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One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution

Is that the best you can come up with? well then why are you here in the first place since you are a NewZealander right?Didn't you give up your citizenship and passaport of India to be Citizen of NewZealand? Did you or did you NOT?

Hermione is a girl! not ravi nair (male)

Yes! Yes! it's true, The sheep were so comely :cray:

My culture for a sheep! My nation for a sheep!

But I had no choice since I actually came here when I was 14 years old. Blame my parents, not me.

And just because I have New Zealand citizenship doesn't mean I stop celebrating Vishu or Onam ;)
Yeah sure i do but can you handle reality?
I see a guy poking nose in Indian matters when he/she completely gave up Indian citizenship for a foreign nation citizenship(its another thing if you were born there).! Please Don't Sermonize us Indian people, please spare us from your morality thank you!
Yet you can't let go off that feeling that you were once Indian weren't ya? Let's do a freudian analysis you are still suckling up to teats, time to let go off it and be your respective country citizens, No we don't like NRI hippocrates who compare There and here! we like ground reality thinkers.

Next comes the post of how much i supported and helped Indian kids and schools etc. Thank you! :D
So are you against creationism? I think PDF needs a creationism vs evolution thread or something like that where we can discuss this on a large scale with intelligent people. :)

Personally, I do find Abrahamic religions, not suited to my intellectual tastes.

No matter how much I have talked with fellow Muslim students, or Christian students, I could never get into the religion, because I did not find it interesting.

But that being said, I do realise that saying this is not exactly kosher as the things I amy not find interesting is probably what Billions hold early to their heart in the world.
Yeah sure i do but can you handle reality?
I see a guy poking nose in Indian matters when he/she completely gave up Indian citizenship for a foreign nation citizenship(its another thing if you were born there).! Please Don't Sermonize us Indian people, please spare us from your morality thank you!
Yet you can't let go off that feeling that you were once Indian weren't ya? Let's do a freudian analysis you are still suckling up to teats, time to let go off it and be your respective country citizens, No we don't like NRI hippocrates who compare There and here! we like ground reality thinkers.

Next comes the post of how much i supported and helped Indian kids and schools etc. Thank you! :D

That atheist is also celebrating Onam in honor of the Hindu Asura legend Mahabali. The irony of it completely misses this New Zealander.
Yeah sure i do but can you handle reality?
I see a guy poking nose in Indian matters when he/she completely gave up Indian citizenship for a foreign nation citizenship(its another thing if you were born there).! Please Don't Sermonize us Indian people, please spare us from your morality thank you!
Yet you can't let go off that feeling that you were once Indian weren't ya? Let's do a freudian analysis you are still suckling up to teats, time to let go off it and be your respective country citizens, No we don't like NRI hippocrates who compare There and here! we like ground reality thinkers.

Next comes the post of how much i supported and helped Indian kids and schools etc. Thank you! :D

Oh Paleezzeee!

Indians can't wait to get on the D!cks of NRI when they become the CEO of a major company.

My whole state is not a Sh!thole due to NRI's. And the majority of tourism income comes from NRI's visiting their homeland.

As far as I am concerned, if Indians can sermonise Westerners on how Hinduism is behind every Invention known to man, I very well can sermonise the Indians here, It's called Freedom of speech and I am breaching any rules here.

You are going to encounter views different to your own in the real world. You better have a much better excuse other than

'You are not from here, so you can't comment.'

It's such a weak comeback I can't believe you actually posted it.

That atheist is also celebrating Onam in honor of the Hindu Asura legend Mahabali. The irony of it completely misses this New Zealander.

someone should dust off their thesaurus and look up the word 'irony.' And even if I were a white New Zealander or even an Eskimo I still can comment here. It's called freedom of speech.

And guess what, Keralite Christians and Muslims here and back in Kerala celebrate it too. Oh let me guess, they believe in God right.
You will attempt to measure the mass of electrons and come up with electron cloud and what not, but you will miss the simple message that electrons have the ability to turn into waves without any mass or dimensions at all. That ultimately all the mass in the world is but illusion.

Sister, do you even science?

Every particle in motion forms a wave, not only electrons. I forgot the experiment, but even Fullerene molecules went through diffraction and the wavelength was few picometer. And as you see, the equation of matter wave is,

L (wavelength)= h (Plank's constant)/p (Momentum), now momentum can me further P = m (mass) x v (velocity)

Now, electrons being the known particle with smallest mass, and as it being inversely proportional the wavelength of the particle, we get considerably high wavelength.

Or if you dig deeper into physics, a crystal is formed by the repetition of a unit crystal of same element. And they have a binding energy, different for different crystal lattices. When energy is incident upon it, it causes the lattices to vibrate, hence generating heat. The frequency of the incident EM waves at which the crystal absorbs the maximum energy is called the resonant frequency, hence in this way matter responds to a definite frequency.

This one line sums up the believers to skeptics

"I do not know, therefore God did it. And I do not know, lets find out the answer."
Personally, I do find Abrahamic religions, not suited to my intellectual tastes.

No matter how much I have talked with fellow Muslim students, or Christian students, I could never get into the religion, because I did not find it interesting.

But that being said, I do realise that saying this is not exactly kosher as the things I amy not find interesting is probably what Billions hold early to their heart in the world.

You see Abrahamic religions today don't make sense to people because we have a different perception today.

Like, today people believe being simple is easy and boring, when it's actually more than what we perceive it to be and it shapes itself together better than we think it does. We rather have something more complicated or challenging since our minds are fixated around competition these days more than ever. That's why I believe people are becoming indifferent to religion these days however I believe this is something destined to happen and will stick to observing my religion.

So what's your idea on life and death and the Universe?
Can you tell us how West was already ahead of the world scientifically at that time?

You simply arguing with worthless stiffness completely ignoring the history of the world since the Arab conquest of India and to the period of Renaissance. The period you are talking about could be called as a dark period in Indian History. The Arab traders came on the South and Western cities of India.Not only they traded goods, they acted as blood vessels by taking Indian science and Mathematics to the Middle East.Not to mention,the Arabs were already learning from the Chinese for centuries. But this transfer of knowledge was just one way around. When they were learning from us we were obnoxious. We were repulsive to any external influence on our culture and century old tradition. Naturally,our civilization became stagnant.

But when the Middle Eastern Civilization came to the edge of saturation during the 14th Century, it was the Europeans who especially after Renaissance started exploring scientific ways to discover truths. This sense of curiosity and scientific learning they inherited from the Arab scholars. How many Indian scientists during this period you can name compared to that of the Europeans? How many inventions we can show to the world as typically Indian? None.

Giving credit to others does not mitigate our achievements which we were able to continue till the second century AD.But saying the Europeans were not ahead of us during the 17th Century is simply ignorance from your part.
someone should dust off their thesaurus and look up the word 'irony.' And even if I were a white New Zealander or even an Eskimo I still can comment here. It's called freedom of speech.
And guess what, Keralite Christians and Muslims here and back in Kerala celebrate it too. Oh let me guess, they believe in God right.

After running down and spitting on everything Hindu as primitive and irrational, celebrating its stories and legends is exactly what that is, irony. Muslims and Christians who dismiss Hindu history as mythology and primitive celebrating the Hindu religious legend falls within that definition.
My servant back in India was 14 years old. He didn't know that he lived in a country called India or even the name of the city that he lived in. He didn't know how to write his name in any language. So yes Americans are still pretty aware of their surroundings.
You see Abrahamic religions today don't make sense to people because we have a different perception today.

Like, today people believe being simple is easy and boring, when it's actually more than what we perceive it to be and it shapes itself together better than we think it does. We rather have something more complicated or challenging since our minds are fixated around competition these days more than ever. That's why I believe people are becoming indifferent to religion these days however I believe this is something destined to happen and will stick to observing my religion.

So what's your idea on life and death and the Universe?

To me, life is an interaction of choices we make, outside stimulus and chance encounters.

What we decide to do with things we have control over, how we respond to events we have no control over largely defines life to my point of view.

I think the Human Mind is an incredible thing in this regard. Out of this jumbled collection of events, our choices we create an ideal of what we want ourselves to be.

In terms of death, I find it poetic, that when we die, our energy dissipates, and fuels the cycle of life. That we are bron in the ecosystem and our energy released during death goes back to the ecosystem.
Sister, do you even science?

Every particle in motion forms a wave, not only electrons. I forgot the experiment, but even Fullerene molecules went through diffraction and the wavelength was few picometer. And as you see, the equation of matter wave is,

L (wavelength)= h (Plank's constant)/p (Momentum), now momentum can me further P = m (mass) x v (velocity)

Now, electrons being the known particle with smallest mass, and as it being inversely proportional the wavelength of the particle, we get considerably high wavelength.

Or if you dig deeper into physics, a crystal is formed by the repetition of a unit crystal of same element. And they have a binding energy, different for different crystal lattices. When energy is incident upon it, it causes the lattices to vibrate, hence generating heat. The frequency of the incident EM waves at which the crystal absorbs the maximum energy is called the resonant frequency, hence in this way matter responds to a definite frequency.

This one line sums up the believers to skeptics

"I do not know, therefore God did it. And I do not know, lets find out the answer."

Listen it is not just electrons, that was just an example I gave you. It applies to particle as you said.

It does not matter how it is done or what are the mechanics involved, point is these are their attributes. Who designed them? If you argue no one designed them, they just exist are you saying they appeared ex-nihilo and just fell in place?

You can go on finding out the mechanics behind everything that constitutes this universe that still remains an activity of this universe. You as a conscious being are the one doing the research. It is your consciousness which is edging you on to find out the workings of this universe.

If I say God became the universe and all the process and mechanics of everything there is in consonance with the laws of universe how is that strange. Was god created universe not supposed to have Fullerene molecules or laws of thermodynamics or laws of Newton? Was it supposed to not have any principles or constants or be lawless and just held up by magic? What are your ideas of magic?
If I say God became the universe and all the process and mechanics of everything there is in consonance with the laws of universe how is that strange. Was god created universe not supposed to have Fullerene molecules or laws of thermodynamics or laws of Newton? Was it supposed to not have any principles or constants or be lawless and just held up by magic? What are your ideas of magic?

Now, if i give you an idea of an artificial 'Meta-material' which doesn't follow the natural laws of the universe, will you eat back your words?
You simply arguing with worthless stiffness completely ignoring the history of the world since the Arab conquest of India and to the period of Renaissance. The period you are talking about could be called as a dark period in Indian History. The Arab traders came on the South and Western cities of India.Not only they traded goods, they acted as blood vessels by taking Indian science and Mathematics to the Middle East.Not to mention,the Arabs were already learning from the Chinese for centuries. But this transfer of knowledge was just one way around. When they were learning from us we were obnoxious. We were repulsive to any external influence on our culture and century old tradition. Naturally,our civilization became stagnant.

But when the Middle Eastern Civilization came to the edge of saturation during the 14th Century, it was the Europeans who especially after Renaissance started exploring scientific ways to discover truths. This sense of curiosity and scientific learning they inherited from the Arab scholars. How many Indian scientists during this period you can name compared to that of the Europeans? How many inventions we can show to the world as typically Indian? None.

Giving credit to others does not mitigate our achievements which we were able to continue till the second century AD.But saying the Europeans were not ahead of us during the 17th Century is simply ignorance from your part.

Indians were trading all over the world as can be see by the spread of Indian civilization in SE Asia. It was not Arabs who spread Indian civilization until Philippines. You were right they were learning from us, and there was nothing we wanted from them.

India was under seige. It was passing the dark ages that you mention and you want people whose universities were being brunt down and their towns villages razed to ground to come up with scientific inventions? Sense of curiosity and learning is there that is why we are still today a knowledge based society. It is why Indian parents place so much importance on education.

Now, if i give you an idea of an artificial 'Meta-material' which doesn't follow the natural laws of the universe, will you eat back your words?

So there are exceptions to the laws of nature but it is still an event happening in this universe. The argument that god became the universe covers the exceptions also. It is not an out of this universe event.
So there are exceptions to the laws of nature but it is still an event happening in this universe. The argument that god became the universe covers the exceptions also. It is not an out of this universe event.

If there are isolated discrepancies in the laws of the nature, then how can you term it as a perfect design, or a valid design at all?

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