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"Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

Even God is fed up with these Arabs. I think God helps Israel develop technologies to dominate you slave morons. Gods powers are not manifesting through these terrorist Arabs. They are not even aware they are killing each other everyday for fun.
Yes shame on an arab for being arab, whats going on in our country is an indigenous arab philosophy of life and we are fed up with it. Israel is good solution for you people. its showing you how to behave. its designed by the united nation to eliminate ignorance and dirt. see how you kill each other in syria, shame on you people. Please just think about your world behavior then judge me to go to zoo. i just tell the truth. its my habit.,

And now your baseness, backwardness, stupidity, poverty, slavery, and illiteracy is our way of life philosophy? You guys deserve being enslaved. Good luck to the shithole called Afghanistan.

Even God is fed up with these Arabs. I think God helps Israel develop technologies to dominate you slave morons. Gods powers are not manifesting through these terrorist Arabs. They are not even aware they are killing each other everyday for fun.

As far as I am concerned Arabs are even those in Palestine live better than Afghanies by 100000000s times. And all I know, is that not KSA, nor Egypt nor most Arab countries have been slaughtered like sheep by USSR and NATO.
And now your baseness, backwardness, stupidity, poverty, slavery, and illiteracy is our way of life philosophy? You guys deserve being enslaved. Good luck to the shithole called Afghanistan.

Dear aren't you fed up with the fool things Arab do in the world. I know my nations limitations too. I am not arguing with you. I just mentioned whats going wrong with you people. We also suffered because your donkeyminded Usama and other arabs when they supported the barbaric taliban and recognized them officially. Your Arab hero Osama came to our country and destroyed it and now he is being roasted in hell for his foolishness.

Who was Ajmal Kasab, where did he come from, who are the people who trained and supported him, and which government was it that denied he was a citizen?

Lol yes please give me more conspiracy theories hahaha now I'm sure you're a special kind of stupid
All those years of inbreeding must be taking their toll
Who was Ajmal Kasab, where did he come from, who are the people who trained and supported him, and which government was it that denied he was a citizen?

Come on .. Who Ajmal Kasab?? He was Amar Singh and his partners name was Heera Lal. Trust me, youtube is filled with videos revealing his true identity.
Israel has hundreds of nuclear warheads which are enough to vaporise the entire middle east several times over. It recently acquired 2nd strike capability. Of course Arab league can't do anything to stop Israel.

But of course, they like to talk big. They like to feel as if they're in control, so....
Dear aren't you fed up with the fool things Arab do in the world. I know my nations limitations too. I am not arguing with you. I just mentioned whats going wrong with you people. We also suffered because your donkeyminded Usama and other arabs when they supported the barbaric taliban and recognized them officially. Your Arab hero Osama came to our country and destroyed it and now he is being roasted in hell for his foolishness.


That's what backward people say to convince themselves that they are not so, Afghanistanis had been slaughtering eachothers wayyy before Usama came in the 80s, and it had been being invaded by one country after another wayyy before Usama came. I would like to remind you that Arabs are as well decades if not centuries ahead of you.
As far as I am concerned Arabs are even those in Palestine live better than Afghanies by 100000000s times. And all I know, is that not KSA, nor Egypt nor most Arab countries have been slaughtered like sheep by USSR and NATO.

You know nothing about whats going on in our country or Palestine. Whenever innocents are oppressed, specially in Palestine, it hurts me. Palestine is like huge geographical jail, you don't understand even that.
Exactly. As you've shown here, to most Muslims "victims" of violence committed by Muslims or Arabs are to be belittled, not sympathized with or defended.

The Spain stuff was centuries ago: in general, the Arabs abused the Jewish refugees whereas the Turkish rulers did not; yet what can you point to today? The last such event I heard of was the conviction by the Jordanians of a soldier who, unprovoked, decided to shoot and kill some Israeli girls who were touring the country back in the 1990s - and today there is a huge hue and cry in Jordan's parliament to have him exonerated and hailed as a hero, that his example may serve as a role model for the current generation. The Mavi Mamara affair shows the direction Turks are leaning towards today, yes?

Are you willing to confront Arabs and your fellow Muslims about this, telling them that their feelings are despicable? Or tell them that because their efforts have been noticed that they are creating bad press for Islam or the Palestinians?

Or are you going to grit your teeth at my words and think only bad thoughts about me and Jews in general?

I personally know Jews who were saved by Muslims in WWII Yugoslavia. These Muslims tend to sympathize with Israel: link I understand some Muslims also saved Jews in German-occupied Tunisia during WWII. More honor to them - and I wish their example will soon be taken to heart by the majority of the world's Muslims.
You are babbling again,give me evidence of a turk killing a jew.
So next time use your words carefully,dont say muslims(last time i looked turks are muslims to).
Your claims are bssssssss.
Israel has hundreds of nuclear warheads which are enough to vaporise the entire middle east several times over. It recently acquired 2nd strike capability. Of course Arab league can't do anything to stop Israel.

And here he is, my friend King Solomon, since Khasakhistan recognizes Israel, you can visit it and ask for this:


And this:

You know nothing about whats going on in our country or Palestine. Whenever innocents are oppressed, specially in Palestine, it hurts me. Palestine is like huge geographical jail, you don't understand even that.

After they got their *** whooped by Israel 3 times they put aside the resistance. Now it is ''resistance in bed'' ;)

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