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Afghan women protest Taliban decree to cover faces


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Afghan women protest Taliban decree to cover faces

10 May, 2022


KABUL: About a dozen women protested in the Afghan capital on Tuesday against the Taliban’s new edict that females must fully cover their faces and bodies when in public.

Afghanistan’s supreme leader and Taliban chief Hibatullah Akhundzada issued a mandate over the weekend ordering women to cover up fully, ideally with the traditional all-covering burqa.

The diktat was the latest in a series of restrictions in Afghanistan, where the Taliban have rolled back the marginal gains made by women after a US-led invasion toppled the first Taliban regime in 2001.

“Justice, justice!” chanted the protestors, many with uncovered faces, in central Kabul.

The demonstrators also chanted “Burqa is not our hijab!” – indicating their objection to trading the less restrictive hijab headscarf for the totally concealing burqa.

After a short procession, the march was halted by Taliban fighters, who also obstructed journalists from reporting on the event.

Akhundzada’s decree, which also orders women to “stay at home” if they have no important work outside, has triggered international condemnation.

“We want to live as human beings, not as some animal held captive in a corner of a house,” protester Saira Sama Alimyar said at the rally.

Akhundzada also ordered authorities to fire female government employees who do not follow the new dress code, and to suspend male workers if their wives and daughters fail to comply.

In the 20 years between the Taliban’s two stints in power, women made some gains in education, the workplace and public life but deeply conservative and patriarchal attitudes still prevailed.

In the countryside, many women continued to wear the burqa in those two decades.

But several religious scholars and activists say the attire has no basis in Islam and is rather a Taliban dress code designed to repress women.

Some Afghan women initially pushed back against the curbs, holding small protests where they demanded the right to education and work.

But the Taliban soon rounded up the ringleaders, holding them incommunicado while denying that they had been detained.
Since their release, most have gone silent.

Calling on those Indians and Pakistanis who admire Angry Indian Burqa Girl Muskan bibi, calling on those Pakistanis who stoned the Aurat March, take the first flights to Kabul, capture these women and teach them the ways of "Islam". Shameless women I say !
Anyone who is feeling immense pain for a decree to cover faces should have 'DULCOLAX' prescription.

Let Taliban decide it according to their religion, culture, and society, how they want to live - A Christian/Jew/Secular individuals/states should not tell others about how your women to be clothed.

The irony is that those liberal/secular who don't let Muslim women cover their heads in their un-Islamic society now instructing Muslims on how to live in the Islamic country/society.

Just live and let live - keep the traits of your society to yourself and let others keep theirs for themselves.

5+1 women

Seculars/Liberals/Christians will give it the title of 'power show'.
Burqa was never Part of Islam, its a cultural thing which was adopted by Idiots from Pashtoon people. These Taliban idiots rape children, sell Hashish , do suicide bombings and kill Women and Children and yet to them women with Hijab and not Burqa is bigger issue.

There are 4.5+ million homeless people in Afghanistan, hunger and many people who could have been part of the workforce - human resources which could have been guided by the Taliban to make the country into a welfare-based society where housing, basic food, water, electricity, healthcare and education would have been free which all would have been the true essence of Islam, but Taliban since they don't know the ABCs of Islam have been busy punishing males without beards, females with burqa and seeing to it that the mosques are kept full all day. The Taliban are just ritualists and as such are not of much intelligence. They should be overthrown.
Exactly. The niqab is a cultural thing. Whoever wishes to do niqab of their own free will should be able to do so.

Why should anyone wear the niqab or the chadar / burqa even by choice ? They are anti-human and anti-social.

Afghan women protest Taliban decree to cover faces

10 May, 2022

KABUL: About a dozen women protested in the Afghan capital on Tuesday against the Taliban’s new edict that females must fully cover their faces and bodies when in public.

Afghanistan’s supreme leader and Taliban chief Hibatullah Akhundzada issued a mandate over the weekend ordering women to cover up fully, ideally with the traditional all-covering burqa.

The diktat was the latest in a series of restrictions in Afghanistan, where the Taliban have rolled back the marginal gains made by women after a US-led invasion toppled the first Taliban regime in 2001.

“Justice, justice!” chanted the protestors, many with uncovered faces, in central Kabul.

The demonstrators also chanted “Burqa is not our hijab!” – indicating their objection to trading the less restrictive hijab headscarf for the totally concealing burqa.

After a short procession, the march was halted by Taliban fighters, who also obstructed journalists from reporting on the event.

Akhundzada’s decree, which also orders women to “stay at home” if they have no important work outside, has triggered international condemnation.

“We want to live as human beings, not as some animal held captive in a corner of a house,” protester Saira Sama Alimyar said at the rally.

Akhundzada also ordered authorities to fire female government employees who do not follow the new dress code, and to suspend male workers if their wives and daughters fail to comply.

In the 20 years between the Taliban’s two stints in power, women made some gains in education, the workplace and public life but deeply conservative and patriarchal attitudes still prevailed.

In the countryside, many women continued to wear the burqa in those two decades.

But several religious scholars and activists say the attire has no basis in Islam and is rather a Taliban dress code designed to repress women.

Some Afghan women initially pushed back against the curbs, holding small protests where they demanded the right to education and work.

But the Taliban soon rounded up the ringleaders, holding them incommunicado while denying that they had been detained.
Since their release, most have gone silent.

These woman got real balls. They dare to protest in Afghanistan under taliban rule. 🙏
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