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Why Indian SSN/SSBNs are Superior to Chinese ones?

I was referring to the multiple payload configurations (not MIRVs), i.e. any of the 2500, 1000, 700 kg payloads for K-4.

K-x series missiles will surely not have such a big variation in range with different payloads. At max k4 can go 3000 km from 2500 with reduced payloads.
Err, exactly HOW is DRDO planning to provide multiple warhead configurations aboard a SSBN?

K-15 is a quasi-BM, its theoretical range cannot be varied that much as stated. For BMs, technically it is possible to provide such a range of ranges. But it is not PRACTICALLY feasible to do so, because having multiple warhead configurations/ multiple missiles is cumbersome and something not supported by the end-user(s). That is why a suitable maximum range with enough payload is set before developing a missile.

It is not practically feasible to have variable payloads on the same missile in a SSBN. Typically, it would be pre-defined to a particular missile.

K-15 range can be varied more than as compared to a ballistic missile as it doesn't have a pre-defined path and can be altered according to mission requirements... say it can be launched at 60 degree and below 30km altitude in cruise missile trajectory to achieve.... longer range with the same pay load which would result in less range for a 90 degree launch and in the altitude of 50km.

same with K-4.. It is too a quasi ballistic missile and doesn't fly as high... as to escape being detected by LRTR of enemy and stay below the horizon... It is only 10m high and weighs below 20 tons.

The good thing about quasi-ballistic missile are that their path can also be selected accordingly as to escape enemy's radar coverage... changes in trajectory can be made while in flight and not just at the time of launch(as is the case with BMs.).

However It remain user to specify what ? kind of configurations they want for upto what ? number for each target.

He is not talking about MiRV. He is talking about payload configuration
No , all we require is a SSBN having 12-16 silos and MIRVed SLBM with a range of 8000km .

Once we achieve this we will have a complete Nuke deterrent.

And no our goals are not based on what US develops , but purely based on our requirements.

You mean like this Type-094
You mean like this Type-094

More like this! But we are a long way off from this. One of these lurking in the waters of IOR is enough deterrent for anybody. And since it can move under ice caps...no place is bad enough for it!


ohhh lolololol



>>submerine "quietness chart"
>>has type 095's signatures before its built

More like this! But we are a long way off from this. One of these lurking in the waters of IOR is enough deterrent for anybody. And since it can move under ice caps...no place is bad enough for it!



Oh No.....That is too big a submarine for us.

Developing something like that will be an overkill.

The best thing for us will be to develop something like the French Triomphant Class SSBN.

You mean like this Type-094

No .

I would like India to develope a SSBN based on a dedicated design .

Installing a missile compartment on an elongated SSN which the chinese are doing is an outdated concept.

Nobody called Akula an Indian sub.

Akula is on a lease for 10 years with an option to buy at the end of lease period


Arihant is on sea trials.

Hopefully it will join IN soon.

>>submerine "quietness chart"
>>has type 095's signatures before its built

Must be based on the signature of predecessor sub and relative advance you could make.
Nice, you completely ignore the fact that they are Russian. For gods sake china buys Russian engines and copies/steals Russian stuff.

Is it hard to have a logical argument?

and you stop trying to be an american``the logic behind this clueless article is, we primitive indians cant make stuff``so we buy from our masters``so we are better than others```

it's a highly noisy sub good for nothing !!

and what is indian stuff good for?
I don't understand why China start to develop nuke sub so late, when United
States made it in 1950s. Is there any reason behind that?

ok, now you have perfectly explained why India didnt build N-subs``technologically infeiror to China

Whats wrong with Arjun?

its a foreign parts assembled junk``he was trying to say
^^^ the russian help was mainly in minaturizing the HEU mobile nuclear reactor.
India earlier focussed on a plutonium based mobile nuclear reactor... since India has had more experience with plutonium, than HEU.

Though, finally, India had to settle for HEU based mobile nuclear reactor... that is the prime reason for setting up the Uranium enrichment plant at Rattehali.

The mobile nuclear reactor is only the second HEU based plant in India, apart from the Tarapur nuclear reactors.

That said, there is very little between Charlie, Akula and the Arihant.


Another issue, I read somewhere, with china's mobile nuclear plants is high radiation leakage, which is hazardous for their crew.

russians help is everywhere in this project```and they'd probably sell you another low quality boiler to troll you indians```

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