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Woman 'Shocked' Over Headscarf Firing

why westerns have problem with scarf, ppl also do wear all sorts of caps, hats etc etc. how can a scarf trouble some one if it was burqa then it was understandable
A & F is a very risque and sexy brand.

Why is a Muslim girl working in such a store in the first place?

Its like a Muslim girl working in Victoria Secret
I dont what is the topi here?-

A Muslim girl working in a clothing brand or A Muslim girl been fired for her scarf-

All i see are real life racist bigots complaining that her being a Muslimah- she should not be working there-
The zionists ruling the west today are same enemies of god who cannot tolerate any virtue but pushing with full fledged power to promote vice.
These are the same kind of people who have distorted and destroyed every religion since day one be it Christianity or Judiaism and will continue to do so because they are in a mutual pact with satan!

why westerns have problem with scarf, ppl also do wear all sorts of caps, hats etc etc. how can a scarf trouble some one if it was burqa then it was understandable
Its about attacking Islam from every angle..nothing to do with terrorist or head scarves..its all about war against islam and muslims..look up the map..muslims are concentrated on 80% of the world natural wealth and we have been doing a good job of putting up resistance whenever the colonials came.

The British colonials let the barbarian mullahs loose to build an excuse for continued colonialism for the sake of bringing civilization. The Americans are doing the same thing in the name of teaching human right. In 200 years America has only preached more lewdness, more homosexuality and more pervertness in the name of freedom. I choose hell over this kind of freedom!
The zionists ruling the west today are same enemies of god who cannot tolerate any virtue but pushing with full fledged power to promote vice.
These are the same kind of people who have distorted and destroyed every religion since day one be it Christianity or Judiaism and will continue to do so because they are in a mutual pact with satan!

Its about attacking Islam from every angle..nothing to do with terrorist or head scarves..its all about war against islam and muslims..look up the map..muslims are concentrated on 80% of the world natural wealth and we have been doing a good job of putting up resistance whenever the colonials came.

The British colonials let the barbarian mullahs loose to build an excuse for continued colonialism for the sake of bringing civilization. The Americans are doing the same thing in the name of teaching human right. In 200 years America has only preached more lewdness, more homosexuality and more pervertness in the name of freedom. I choose hell over this kind of freedom!

NOBODY is attacking Islam- this is the reason why you never get taken seriously because of the constant state of paranoia- of conspiracies taking place. All religions get treated well in the US by its people( overwhelmingly) and US guarantees constitution rights of all, as this case proved vs . rights of minorities in Pakistan. They don't get treated as 3rd class citizens, told they can't vote but for non Muslim candidates or taxed more because of their religious beliefs. The only time head gear or any gear comes into question is related security. and that is absolutely right of authorities to ask any gear that obstructs to be be removed .

Why just yesterday we had yet another terror attack where the terrorist men wore the full hijab. If anyone is insulting Islam its these religious fanatical terrorists.

Before you jump down the throats of the US and cry foul- do a check of what happens in your house and a study of US laws.
Good. She must not work for racists overall.
I hope all (like her) are fired, if they (company) cannot learn to appreciate, you shouldn't work for them too!

Hey man what's wrong with you eh? if my people loose their job will you feed them? pay their bills? answer me will you pay for their expenses? answer me ? you live in the holy land of saudi arabia i grew up their how can you even wish for people to loose their bread & butter (sick) for your own religious/political etc's views then what is the is difference between you & Abercrombie & Fitch’s director of human resources, Amy Yoakum who fired her because of religious discrimination so why criticize? your doing the same thing

@ topic i condemn the Abercrombie & Fitch’s director of human resources, Amy Yoakum for her religious bias & fully support hina khan north america is our we muslims of north america (u.s.a & canada) are part of this beautiful multicultural society where every body is entitled to live his/her life the way they want be it a two piece bikini or be it the burkha hijab etc everybody should be free to dress the way they want we are proud of all the religious institutions different races,cultures,languages which coexist with each other with beauty,elegance & grace in this great continent of ours known to the world as North America our north america & we north americans' cherish this land of immigrants we cherish our mosque,churches,mandirs,synagogues,monasteries,lodges
etc we are proud of every religion,races,cultures that came to this great continent & became part & parcel & identity of this beautiful multicultural family known as north american. people like Amy Yoakum & organisations like Abercrombie & Fitch [/B] should be held accountable for such religious,racial,ethnic discriminations' north america is a multicultural,multi ethnic mix of people if the officials of Abercrombie & Fitch are unhappy with it then they should get the hell out zero tolerance for religion,race,cultural,ethnic biases because we do not accept infact we hate people who discriminates creates divisions or indulges in bais on basis of religion,race,cultural,ethnic,
A & F is a very risque and sexy brand.

Why is a Muslim girl working in such a store in the first place?

Its like a Muslim girl working in Victoria Secret

:what: and whats wrong with working in victoria secret ?
I dont what is the topi here?-

A Muslim girl working in a clothing brand or A Muslim girl been fired for her scarf-

All i see are real life racist bigots complaining that her being a Muslimah- she should not be working there-
No one is 'complaining'. But there is a larger issue that YOU know what it is and is trying to distract attention from by throwing out the race card, that the difference between Victoria's Secret and A&F is only a matter of scant degrees not type and that type is overt sexuality. A&F just expose less flesh and have more males in their adverts. If 'complaining' is what is going on, the 'complaints' would have been: What are muslims doing in the ungodly West in the first place?

Sorry, buddy...But there are several issues of equal significance here: the overt sexuality of A&F, the moral degeneracy of the company itself when it sees nothing wrong with sexualizing children for pedophiles, an overtly religious person asking to work at such a company, the hiring of such a person by one, and finally the termination of the same person by another at a higher level of corporate authority because there is a clash of overt sexuality and religious beliefs.

One does not need to be a cynic to smell a set-up for a lawsuit.
Some of this argument remind me the argument about how uncle Tom should be rescued, that is 'a rescue must be done in a certain way. It must involve consuming saw dust. Else it is not a rescue.'

Some folks here can't fathom the thought that she can work in A&F and still dress modestly.

Pharmacist in U.S routinely refuse contraceptives because of their personal beliefs about religion.

USATODAY.com - Druggists refuse to give out pill

Denial of rape victim's pills raises debate - Health - Women's health - msnbc.com

Pharmacists with religious objections to “morning-after” emergency contraceptives cannot be compelled to sell the product, an Illinois Circuit Judge ruled

This girl has not refused to sell anything. Has made her case before she was hired. We also need to see how biased this HR woman is.
:what: and whats wrong with working in victoria secret ?

victoria's secrets sells sexuality i go regularly go hooters there the ladies expose their skins & serve you & i my self support an open society am a regular visitor to strip clubs so here is a point if an company require the policy of skin exposure naturally lady in hijab will not be able to get the job done but as far as Abercrombie & Fitch is concern i totally condemn it & hina khan was given unlawful termination & i support & stand by hina khan completely so no problem in this one but when it comes to likes of victoria's secrets ,hooters, striptease, etc then it require skin exposure so one has to follow the rules there
victoria's secrets sells sexuality i go regularly go hooters there the ladies expose their skins & serve you & i my self support an open society am a regular visitor to strip clubs so here is a point if an company require the policy of skin exposure naturally lady in hijab will not be able to get the job done but as far as Abercrombie & Fitch is concern i totally condemn it & hina khan was given unlawful termination & i support & stand by hina khan completely so no problem in this one but when it comes to likes of victoria's secrets ,hooters, striptease, etc then it require skin exposure so one has to follow the rules there

If you post was any longer, I would have died.

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