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Thousands of Yemenis celebrate birthday of Prophet Muhammad


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Some comments of Youtube :

Masha Allah Ummah of Rasool Allah

šŸ’“šŸ’“Milad un Nabi Mubarak to all Mankind. ā£ļøā£ļøā£ļø "And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) but as a Mercy for whole Mankind". Al-Qur'an 21:107

Momentous day for all muslims, long live the oppressed Houthisā¤

MashaAllah love Yemen houthis stay strong šŸ’•

Happy Birthday prophet Muhammad ā˜®ļø peace be upon him

Mashallah happy mawlid al nabawi.

MashAllah! Alhhhamdullia! Allahhhhuakber! Thanks for covering this TRT. Always support for you. Love to all Muslim brothers and sisters of the globe. Love to YemenšŸ‡¾šŸ‡Ŗ from BangladeshšŸ‡§šŸ‡©

Happy Mawlid Celebrations to Entire Muslim Ummah, May All Grant peace and Blessings to All.
Ah yes. Yemen. The country that couldve been at peace had it not been for iran and saudi
Ah yes. Yemen. The country that couldve been at peace had it not been for iran and saudi
Not only Yemen, include in this list Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan as well.
Not only Yemen, include in this list Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan as well.
Yes Iran is the only reason that these countries have not seceded in smaller pieces and isis got eradicated in them ... others that didn't enjoy such a privilege such as Libya & Sudan got seceded.
Beside in all aforementioned countries Iran is just one player and you miss lots of other players maybe due to lack of knowledge or having problem with Iran ... and that is bias.
Yes Iran is the only reason that these countries have not seceded in smaller pieces and isis got eradicated in them ... others that didn't enjoy such a privilege such as Libya & Sudan got seceded.
Beside in all aforementioned countries Iran is just one player and you miss lots of other players maybe due to lack of knowledge or having problem with Iran ... and that is bias.

None of these conflicts were provoked by Iran.

* Iraq: illegal US invasion in 2003, neocons engineer communal tensions and "I"S declares war on Shia Iraqis with the 2006 Al-Askari shrine bombing. Iran steps in reactively to secure her borders, to assist Iraqis in fighting occupation and to respond to pleas for help from Iraqi authorities assaulted by terrorists.

* Syria: armed attacks on Syrian military right from the beginning of the 2011 demonstrations, suspicious atrocities designed to trigger civil strife. The country, an ally of Iran, sinks into chaos and then requests help. Iran obliges.

* Afghanistan: is not currently at war and Iran is maintaining functional relations with the new government in Kabul. 1980's Soviet occupation had nothing to do with Iran. 1990's civil war was not initiated by Iran. 2001 US invasion had nothing to do with Iran either.

* Lebanon: not presently at war. Internal conflicts have existed there for centuries, the communalist system introduced by the French after WW1 instituted them for the long term. The 1975-1990 civil war did not start because of Iran. The zionist invasion of Lebanon during the same period had nothing to do with Iran either. Iran's role consisted in assisting the Lebanese to get rid of foreign occupiers of their land, and Iran's local ally Hezbollah is the only armed faction in Lebanon which never turned its weapons on the Lebanese national army. Talk of "causing" instability...

* Yemen: at war on and off since 1962 ie for the past 59 years, with no Iranian involvement whatsoever up until the 2014 conflict. Conflict that was provoked by former president Hadi's attempt to trespass his mandate, again not something Iran told him to do.
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Yes Iran is the only reason that these countries have not seceded in smaller pieces and isis got eradicated in them ... others that didn't enjoy such a privilege such as Libya & Sudan got seceded.
Beside in all aforementioned countries Iran is just one player and you miss lots of other players maybe due to lack of knowledge or having problem with Iran ... and that is bias.
Neither I have a lack of study on this matter nor I am biased ....the crux of the matter is that Iran is using sectarianism for political and regional supremacy ...Which is leading to a great schism among the Muslims ...far greater schism than what had gone before in the history ...Iran starts it, then KSA tries to play their own cards ....but...yes ...It is Iran each and every time trying to mold the affairs in their neighborhood according to their own whims...KSA follows them closely...Before Khomenai ...both KSA and Iran had no interest in this region....
Neither I have a lack of study on this matter nor I am biased ....the crux of the matter is that Iran is using sectarianism for political and regional supremacy ...Which is leading to a great schism among the Muslims ...far greater schism than what had gone before in the history ...Iran starts it, then KSA tries to play their own cards ....but...yes ...It is Iran each and every time trying to mold the affairs in their neighborhood according to their own whims...KSA follows them closely...Before Khomenai ...both KSA and Iran had no interest in this region....
Well your claim about sectarianism has no bases as Iran supported Bosnia, Arbil, Qatar and Turkey which all are Sunnis ... even when Saddam as a Sunni Arab leader attacked Kuwait another Arab Sunni country we helped Kuwait despite their constant supports for Saddam during Iran Iraq war.

Before Khomenai Iran & KSA both had the role of "regional gendarme to protect American interest" which Iranian decided to give it up .. as far as both were in the same block then there was no conflict of interests but KSA remains as protector of American interest to enjoy petrol $ system and we decided to not be under yoke anymore which made American lose one valuable asset "Iran" which made its entire block against Iran too. So basically it is Iran vs the US than Iran vs KSA.
And Iran like any other nation has absolute right to be concern about regional issues and take proper measures to protect its interests ... without Iran's aids to Iraq the world should have recognized isis government in Iraq and we prevented it.

None of these conflicts were provoked by Iran.

* Iraq: illegal US invasion in 2003, neocons engineer communal tensions and "I"S declares war on Shia Iraqis with the 2006 Al-Askari shrine bombing. Iran steps in reactively to secure her borders, to assist Iraqis in fighting occupation and to respond to pleas for help from Iraqi authorities assaulted by terrorists.

* Syria: armed attacks on Syrian military right from the beginning of the 2011 demonstrations, suspicious atrocities designed to trigger civil strife. The country, an ally of Iran, sinks into chaos and then requests help. Iran obliges.

* Afghanistan: is not currently at war and Iran is maintaining functional relations with the new government in Kabul. 1980's Soviet invasion had nothing to do with Iran. 1990's civil war was not initiated by Iran. 2001 US invasion had nothing to do with Iran either.

* Lebanon: not presently at war. Internal conflicts have existed there for centuries, the communalist system introduced by the French after WW1 instituted them for the long term. The 1975-1990 civil war did not start because of Iran. The zionist invasion of Lebanon during the same period had nothing to do with Iran either. Iran's role consisted in assisting the Lebanese to get rid of foreign occupiers of their land, and Iran's local ally Hezbollah is the only armed faction in Lebanon which never turned its weapons on the Lebanese national army. Talk of "causing" instability...

* Yemen: at war on and off since 1962 ie for the past 59 years, with no Iranian involvement whatsoever up until the 2014 conflict. Conflict that was provoked by former president Hadi's attempt to trespass his mandate, again not something Iran told him to do.

In Afghanistan we have seen four decades of war that has caused a huge number of migrants which has been a burden to Iran .. around 3.5 to 4 million Afghan has displaced just 'cause Americans wanted to make Afghanistan Soviet Union Vietnam and Pakistan wanted to prevent East Pakistan secession scenario in other places ...

Lebanon was occupied back in 1982 by isreal and they remained there for next 18 years .. supposedly Iran faults is helping another Muslim country to get rid of occupier ... did we prevent others to help? is that our bad that others did not care?like what happened recently with shortage of fuel.
the interesting points is ties between Shia Iran and Lebanon dated back for centuries ...

In Yemen again what happened was an internal political turmoil which KSA exploit to restore its grip & control over its backyard which backfired ... Iran constantly called for ceasefire and Yemeni Yemeni talks from beginning and what heard was blockade, bombardment and war ... so we helped the Yemenis against aggressive force ...again maybe its our fault that helped oppressed side?
Well your claim about sectarianism has no bases as Iran supported Bosnia, Arbil, Qatar and Turkey which all are Sunnis ... even when Saddam as a Sunni Arab leader attacked Kuwait another Arab Sunni country we helped Kuwait despite their constant supports for Saddam during Iran Iraq war.

Before Khomenai Iran & KSA both had the role of "regional gendarme to protect American interest" which Iranian decided to give it up .. as far as both were in the same block then there was no conflict of interests but KSA remains as protector of American interest to enjoy petrol $ system and we decided to not be under yoke anymore which made American lose one valuable asset "Iran" which made its entire block against Iran too. So basically it is Iran vs the US than Iran vs KSA.
And Iran like any other nation has absolute right to be concern about regional issues and take proper measures to protect its interests ... without Iran's aids to Iraq the world should have recognized isis government in Iraq and we prevented it.

In Afghanistan we have seen four decades of war that has caused a huge number of migrants which has been a burden to Iran .. around 3.5 to 4 million Afghan has displaced just 'cause Americans wanted to make Afghanistan Soviet Union Vietnam and Pakistan wanted to prevent East Pakistan secession scenario in other places ...

Lebanon was occupied back in 1982 by isreal and they remained there for next 18 years .. supposedly Iran faults is helping another Muslim country to get rid of occupier ... did we prevent others to help? is that our bad that others did not care?like what happened recently with shortage of fuel.
the interesting points is ties between Shia Iran and Lebanon dated back for centuries ...

In Yemen again what happened was an internal political turmoil which KSA exploit to restore its grip & control over its backyard which backfired ... Iran constantly called for ceasefire and Yemeni Yemeni talks from beginning and what heard was blockade, bombardment and war ... so we helped the Yemenis against aggressive force ...again maybe its our fault that helped oppressed side?
Bosnia was supported by most of the Muslim countries let alone Iran. Iran helped Qatar, Quait, Turkey and Iraq just to undermine the Saudi influence or just to be in the same block who for obvious reasons hate KSA. Shah was not involved in any regional conflict which means he was the upholder of the peace in the region if not in Iran. The truth of the matter is that Iran has been forming clusters like Hezboulla, Leva Zenabiyun and Leva Fatimiyun in Pakistan and Afghanista....Their only mission is to recuirt any shia kid they can lay their hand on, brainwash them and send them to some battle out from Iran ...all in the name of Ahlul Bait...What a shame ....When you talk about the US Yoke ...it made me laugh ...remember when the IAEA inspectors burst into Iran and how you guys gave out the names of the Pakistani scientists who had helped you in nuclear tech...tbh ...you guys pose no threat to either Israel or USA...Iran has become a threat only to regional peace and stability ....
Bosnia was supported by most of the Muslim countries let alone Iran.

Only two Muslim states supplied arms to the Bosnians: Iran and Pakistan. Iran furthermore sent trainers, volunteers, financial and humanitarian aid and more. So yes, many backed them verbally but Iranian involvement was on another level and far more impactful than mere discourse.

Iran helped Qatar, Quait, Turkey and Iraq just to undermine the Saudi influence or just to be in the same block who for obvious reasons hate KSA.

Iran's support for Iraqis was to destroy "I"SIS. And Iran's support for Afghan Sunni Muslim mujahidin in the 1980's was to drive out Soviet occupiers.

Iran's military assistance to the Palestinian Resistance - and Iran's the only state actor in the world to muster enough political courage to engage in this, is directed against zionist occupation.

Military aspects aside, the Islamic Republic of Iran has backed countless Sunni Islamic movements from Tunisia to the Philippines since 1979. Rached Ghannouchi, leader of Tunisia's En-Nahda visited Iran and established ties shortly after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia in 1982, ten years prior to the start of the Bosnian war.

Shah was not involved in any regional conflict which means he was the upholder of the peace in the region if not in Iran.

Under the shah, Iran intervened militarily in Oman to crush the Dhofar rebellion and also in Pakistan against Baluch separatists. There were also border clashes with Iraq and the shah covertly began supporting Lebanese factions. Furthermore, the shah regime's ties with the zionist entity were not without effect on the balance of power in the Palestine and Arab-Isra"el"i conflicts.

The truth of the matter is that Iran has been forming clusters like Hezboulla, Leva Zenabiyun and Leva Fatimiyun in Pakistan and Afghanista....Their only mission is to recuirt any shia kid they can lay their hand on, brainwash them and send them to some battle out from Iran ...

Hezbollah was created with the express purpose of kicking zionist occupiers out of Lebanon.

As for Zeynabioun and Fatemyoun, Iran did not need to brainwash anyone: takfiri and other terrorists who were sowing chaos in Syria in the role of NATO's and Isra"el"'s useful idiots, were not just motivated by rabid anti-Shia sectarianism but also intended to blow up a site holy to Shia Muslims for housing the mausoleum of a descendant of the Prophet (s) in a suburb of Damascus. Therefore, thousands from different countries knocked at Iran's doors to help stop these extremists.

When you talk about the US Yoke ...it made me laugh ...remember when the IAEA inspectors burst into Iran and how you guys gave out the names of the Pakistani scientists who had helped you in nuclear tech...tbh ...you guys pose no threat to either Israel or USA...Iran has become a threat only to regional peace and stability ....

Sure, and that's why Iran tops the list of zio-American "regime change" efforts... That's why Iran is the country most targeted by US-imposed sanctions in the world. That's why every opposition group to the Islamic Republic, including separatist and terrorist ones, enjoy generous backing from the western and zionist regimes. That's why the propaganda campaign against Iran in mainstream media and on the internet, masterminded and bankrolled by these same imperial powers, is the most comprehensive and massive in histiry. That's why Tel Aviv think tanks are openly calling to dismantle and balkanize Iran in published papers.

Iran did not provoke nor initiative any of the wars that have rocked the region since 1979.
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Some comments of Youtube :

Masha Allah Ummah of Rasool Allah

šŸ’“šŸ’“Milad un Nabi Mubarak to all Mankind. ā£ā£ā£ "And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) but as a Mercy for whole Mankind". Al-Qur'an 21:107

Momentous day for all muslims, long live the oppressed Houthisā¤

MashaAllah love Yemen houthis stay strong šŸ’•

Happy Birthday prophet Muhammad ā˜® peace be upon him

Mashallah happy mawlid al nabawi.

MashAllah! Alhhhamdullia! Allahhhhuakber! Thanks for covering this TRT. Always support for you. Love to all Muslim brothers and sisters of the globe. Love to YemenšŸ‡¾šŸ‡Ŗ from BangladeshšŸ‡§šŸ‡©

Happy Mawlid Celebrations to Entire Muslim Ummah, May All Grant peace and Blessings to All.
nobody i repeat nobody celebrates Milad un Nabi S.A.W like the YemenisšŸ˜
nobody i repeat nobody celebrates Milad un Nabi S.A.W like the YemenisšŸ˜
Yemenis by religion could be called the Ahli Sunnah Shias or Shiite Sunnis. They are a mix.

Prophet pbuh said the flag of Yamani (one of prophets descendants) will be the most guiding flag amongst Muslim flags.

I think that its because they can unite Muslims under one banner.

Figure-1-300x129 (1).jpg

Allah Akbar
Down with USA
Down with Israel
Damn to Jews
Victory to Islam

Says it all.
Yemenis by religion could be called the Ahli Sunnah Shias or Shiite Sunnis. They are a mix.

Prophet pbuh said the flag of Yamani (one of prophets descendants) will be the most guiding flag amongst Muslim flags.

I think that its because they can unite Muslims under one banner.

View attachment 786416

Allah Akbar
Down with USA
Down with Israel
Damn to Jews
Victory to Islam

Says it all.
The Zaidis Shias...They have a special corner in the hearts of the Sunnis ....even my personal favorite among the Ahlul Bait is Hazrat Zaki Al-Ameen (Zaid RA).
nobody i repeat nobody celebrates Milad un Nabi S.A.W like the YemenisšŸ˜

majority of Muslims in the world donā€™t celebrate birthday as none of the companions or early Muslims celebrated it .

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