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There will be no Israel, in 10 years, says Henry Kissinger !!

People who dont even accept Hazrat Suleman A.S as a prophet and deny the teachings of Hazrat Dawood A.S wont have any moral and religious background ever.

these zionists are not even jews... they are followers of dajjal.

have been posted by the Indians on Kashmir threads "something about Pakistani stealing clothes so this is just an internet meme sorta thing

Yes I know, but quite true analogy as far as this israel is concern :D
Looks like Kissinger Stopped kissing others A$$!!
I don't know about 10 years, but the sooner the better. They will of course get what they deserve.

Dont be impatient brother, but ofcourse sooner they go back to their homelands and leave this occupation, the better.
Looks like Kissinger Stopped kissing others A$$!!

Apparently he spit out in some private conversation, which is later denied, but like the saying goes, Zulm ka nizam qaim nahi reh sakta...so israel is likely to disappear, its totally artificial setup and such are temporary things in history.
is that the best savage sympathizer can come up with ?? :lol:

Are you an idiot or a propagandist? If I put a title up saying Lahore has been nuked, and didn't have an article saying so, should that stay up? Get a fu@king clue man...

If you have such confidence in your views you shouldn't have to lie.

Just don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. :D

May have expected too much? :sick: Don't know how this thread title can stand when i've had thread titles change for lesser reasons than being outright wrong.
May have expected to much? :sick: Don't know how this thread title can stand when i've had thread titles change for lesser reasons than being outright wrong.

Think of the Pakistani equivalent of a FoxNews type of editorial policy and you will have your answer. :D
Are you an idiot or a propagandist? If I put a title up saying Lahore has been nuked, and didn't have an article saying so, should that stay up? Get a fu@king clue man...

If you have such confidence in your views you shouldn't have to lie.


oh listen up you have a comprehension problem, not to say that I expected otherwise from a savage sympathizer !!
For all those who are deluded that Israel will simply disappear, get into your mind that Israel is here to stay. Learn to deal with it than simply hoping that it will simply disappear

Anyway, what has Israel done to Pakistan for this kind of thinking from Pakistanis
For all those who are deluded that Israel will simply disappear, get into your mind that Israel is here to stay. Learn to deal with it than simply hoping that it will simply disappear

Anyway, what has Israel done to Pakistan for this kind of thinking from Pakistanis

it will be eliminated.
it will be eliminated.

By whom? The worlds rising powers are not muslim, and expecially not Arab.

Turkey is a NATO member, and after Turkey there is Malaysia who probably wont invade Israel anytime soon.
it will not...

sooner the better, a situation will come into existence that would make it unfavourable for the foreigners to continue occupation of Palestinian lands, they will prefer to go back to their native homes... you will see.
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