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PTI Karachi Jalsa - Discussion.

PMLN is planning to launch Shahid Afridi to counter IK.
even if PMLN offers, what makes you think he would accept? and therefore this is a credible “counter” to IK? Afridi wouldn’t want to sink his ship being seen as anti-IK (not necessarily anti-PTI but specially anti-IK) when the public, especially the youth are so enthralled with IK. Afridi would lose any influence with the youth and would waste any political capital becoming a leader would hold. Not to mention Afridi being from the former FATA would not be good for his personal relations back home (as IK is the only one to stand up to the drone strikes and the other parties are apathetic at best)

PMLN is planning to launch Shahid Afridi to counter IK.

Won't work. Not even 1 bit. Public sees Afridi as a careless, nonserious celebrity. He is not a leader.

I am sure he is not delusional and realize this very well himself. In case he is pumped up by PMLN or army to stand against Imran, he will loose whatever goodwill he still enjoys. Have you seen what happened to him after he congratulated Shahbaz Sharif on twitter?
Who can then? A concerted effort in Karachi and Hyderabad with good number of seats. Larkana is mainly PPP but GDA might wrestle a few seats away. Sukkur district needs to be won. So far PTI has not ventured into Hyderabad/Sukkur. They need to make forays and see how much support they have. I think we need to wait and see post Eid what PTI does in Sindh. I think Zardari has intentionally stayed away from this government fearing backlash of the people which is very blatantly obvious. The real question is can IK take the message into Hyderabad and interior Sindh?
As to work there is plenty to be done in Sindh to improve the condition of the poor in the interior. Once PTI gets a hold in the interior there will be no stopping it. The Pakistan na khappay myth and the threat of it should be put to death once and for all. I think the time is just rightand the slogan most appropriate for this.
PTI chooses people like Raja Riaz in sindh, but in essence they chose some nizamani or Soomro in interior.
If they will not engage locals, they will loose.

I think you have a very myopic view of things. What have the Siddiquis/ Farooquis/ and the Husaains and the Sabzwaris done for you in the last 30 years when you have given them power. I was there with the first wave of MQM in the 80s. What did Karachi's own achieve other than an apologetic "we dont get funding". It is time we moved on.
People often wonder why Karachi has not moved in the last 30 years. It is because we have not had a call as emotive as that of IK/PTI. When Karachiites realize that what is being said is the truth and how that truth has been squashed in Islamabad by horse trading then it will/stand. From the time of Ayub Khan if Karachi stands behind someone the opposition gets swept aside. Altaf Hissain could not capitalize it because of the myopia of his ideology and the fact that he dug an ideology that was so narrow he could not come out of it.
You are welcome to stay whereever you are or with whatever ideology/thought process you profess, but Karach is moving and it is going fullblown after PTI.

I dont think this line of thinking should be encouraged in fact it should be actively suppressed.

We were getting full water till some siddique was incharge of our area. But now it's a Bangash, and there are many hydrants who are selling us our own water. These hydrants usually work with rangers permission and are being run by some lasharis or Bahawalnagar.

Even now you don't get my point then I can't explain it any further.
If some PTI music creator is listening, please create an Urdu version of this Turkish song. It’s so emotionally powerful. Sung in a deep “dramatic baritone” voice.

If some PTI music creator is listening, please create an Urdu version of this Turkish song. It’s so emotionally powerful. Sung in a deep “dramatic baritone” voice.

Whats the establishment fucking thinking
I was okay with ti first as i thought has no street power beyond KPK(who cares abour KP) but if the same street power that is displayed karachi is also displayed in lahore then this can become very dangerous..this needs to stop now
Judges if they have any brain should accept IL review petition so elections can be held

This may turn into model town 2.0 and it would be mich more ugly then 14 including pregnant women shot dead by police...
Pakistan has a long line of accusers and accused.
I bet a lot of you sitting in your foreign homes would blame everyone except Imran Khan if some SWIFT like sanctions were imposed on Pakistan and that too for totally unnecessary and concocted reasons. He was going to win anyway either way after the NCM but he is too egotistical to realize his mistakes like continuing with Buzdars.

Your demagogue has no narrative except falsehood to come back to power even if that means hurting Pakistan's economy. What does HE know about suffering?? I hope either he is reformed to come back to power or the Establishment, which had propped him, cut him to size like Nawaz Sharif, Benazir and Zulfi Bhutto was cut to size. And Altaf Hussein too, come to think of it.
Please do tell me what blunders did Buzdar commit, i keep hearing he was a mistake, but that is about it. I keep hearing Shehbaz was a good administrator all he has to show for it Metro, doorai here and there running around with cars disrupting everything and roads, those too in Lahore, nothing tangible, What did he ever do that lasted beyond his tenure. Every Monsoon he was puss in boots. I guess the only thing he had was fear and ghunda gardi.
Let's come to the other side, I was in Lahore this summer, and All the blocked sewage lines were dug a reopened BEFORE THE RAIN, not after them, Sehat Cards, Covid HAndling, education reforms, etc. The downside was he was new to the game and got used earlier in tenure, that was to be expected. If being seen is the only thing in being a good administrator, then much wow
even if PMLN offers, what makes you think he would accept? and therefore this is a credible “counter” to IK? Afridi wouldn’t want to sink his ship being seen as anti-IK (not necessarily anti-PTI but specially anti-IK) when the public, especially the youth are so enthralled with IK. Afridi would lose any influence with the youth and would waste any political capital becoming a leader would hold. Not to mention Afridi being from the former FATA would not be good for his personal relations back home (as IK is the only one to stand up to the drone strikes and the other parties are apathetic at best)
He has already declared support for IK
Whats the establishment fucking thinking
I was okay with ti first as i thought has no street power beyond KPK(who cares abour KP) but if the same street power that is displayed karachi is also displayed in lahore then this can become very dangerous..this needs to stop now
Judges if they have any brain should accept IL review petition so elections can be held

This may turn into model town 2.0 and it would be mich more ugly then 14 including pregnant women shot dead by police...

Some of the statements made by various people who gave speeches implied that they expect Imran Khan back in weeks, not months. It could mean that they have some expectation that PTI may be back with the current assembly. Could happen if one of the PMLN allies, like MQM, quits and SS is deseated.

PTI hasn’t cranked up pressure to maximum yet. They can have a dharna in Islamabad, can call for strikes (also mentioned), civil disobedience, and all kinds of stuff.

PTI is out of the control of the establishment and now it will be a battle of wills-who has the most staying power.

That PPP and MQM are refusing to join SS’s cabinet shows that they don’t expect SS to last long.
He has already declared support for IK
but I can tell you why insafians are spreading this false rumor

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