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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

If Hezbollah was not involved in the planning, I can understand it not wanting to be drawn into Hamas' battle with no notice. Nonetheless, Hezbollah has struck Israeli military sites in the occupied Sheeba Farms (with precision artillery), and has apparently informed Israel via Egypt that it will escalate if Israel launches a ground invasion into Gaza.

The more resources Israel commits to Gaza, the more vulnerable it will be in the West Bank (disappointingly quiet at the moment) and in the northern front. And how does Israel recover the 130+ hostages in Gaza? A total occupation of Gaza is surely too expensive and difficult, so they will be forced to negotiate at some point, or accept their deaths. Ironically I have read that the IDF was so slow to respond to the initial infiltrations because it had concentrated so many troops in the occupied West Bank.

I think Hezbollah has tough decision making ahead. We don't know what's going to happen. Like I said though, I'm close to the Palestinian resistance. These kind of operations is top secret. Not even other Palestinian factions were aware it was going to happen.

We will see if Hezbollah will try to apply pressure on the northern front which may be possible. Militarily they're ready. But politically they have a lot of considerations.

Israeli's are being emboldened by the US. Arab states must make it clear there needs to be a ceasefire, no ground invasion, and a quick prisoner transfer.
Russia intervention has given much-needed life to Western sleeping manufacturing units. You will see.
The war had barely started - I don't get premature celebrations.
France likes coups. More fights = More fun. African conflicts are French sandbox. In fact, Ukraine is also joining the show to counter Wagner in African colonies.

None of these conflicts affect Western homelands. This is the point.

As I said in a post earlier I'm sure stockpiles will suddenly be "discovered" and shipped immediately to the Israeli front lines in the most expensive way possible.

"US troops in a historic show of teamwork hauled up 100M rounds hidden in an abandoned 2 mile underground Salt mine in Utah and courageously flew 48 hour shifts of heavy lift aircraft to bring them to the other side of the planet within days"

Yeah, "discovered". It was probably in some weapons cache base in Israel all along.

Pentagon Sends U.S. Arms Stored in Israel to Ukraine​

The Pentagon is tapping into a vast but little-known stockpile of American ammunition in Israel to help meet Ukraine’s dire need for artillery shells in the war with Russia

uh-huh...i bet the Israelis said 1% max can be removed.
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you are delusional.
attrition of their ammo and units gave them much-needed life to western sleeping manufacturing units? are you still in 1940s?

we are in 2023, with high Inflation rate, the cost of the bullet today is not the same as 1940s. the people of today aren't the same as 1940s , is the west ready to give up his luxury life just to start mass production of weapons? NOPE.

the west has already lost ....

france like coups which are against their interests ? :'D
Economic realities have changed for the entire world, right? OR Russia has unlimited resources? Is this why Russia is seeking munitions from Iran and North Korea?

Coup in which country? How does this affect France as a military power or its capability to project power? France will support rebels in this case.

The West has already lost - sure. Maybe have a look at the sheer size of American economy. Premature celebrations are not good for your health. Keep pointless ramblings out from this thread.

War create opportunities as well. Understand this much.
As I said in a post earlier I'm sure stockpiles will suddenly be "discovered" and shipped immediately to the Israeli front lines in the most expensive way possible.

That's cynical and barbaric to even gloat about rearming a so called strongest army in region against a tiny impoverished strip of land and it's besieged residents. Jews will pay big for it.
Once Israel manages to deal with the impoverished militant groups in the tiny besieged Gaza Strip then it can think about Hezbollah maybe and if it is still alive then it can think about Iranian groups in Syria and Iraq and Houthis in Yemen (who all have missiles that can reach Israel)

Then if by some miracle it still wants to fight with Iran, bring it on.

Israel's best chance to attack Iran was in the early 2000s once news of Natanz was leaked by the terrorist MEK. Back then Iran didn't even have missiles that could reach Israel or any modern air defence systems. But they blew it and now Israel is surrounded by a ring of fire and Iran has nothing to fear.
"bring it on" says the immigrant piece of shit from his home in london

Just saw a video where a Hamas terrorist executes an injured civilian at the music festival.

You’re not fighting oppression when you attack a music festival. Thats just a target of opportunity. That’s pure terrorism.
They lost any moral high ground they had
Just saw a video where a Hamas terrorist executes an injured civilian at the music festival.

You’re not fighting oppression when you attack a music festival. Thats just a target of opportunity. That’s pure terrorism.

A music festival on occupied land ?

How stupid do you have to be to attend a music festival on stolen land ?

The organizers are fully responsible and should start offering refunds for the entry tickets

It’s totally unfair to leave the party goers out of pocket
In the last 1 hour, almost every news channel keeps repeating the same phrase "this could blow up into a wider regional conflict BEYOND Palestine and Israel".

I do wonder/think if the Americans will attack both Lebanon and Syria - that battle group is not there for tea and biscuits .. this was highlighted on Al Jazeera news earlier today.

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