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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Not just USA or West, there is nary a peep from the world. There was a lot of antiwar sentiment prior to and during Iraq war. Lot of antiwar politics with Vietnam war. But this time, everyone has pressed snooze and gone to sleep. My guess is Hamas did such a bang-up job that world has turned stone cold.
I know Hindus and Indians gets lot of hate here but ask any Indian/Hindu poster what is their suggestion and all will be unanimously say two nation Palestine and Israel living side by side peacefully as two independent nations. This is what Modi spoke also and most in world would agree.

Also one more point why world is mute is because in general people don’t have apatite for long going violent freedom struggle. Middle East states have other reasons as they fear this nutcases/freedom filters/terrorists don’t spill on their kingdom.

As I always say hope Bhagvaan/Allah/God gives people wisdom to coexist and accept differences among people be it religion, wealth , physical only than peace will come to earth. …
Oh, they are going in........just not to try and take Hamas (they may also take down Hamas, I don't know).

The entire thing is overkill, I am not going to say what I think they are going to do (and I left one giant clue in my post already, I can't be clearer on that) I will just say this instead, they said they are going in to JUST bring Hamas down, and that's bull from where I am seeing. They are going in, but they are doing something else. Read how we took down the Taliban when we went to Afghanistan in 2001, that's a surgical operation, and what the Israeli doing now is using a broadsword to perform a surgery

This is what I am going to say now.
I just fear now after this Hamas brutality display Gaza Strip is gone/shrinked and two nation will be West Bank=Palestinian and Israel.
Chindoos have 600 million asparas instead
Sorry buddy end goal for Hindu is to get Moksha and not go to heaven. Not everyone thinks with their dick.
If I recall correctly, Israel is one the largest Russian-speaking and Russian-diaspora based country outside the former Soviet influenced states, is that not true? Putin has a good relation with Israel.

We will see. we were balance in the ukraine war but if he will active support hamas-isis it's time to harms ukriane with israeli arms
Dude, I don't condone things done on either side, I have made my position on this clear on MULTIPLE POST, but you shouldn't say anything if you are misinformed. That make the situation worse, not better. If you want to pour oil in a fire, go to other dumpster, this has enough oil in this fire had already oil to cause a generation of suffering.
You're like the Emperor of word vomit dude.

No one else has perfected the art of saying so much without saying anything at all.
To avert a regional war and in order to save Palestinians I think allies of Hamas can convince them to implement some measures. Either a referandum or approval of another elected body in Gaza should be necessary to start any future operation .Although some issues give Palestinian groups rights for military action it is not Palestinians interests especially if other countries are not prepared enough every conflict has the potential to bring down even current achievements in Lanennon etc. if they are included in the conflict. Hamas and other resistance groups responsibility is to provide minimum deterrance against israel and limited reactionary response to israeli attacks to protect security of Gazans.

Secondly only some top Hamas generals knew about the operation. Ceasefire will not continue and israel will try to strike these officials starting another military conflict next day after the ceasefire. These top Hamas officials may accept to relocate to a third country like Qatar and will have less control over Hamas.These sacrifices if results in ceasefire saving Palestinians can be negotiated and accepted by Hamas in my opinion

These would ensure the basis of the ceasefire guaranteeing that Hamas will not initiate the next conflict by itself and cant get approval easily from the other elected bodies and its allies. If israel does not accept and continues with the land operation and flattening of Gaza future involvements against israel will take current and these possible future warcrimes as a context above other causes and will happen at the right time after preperation.
I feel much satisfied when I trashed your self pride.
Seems like show of uninvited intellect can backfire on some hypocrite.
That's why people like you are stujpid.

Thousand or even hundreds of thousands of people is going to die, and all you care is to "trash someone pride"? What are you? 8? I mean if you think some post here on an anonymous forum is going to hurt someone on the other side of the computer, then you sir are stupider than I thought. I mean, it's like you are a grown *** man and start calling 5 years old girl in a park "fat" trying to make her mad......

But then we all know the level of intelligence you process here. I mean do whatever you want to do lol You can think I am REALLY hurting on the inside by that, I mean, that's you
You're like the Emperor of word vomit dude.

No one else has perfected the art of saying so much without saying anything at all.
I would say you are doing a pretty good job yourself. I mean, whatever is your point? I just don't see any

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