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Possible Solution to Kashmir Issue

A Simple spark solution

1.Merge Himachal Pradesh to the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
2.Hold a plebiscite as per Pakistan's demand.
You cunning evil
Why Not Pakistan Leave AJK and India leave IOK.. Let them be a Country where both Pakistanis and Indian can go for vacations :(

May be then we can see good relation in both the countries too...
Not possible.We have spent billions on defence because of Kashmir and a lot of lives have been sacrificed.India leaving IOK is out of question.
Kashmir is a dead horse. Nothing is gonna happen in near future and things will be as it is. India has its own plan once Jihad-2 is over.

Just like Pakistan should do, wise Indians already know the consequences of military action to solve the issue, it is already difficult for India to maintain peace in Indian Kashmir without a large presence of armed forces, if they make some military success in other part of Kashmir, there might be far more violent reaction from people opposed to Indian rule. Really an amicable solution to the problem is the only way out for both countries and Kashmiris, and probably none of these three parties can have it totally like they would wish.
Pakistan keeps Gilgit, India keeps Jammu and Leh. Both cede AJK and the rest of the valley to the Kashmiris for their own state.
Just like Pakistan should do, wise Indians already know the consequences of military action to solve the issue, it is already difficult for India to maintain peace in Indian Kashmir without a large presence of armed forces, if they make some military success in other part of Kashmir, there might be far more violent reaction from people opposed to Indian rule. Really an amicable solution to the problem is the only way out for both countries and Kashmiris, and probably none of these three parties can have it totally like they would wish.
I am not talking about Military actions on other side. all I am saying is let Kashmir be as it is as I don't see any solution in near future. In long term I see abolition of article-370 from our govt.
Tell me honestly if that's true. :omghaha::omghaha: For first part only losers are adorned with that title. :laugh:

Currently kashmir is not on Pakistans to do list, there are more important things Pakistan has to sort out.
If at all India ever(?) wants to take some decision on the lines of above steps you mentioned, GOI should do following things 1st -

1. Make Majority Hindu Jammu a separate state and guard it.
2. Make majority Budhists Ladhak a separate state and guard it.

Then they can allow free access b/n Azad Kashmir and Indian Kashmir Valley only. Before any steps taken Jammu and Ladhk should be protected from militants and terrorists by forming separate states.

I agree with you. I think, Kashmir Valley at least should be given a road link with each other.

I'm no expert on Kashmir Issue. . . but as far as i can understand. . . things has gone beyond repair. . can be sorted out upto some extent . . . . .but cant be solved completely.

trade, free border crossing, demilitarization or anything else need a sense of trust. . which lacks on both sides.

Any solution is not possible in the near future . :coffee:

Both sides have very strong establishments that don't want any sort of reconciliation.

People are just pawns in this grand chess game.
Pakistan keeps Gilgit, India keeps Jammu and Leh. Both cede AJK and the rest of the valley to the Kashmiris for their own state.

Short of full scale war,which Pakistan is highly unlikely win, there will be no change in either of the nation's borders, each country has to learn to live with what they have and not, what they think they should have.

The only solution to Kashmir problem is lower your expectations, accept the reality and move on!!
Currently kashmir is not on Pakistans to do list, there are more important things Pakistan has to sort out.

That's a monkey trap, Pakistan should stop worrying about Kashmir to fully concentrate against the Taliban and BLA but Pakistan can't stop worrying about Kashmir.

I agree with you. I think, Kashmir Valley at least should be given a road link with each other.

The people of Kashmir valley aren't divided, entire Kashmir valley and Kashmiri speaking people came with India after the ceasefire of first Kashmir war.
AhsanAmin said: ↑
Just like Pakistan should do, wise Indians already know the consequences of military action to solve the issue, it is already difficult for India to maintain peace in Indian Kashmir without a large presence of armed forces, if they make some military success in other part of Kashmir, there might be far more violent reaction from people opposed to Indian rule. Really an amicable solution to the problem is the only way out for both countries and Kashmiris, and probably none of these three parties can have it totally like they would wish.
I am not talking about Military actions on other side. all I am saying is let Kashmir be as it is as I don't see any solution in near future.

What I have suggested means keeping some things as such, but taking those measures that would take huge burden off India to maintain army in Indian Kashmir, and truly help prevent terrorism as easily as possible by normalizing relationships with Kashmiris, and Pakistan. This is a practical medium term approach as opposed to keeping armies and quashing insurgencies by force which is expensive and difficult for both countries.

Realistically it can be seen by both countries as maintaining boundaries as such, but doing that at a very little economic burden and cost of human tragedies that comes with enforcing same decisions by armies.

You can read my proposal as what do we have to do to keep Kashmir on world map as it is today, in a way that Kashmiris are the greatest beneficiary, and the cost of keeping armies functional and alert and the associated human tragedies, and violence/terrorism are eliminated in a way that we earn only goodwill between the three parties.
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I know India is a chutiya. :lol: jk Anyway no peace then it matters little to Pakistan.
Everbody knows who is getting bankrupt and who is asking fo aids from IMF.......:lol::lol:

Currently kashmir is not on Pakistans to do list, there are more important things Pakistan has to sort out.
Even it would have been on your list you could have done nothing.

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