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Tayyip Erdoan: “We will raise a religious generation”

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Believe me, nothing changed. 20 years ago, socialist and right-wing supporters were killing themselves, now our people divided into different things.

Otherwise, we must broke the chain and become united again.

A question, if Atatürk doesn't abolished the caliphate and declare himself as a caliph, what will you guys think about him? No offence, just want to know your opinions.

He is not bound to caliphate :)

There are currently Islamic thinkers in Turkey who are providing the theoretical framework for the transition to an Islamic Turkey. These guys are not some ordinary people, they are genius and alot of them have deep Islamic sympathies. Though they are working on a modern Islamic framework and not some Saudi version of it. Turkey is positioning itself to lead Sunni muslims around the world. That is clear from their foreign policy and their internal dynamics. Any one with an ounce of brain can see that. Maybe even US would like that to happen since, it is going to be better to leave this leadership role to Turkey than to terrorists like Al-Qaeda. But for that Turkey has to leave secularism. And they are doing that one bit by one bit at a time. Of course they are not going to dismantle it overnight since it brings instability. But your children probably will grow up in an Islamic Turkey.

You mean back then you had a first lady with scarf meeting with world leaders?

Scarf is a cultural clothing for Turkish people... What is wrong or absurd with that... Scarf ban was barbaric and thanks to Akp it changed...
There are currently Islamic thinkers in Turkey who are providing the theoretical framework for the transition to an Islamic Turkey. These guys are not some ordinary people, they are genius and alot of them have deep Islamic sympathies. Though they are working on a modern Islamic framework and not some Saudi version of it. Turkey is positioning itself to lead Sunni muslims around the world. That is clear from their foreign policy and their internal dynamics. Any one with an ounce of brain can see that. Maybe even US would like that to happen since, it is going to be better to leave this leadership role to Turkey than to terrorists like Al-Qaeda. But for that Turkey has to leave secularism. And they are doing that one bit by one bit at a time. Of course they are not going to dismantle it overnight since it brings instability. But your children probably will grow up in an Islamic Turkey.

The engineers, doctors, lawyers, most of Turkey's talented people is Kemalists. If a revolution like Iran's happen in Turkey, there will be a major brain drain from Turkey to USA and EU. I hope a thing like this will never happen, I don't want my country in ruins.

However, your statements are absolutely wrong. In Europe, there are religious parties like AKP, but abolishing secular system is not in their programs. It's just like this in Turkey.
Scarf is a cultural clothing for Turkish people... What is wrong or absurd with that... Scarf ban was barbaric and thanks to Akp it changed...

Interesting. Keep talking. "Thanks to AKP" you surprise me....
A question, if Atatürk doesn't abolished the caliphate and declare himself as a caliph, what will you guys think about him? No offence, just want to know your opinions.

Califate was abolished by west through military means. Whether he would do or not is meaningless since, the lands had already gone. Though if Ottomans were powerful enough to hold on to the lands while British were supporting terror against them, then yeah, it was possible for a change in a new modern Califate which was ruling over 70% of world's oil and gas resources. But it is useless to talk about it now, since Ottomans lost it all when British started to back Arabs. But I guess Turkey still longs for a leadership role over its lost territories. Much the same way Russia regards the breakaway Soviet states as its backyard. And Turkey elites have started to realize without playing Islam card this leadership role will not be possible.

Scarf is a cultural clothing for Turkish people... What is wrong or absurd with that... Scarf ban was barbaric and thanks to Akp it changed...

Are you sure, it is cultural? The lady does not show even a strand of hair and is wife of a party leader whose slogan is Islam. I do not see it is cultural.
This is the internal affair of Turkiye, doesn't require foreigners input. Turkiye may raise which ever generation it suits best.
Califate was abolished by west through military means. Whether he would do or not is meaningless since, the lands had already gone. Though if Ottomans were powerful enough to hold on to the lands while British were supporting terror against them, then yeah, it was possible for a change in a new modern Califate which was ruling over 70% of world's oil and gas resources. But it is useless to talk about it now, since Ottomans lost it all when British started to back Arabs. But I guess Turkey still longs for a leadership role over its lost territories. Much the same way Russia regards the breakaway Soviet states as its backyard. And Turkey elites have started to realize without playing Islam card this leadership role will not be possible.

Commonwealth of Russians is going to break by Chinese and Turks, believe me. We must focus mainly Turkic states and time-tested allies like Pakistan. Personally, I'm trying hard but seriously can't trust Arabs.
The engineers, doctors, lawyers, most of Turkey's talented people is Kemalists. If a revolution like Iran's happen in Turkey, there will be a major brain drain from Turkey to USA and EU. I hope a thing like this will never happen, I don't want my country in ruins.

However, your statements are absolutely wrong. In Europe, there are religious parties like AKP, but abolishing secular system is not in their programs. It's just like this in Turkey.

I am not talking about a revolution. Though that is possible if things get out of control. I am talking about a transition. But you are right on brain drain. Iran suffered a huge brain drain after their revolution and are still recovering from it. But if the elite decide that it is a price worth to be paid, then they will go ahead even with that.
Califate was abolished by west through military means. Whether he would do or not is meaningless since, the lands had already gone. Though if Ottomans were powerful enough to hold on to the lands while British were supporting terror against them, then yeah, it was possible for a change in a new modern Califate which was ruling over 70% of world's oil and gas resources. But it is useless to talk about it now, since Ottomans lost it all when British started to back Arabs. But I guess Turkey still longs for a leadership role over its lost territories. Much the same way Russia regards the breakaway Soviet states as its backyard. And Turkey elites have started to realize without playing Islam card this leadership role will not be possible.

Are you sure, it is cultural? The lady does not show even a strand of hair and is wife of a party leader whose slogan is Islam. I do not see it is cultural.

Religion is culture

AKP's slogan is not Islam...
Commonwealth of Russians is going to break by Chinese and Turks, believe me. We must focus mainly Turkic states and time-tested allies like Pakistan. Personally, I'm trying hard but seriously can't trust Arabs.

Oh, you are now day dreaming. I am saying, that is how things are and you are telling me that Turkey is going to befriend some dictators in faraway lands. Dear friend, open your eyes.
I am not talking about a revolution. Though that is possible if things get out of control. I am talking about a transition. But you are right on brain drain. Iran suffered a huge brain drain after their revolution and are still recovering from it. But if the elite decide that it is a price worth to be paid, then they will go ahead even with that.

Really, have you been in Turkey? Because things here is little different.
He wants to compete with Iran. He wants to resurrect Ottoman Empire just like Iranians have successfully resurrected Safavid Empire. Though he is a bit late by 34 years. He wants to raise a generation of religious kids who will grow up and bring an Islamic revolution. Many countries are doing it nowadays by going back to their roots. Even Putin:

just like Iranians have successfully resurrected Safavid Empire.

I really can't believe how you made that connection. Really you should write a book on this subject, inquiring minds would like to know.
Religion is culture

AKP's slogan is not Islam...

That I leave to Turks to respond to.

I really can't believe how you made that connection. Really you should write a book on this subject, inquiring minds would like to know.

History repeats itself. Try to read more history. But then that would be too much for you.

Really, have you been in Turkey? Because things here is little different.

Iran was the island of stability in 1978 as per US gov. Are you sure about your stability?
Safavids was not Iranians, they were Azerbaijani aka Turkic. Turkic dynasties ruled Iran for years, since idiot Pehlavis, it is controlling by real Persians.
seriously..is this guy nut of pseudo ottoman !
Iran was the island of stability in 1978 as per US gov. Are you sure about your stability?

Revolution damaged Iran badly. If it didn't happen, Iranians would become a country like South Korea.
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