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Long march Updates: Ends. Successful before sit-in

The Long march movement is planning to host a sit-in at the Constitution Avenue

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I doubt the thing is that I think Zardari wants to ride the punch and then hit back real hard by the new provincialism blame which is being aired across the media, it might shape up to be a tug of war.
I doubt the thing is that I think Zardari wants to ride the punch and then hit back real hard by the new provincialism blame which is being aired across the media, it might shape up to be a tug of war.

In that case, Zardari will definately end up in behind the bars. Kiyani would not tolerate it and If I am rite he would have cleared it to zardari by now!
And then what their will be marches against Kayani and the whole Musharraf problems again unfortunately.

People may need to wake up a little longer to hear PM all the rumours are he is going to say something very important and defining
Pakistan ex-PM ignores 'arrest'

Sunday, 15 March 2009

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan ex-PM ignores 'arrest'

Pakistan opposition leader Nawaz Sharif has defied an apparent bid to put him under house arrest in Lahore ahead of a "march" on the capital Islamabad.

Thousands of supporters joined him after he broke through a police barricade of his home to reach a rally.

Police fired tear gas as protesters hurled stones.

Sharif activists later managed to overcome barriers blocking access to the main highway to Islamabad and Mr Sharif left Lahore in a convoy.

The Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) supporters plan a "long march" to the capital to demand judges sacked by the former government be reinstated.

"It's now a matter of the future of Pakistani nation and coming generations," Mr Sharif said earlier by telephone from his bullet-proof car.

"How can we abandon our mission halfway?"

Mr Sharif is expected to arrive in Rawalpindi - near Islamabad -in the early hours of Monday. He is due to be joined there by his brother, Shahbaz Sharif, former chief minister of the Punjab, and leaders of the lawyers' movement.

Police are said to be surrounding the property in Rawalpindi where his brother is believed to be staying.

'Fascist tactics'

Sharif activists used mobile hydraulic lifts, apparently brought along for the purpose, to remove massive containers placed as obstacles on the highway.

The house arrest is illegal and immoral, all these decisions are unconstitutional
Nawaz Sharif

The BBC's Barbara Plett says it is not clear if Mr Sharif will be able to reach Islamabad, given the authorities have blocked routes leading to the capital.

Ahead of the protest, the government has also arrested hundreds of opposition activists and banned rallies, saying they could trigger violence.

Our Islamabad correspondent says the campaign over the judges has become a power struggle between Mr Sharif and current President Asif Ali Zardari.

She says the unrest has alarmed the West, which wants Pakistan to focus on the battle against the Taleban on the Afghan border.

President Zardari - the widower of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto - promised to bring back the judges when he took office last year following his wife's assassination.

Early on Sunday, riot police blocked access roads to Mr Sharif's home and reportedly baton-charging his supporters.

Leaving his home later in the morning, Mr Sharif told a crowd: "The house arrest is illegal and immoral. All these decisions are unconstitutional," reported AFP news agency.

Party spokesman Ahsan Iqbal told the BBC: "A government which claims to be a democratic government is coming with such heavy-handed fascist tactics."

But interior ministry chief Rehman Malik told the BBC the police were outside Mr Sharif's home for his own protection because of the threat from terrorists.

Long-running tensions

Mr Sharif was ousted as prime minister in 1999 during a coup by General Pervez Musharraf, who ruled until August 2008.

Tensions between Mr Zardari and Mr Sharif date back to the 1990s, but the two formed a brief partnership in government after parliamentary elections in February 2008.

Mr Sharif's party later left the alliance, complaining of reluctance by Mr Zardari's Pakistan People's Party to reinstate the judges sacked by the last government.

Relations have been further strained in recent weeks by a Supreme Court decision to ban Mr Sharif and his brother Shahbaz from elected office, and President Zardari's decision to put their stronghold in Punjab province under direct rule from Islamabad.

But on Saturday, in a move seen as a conciliatory gesture, the government agreed to seek a review of the Supreme Court ruling.

The political instability comes as Pakistan faces an economic crisis and a growing militant insurgency based in the north-west.
PM is going to address the nation at 2am PST.

Saleh hyat just told Geo that there's an Army helicopter waiting at chaklala air base to be dispatched to pick up Sharif Brothers from the convoy and to be taken to some official location to announce their reinstatement.

CJ to be reinstated after Dogar's retirement on March 22nd.

Thereby the government would get its way of not declaring the PCO void and declaring Iftikhar as CJ.

Lets see if the lawyers accept this. Basically if they accept this, there would be no grounds for them to remove the PCO judges that are already serving, and they can't prosecute Musharraf as they so badly want to.

I see some further hurdles, kinks that might just throw the thing off.

There's also a chance they are going to do whatever it takes to send this convoy back.
Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry to be restored as Chief Justice of Pakistan


Updated at: 0208 PST, Monday, March 16, 2009

ISLAMABAD: In a golden moment in Pakistan’s history, the government has decided to restore the deposed Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry.

The Opposition Leader in the National Assembly, Chaudhry Nisar told Geo news about the decision of Justice Iftikhar’s reinstatement. He told Geo news senior Analyst Kamran Khan that Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani had personally told him about Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry’s reinstatement.

Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry to be restored as Chief Justice of Pakistan - GEO.tv
Well Ch. Iftikhar has been restored to the post of CJ of Pakistan. Now whether I like it or not but this is the reality.

First of all, congratulations to all of those who supported Ch. Iftikhar and Nawaz Sharif.

So what is next?

As a Pakistani, my humble suggestions to the chief justice of Pakistan are as follows:

Understand the expectations of your supporters and then decide if they are going to benefit Pakistan and Pakistanis or not. For example, going on a revenge spree will not benefit Pakistan. If Musharraf or others are targeted then trust me there will be cases against NS and others at all level.

Second, please refrain yourself from any kind of political favouritisms. This is going to be tough as you have tasted fame and popularity but try your level best otherwise your supporters will be disappointed.

Third and most important – LIBERATE JUDICIARY!

The only way is to increase salaries from peon to the CJ level so that no one has to look for bribes. I don’t mean a rupees 2000 increase; I would suggest increase in income and great benefits.

You may want to take the entire pay and benefits structure of Pakistan Army as an example, get the budget approved and then implement that structure for Pakistan’s judiciary.

While you were CJ, bribes were still common practice in our judicial systems so this should be your most important target.

CJ sahib you have this opportunity to work for the betterment of Judiciary, please don’t throw it away.
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i just came back from a long march in london. it was fun raisin slogans outside pakistani embassy.
it gud to see wat ppl power can achieve
I wonder why the delay is still their people have been waiting way too long and I am fearing Uncle Sam may have something of a change of heart.
I wonder why the delay is still their people have been waiting way too long and I am fearing Uncle Sam may have something of a change of heart.
You may be very right. Obviously Uncle Sam is very angry with all the recent development. However, at this point, any 'negative' intervention from Uncle Sam may prove to be the last nail in the coffin of Zardari & Co and the pro-US Pakistani Establishment.

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