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Israeli businessesman : "Europe is preparing a holocaust against Muslims!"

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Islam is a religion, not a race, nor any such thing as Muslim culture exists, unless i am yet to learn.
Sorry, about my previous comment, i stand corrected.

ISlam is more than just a religion its a way f life.

Yep Looking forward for the gass chambers aswell :police:
Anyways, the only point i am trying to make is - Hindus would have been wiped out of India had their been not constant fight back. Otherwise, why Muslims were not so merciful to the Zoroastrians of Persia!!

Another brain dead comment, Persians converted after 300 years because they chose to. The Ummayads did not want them to convert because they were filling their banks with Jizya tax which would become Zakat if they converted so they let them practice their own religion. It was only because of some missionaries that Persians started converting and than they made Islam their own religion. The Abbasid overthrow of the Ummayads was due to Persian influence and Persian soldiers helped overthrow the Ummayads. Hindus did not need to fight back nor did they until Aurangzeb started acting like a dik.
The above genius is requested to kindly ignore my posts and stop poking nose in no go zone. Tell your fantasies to some real Zoroastrian as I am not interested in taking your crap.
Yes , and I thank God everyday , for my forefathers put up a fight to save their Faith. Unlike U people who converted by the fear of Sword!!

and Yes ,m I am very very Glad Im a Proud Hindu and was not sucked into any other religion. thank you for your concerns but No thanks... If I get a chance I will like to come as one for my futures lives as well...
And hey , where are your Mughals and Turks now?
Beating and killing the shiite out of each other?
Truly admirable...
One of the posters above also mentioned he will get banned if he say somthing about our Sikh Gurus...
Well... dont!! Or I willl say somthing about your Prophet and willl get banned too!!

And I will again say.. We put up a fight and are still Hindus my friend and we are here to stay.. the dark clouds have flown away with the windr.. Unlike some who shiite in their nappies and converted !!

Lol! You think you're a warrior? Your ancestors didn't convert because their village told them not to, and stick with their backward caste system, and throwing of wives into fire. So what if we converted by the sword, Hindus also converted Dravidians by the sword and conquest as well!

Turkey is a much better and developed country than Hindu India. Istanbul is the Europe's biggest city, what is Mumbai? Asia's most dirtiest?

And it was me who was about to say something about the Sikh guru. It was not anything personal against him, it was just that how his death happened might be offensive to Sikh members. And go ahead say anything against prophet... You'll be missing PDF for 2 months, and your alt account will also be banned.. ;)

As I said, you only didn't convert because your village elders were not converted and needed their facist system of caste discrimination going...
Really? then will you folks willingly convert to Zoroastriasm just because they also do the similar practice as you folks. Will it be as simple as requesting your folks or will it need a sword or two? :D

We converted from coward religions to strong brave religions... Did you see any large Muslim groups converting to Christianity during colonialism? On the other hand, in India...... ;)
Icewolf, what about Sher Shah Suri defeating Marathas? :D

We converted from coward religions to strong brave religions... Did you see any large Muslim groups converting to Christianity during colonialism? On the other hand, in India...... ;)

Sure you did and I am happy to see what you strong ones are doing to each others on the orders of others ;)
Well, Europe tried to stop Islam militarily...we all know how that ended! Instead of stopping Islam in North Africa, Christendom lost Constantinople too. Today, ~ 60 million Muslims reside inside the European heartland.

Any attempt of "holocaust" of Muslims will put Europe in utter chaos. Muslims aren't Jews or Hindus whatever. Mess with Muslims in Europe, and you have the bloodiest civil war in your hand.

Anyways, West must accept this fact now : Islam has become an inevitable part of Western fabric. It is going to be the most 'practiced' faith of West Inshallah (As Christianity is a dead horse in many Western nations). Muslims are as Western as any other Westerner.

Islam is THE strongest ideology of human history, Mashallah. It is not blabbering but just plain facts. Islam has religious, social , political , military, legalistic , spiritual, and economic aspects. NO other ideology in human history comes even near the strength of Islam. So, if you want to "erase" Islam from the West...Best of luck to ya buddy....Even agnostic Muslims will fight back because even though they don't believe in God, Islam STILL plays a MAJOR role in their life...

So West must understand the reality. And Muslims should be Westerners and NOT Arabs living in the West. People like retarded Anjem Chaudry MUST be REJECTED utterly by Muslim community...

All in all, we aren't Jews, Hindus, Christians, or Sikhs whatever. Mess with us, and we will all go down together. :coffee:
Ḥashshāshīn;3728918 said:
4. Pakistan and Iran use chemical weapons back against Europe. Keep in mind how large the armies of Pak, Iran and Turkey are...

Muslims will forget their differences, and come together as one. 2 Billion people united...

Im happy that you honour your Religion my friend , but dont U think its a bit exaggerated?
Name me 5 Developed Muslim states? Any 5?

Ok , lets change the scenario .
Please tell me how much does All the Islamic countries spend COMBINED on defence ?

and now tell me how much does US spend ALONE?
..... and UK , and France , and Germany and Russia, the Baltic states ?
U cannot win the War by sheer numbers in modern warfare. U need firepower..
Please talk logically!!
And maybe we can carve ourselves out a country in say South America by forcefully removing the indigenous population and bulldoze those who refuse to leave the land.

Perhaps Ptex can give us more advice on how to create and run a "Lebensraum" on foreign sovereign territory.

On a serious note, guess who allows all of these non-White immigrants to flood into Europe in the first place, thus creating a atmosphere of animosity and hatred between the Muslims and Europeans:

What historical connection do you have to South America?
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Dont know after reading the title Muslims should be afraid or europe should be ashamed-
But I do know indians are drooling- the ball less creatures always rely on others to take revenge what foreign muslim invaders did to them- :coffee:-
Im happy that you honour your Religion my friend , but dont U think its a bit exaggerated?
Name me 5 Developed Muslim states? Any 5?

Ok , lets change the scenario .
Please tell me how much does All the Islamic countries spend COMBINED on defence ?

and now tell me how much does US spend ALONE?
..... and UK , and France , and Germany and Russia, the Baltic states ?
U cannot win the War by sheer numbers in modern warfare. U need firepower..
Please talk logically!!

The GCC, Iran, Libya and Turkey are considered developed nations.
Also; US is not Europe. I don't think US will get involved if this happens. Also, Russia's army is 1/3 Muslim.
France - Known history of surrendering

Britian - Lapdog of USA

USA - Probably won't take part

Russia - Probably won't take part

So who do we have left? The poor European states?
With what? We might not keep the spare parts coming.

Where you gona put the general european population when you start crusading?- there is no need of spare parts in such scenarios-
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