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US to provide military support to Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan: Gen. Milley

With all of those military exercise by the PLA, how did Pelosi land in Taiwan? Did she get there by submarine or by plane?

What America failed to calculate was the Chinese civilian reaction to this incident. Peaceful reunification was still very popular amongst the people before this incident, but now the CPC has a blank check. The mainlanders are basically in-lined with their government now while the blue and green camps along with the reps and dem are more divided than ever over this. You may not understand what sun tzu said about having the moral high ground, but you should surely understand what manufactured consent is.
China won this round because: 1. Pelosi got the chance to smile and wave into the camera in Taipei. 2. China got the excuse she needs to encircle Taiwan with "military operations" in the coming days.

Sun Tzu said "It is the rule in war,

if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; <- China Aug 3-8
if five times, attack them; <- What you all wished China had done to Pelosi plane/Taiwan late last night
if double, be able to divide them; <- What Pelosi and US regiment trying to achieve, separate Taiwan from China
if equal, engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them."

Who demonstrated doubled strength from this stunt?
Who will demonstrate 10-fold strength in the coming days?

USA not stupid. They laughing on outside while seething within all becoz they too studied Sun Tzu!

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