, 44, expressed to host Chris Cuomo his shock to see the "highest-ranking person in the country ... trampling on the graves of some of the best heroes" in the United States.

The tweet Trump retweeted read, “Hiden Biden and Obama may have had Seal Team 6 killed! EXPLOSIVE: CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Alleged Role with the Deaths of Seal Team- Claims to have Documented Proof. RETWEET!!!”

  • The tweet came from an account linked to the QAnon conspiracy theory and linked to an article that further laid out the conspiracy theory.

The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer explains that this “bizarre theory, which is outre even by the standards of the right’s usual Benghazi claims, also alleges that Osama Bin Laden’s body-double, rather than the terrorist mastermind himself, was killed in 2011.”

Twitter has since suspended the account Trump retweeted after the tweet went viral as a result of Trump boosting it. Reactions on Twitter were quick and condemned Trump’s promotion of the conspiracy theory.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper called it “sheer lunacy.” Trump critic George Conway jested, “gosh, the president should be careful what he retweets because people might get the impression he is possibly deranged.”


NOW WHAT???? :pop:

This is for you Indians, when all these years we been telling you, now your daddy Trump saying the same.

Dragging out Bin Laden from the grave for politics is so American. They will put him in and take him out of the grave God knows how many times.
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