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Japan Support thread


Jul 15, 2012
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S President Barack Obama has assured Japan that islands at the centre of its territorial dispute with China are covered by a bilateral defence treaty.
In an interview ahead of his Asian tour, Mr Obama said the US would oppose any attempt to undermine Japan's control over the islands.

US officials have made such comments in the past, but this is the first time Mr Obama has given such explicit support.

He arrived in Japan on Wednesday ahead of stops in three other Asian nations.

China's foreign ministry has said it opposes the islands being covered by the defence treaty.

"The so-called US-Japan alliance is a bilateral arrangement from the Cold War and ought not to harm China's territorial sovereignty and reasonable rights," spokesman Qin Gang said in Beijing during a regular press briefing.

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“Start Quote
Ultimately, it's a circular problem. The symbolic value of these islands will continue to rise as long as both countries push to control them”
Mr Obama is not going to Beijing, but relations with China are expected to dominate his meetings with regional leaders.

The trip was an opportunity to reinforce the importance the US placed on Asia, former US Assistant Secretary of State PJ Crowley told the BBC.

"Many traditional allies... [also] value a strong US presence in the region to balance against an assertive China," he said.

The visit comes amid a "period of very significant tension among American allies, and between American allies and China", he added.

'Clear position'
Mr Obama's trip - from 23-29 April - comes nearly seven months after he cancelled a visit to the region due to a government shutdown.

He will have a private dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, as well as bilateral meetings with the South Korean, Malaysian and Philippine leaders.

Ties between Tokyo and Beijing were expected to be high on the agenda as Mr Obama touched down in Tokyo on Wednesday evening.

Relations are severely strained over a raft of issues, including East China Sea islands - called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China - that both claim.

Japan controls the islands but Chinese ships have sailed repeatedly in and out of what Japan says are its territorial waters as Beijing presses its claim. Last year, China declared an air defence identification zone over the islands, drawing widespread criticism.

Ahead of his visit, Mr Obama said in a written response to Japan's Yomiuri newspaper that the US opposed "any unilateral attempts to undermine Japan's administration of these islands".

"The policy of the United States is clear - the Senkaku Islands are administered by Japan and therefore fall within the scope of Article 5 of the US-Japan Treaty of Mutual Co-operation and Security," he wrote.


I opened this thread so we can express support for Japan. Feel free to post articles, share opinions but stay polite.

Japanese are no push over. They have the economy and Military technology to defend themselves.

Chinese are provoking Japanese intentionally just like hitler did in WW2.

Chinese CCP is clueless of its policies and Chinese military is like a chained monster wanting to capture the resources and territories of other countries.

China will eventually pay for all the mess it is creating in Asia for sure :cheers:

Thanks bro. I recommend this video:

It is time for the truth to be spoken.
Turkish FM most recent visit, from a week ago:






On April 11, 2014, Minister of Foreign Affair Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu visited Kushimoto where the Ertuğrul Frigate sunk in 1890, as part of his contacts in Japan.

Foreign Minister Davutoğlu paid his memorial service to the Ertuğrul Monument. Foreign Minister Davutoğlu also met with students and teachers of the Oshima Primary School which takes care of the Monument and visited the Turkish Museum.

Addressing the students at the Oshima Primary School, Foreign Minister Davutoğlu emphasized that it is very important for Turkish people that the students wholeheartedly undertake maintenance and cleaning of the Ertuğrul Monument and endeavor to understand Turkish culture and Turkey more closely. He invited the students to Turkey for the April 23rd International Children’s Day.

Foreign Minister Davutoğlu, during the commemoration service at the Ertuğrul Monument stated that they have gathered to commemorate the martyred Turkish sailors who came to Japan with a view to developing the Japanese-Turkish friendship and to further familiarizing the two deep-rooted cultures with each other. Foreign Minister Davutoğlu stressed that the people of Kushimoto made a great effort to save the crew of the Ertuğrul Frigate and shared their limited facilities with the survivors.
Foreign Minister Davutoğlu in Japan visits the Ertuğrul Monument / Rep. of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Japanese are no push over. They have the economy and Military technology to defend themselves.

Chinese are provoking Japanese intentionally just like hitler did in WW2.

Chinese CCP is clueless of its policies and Chinese military is like a chained monster wanting to capture the resources and territories of other countries.

China will eventually pay for all the mess it is creating in Asia for sure :cheers:
It is disgusting but China won't make any progress in the region. They have no allies. All key powers have allied with smaller powers who need help against China. There are official military pacts and unofficial.

If you read around, you see they think they can "pull a Putin" but unlike Russia who is surrounded by weak countries, China is surrounded by military giants. Japan is just itching to have an excuse. They shouldn't mess with the way of the samurai who will act as the tip of a spear in any regional war.
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Turkish FM most recent visit, from a week ago:






On April 11, 2014, Minister of Foreign Affair Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu visited Kushimoto where the Ertuğrul Frigate sunk in 1890, as part of his contacts in Japan.

Foreign Minister Davutoğlu paid his memorial service to the Ertuğrul Monument. Foreign Minister Davutoğlu also met with students and teachers of the Oshima Primary School which takes care of the Monument and visited the Turkish Museum.

Addressing the students at the Oshima Primary School, Foreign Minister Davutoğlu emphasized that it is very important for Turkish people that the students wholeheartedly undertake maintenance and cleaning of the Ertuğrul Monument and endeavor to understand Turkish culture and Turkey more closely. He invited the students to Turkey for the April 23rd International Children’s Day.

Foreign Minister Davutoğlu, during the commemoration service at the Ertuğrul Monument stated that they have gathered to commemorate the martyred Turkish sailors who came to Japan with a view to developing the Japanese-Turkish friendship and to further familiarizing the two deep-rooted cultures with each other. Foreign Minister Davutoğlu stressed that the people of Kushimoto made a great effort to save the crew of the Ertuğrul Frigate and shared their limited facilities with the survivors.
Foreign Minister Davutoğlu in Japan visits the Ertuğrul Monument / Rep. of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs

It is disgusting but China won't make any progress in the region. They have no allies. All key powers have allied with smaller powers who need defence.

If you read around, you see they think they can "pull a Putin" but unlike Russia who is surrounded by weak countries, China is surrounded by military giants. Japan is just itching to have an excuse. They shouldn't mess with the way of the samurai.

Chinese economy is around 6 Trillion nothing more ..... They have manipulated the stats over the years to arrive at 10 Trillion.

Their Defense toys are copies of Russian and Western designs ...... inspite of all this CCP is brainwashing Chinese and compelling them to accept the war path that it is following just like any fascist dictator does to occupy territories and resources of others.

Nice to See Turkey supporting Japan :tup:

India and Japan are coming closer to form economic and strategic partnership that will eventually change the dynamics and politics in Asia forever :cheers:

Japanese are heavily investing in the countries around China who are threatned by China

Japan investment in Southeast Asia surges amid China slump

(Reuters) - Japanese companies' investments in Southeast Asia surged last year to almost three times the amount invested inChina, after relations between Beijing and Tokyo soured in 2012 and Chinese labor costs rose, a government agency of Japan said on Friday.

Japanese companies invested 2.33 trillion yen ($22.8 billion) in Singapore, Thailand,Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam last year, compared with 887 billion yen in China, Japan's largest trading partner, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), said.

Investments doubled in Southeast Asia and fell 18 percent in China over 2012 and China's waning attraction is likely to continue as the ratio of companies planning expansion there fell to a record low of below 55 percent, JETRO said, citing a survey of Japanese companies.

"Viewed from the Japanese companies' headquarters, China's economy and China's political situation present a considerable amount of risk," JETRO Chairman Hiroyuki Ishige told reporters at a briefing.

Sino-Japanese ties have been strained by a territorial row over tiny disputed isles in the East China Sea and perceptions in Beijing that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to rewrite Japan's wartime history and tone down past apologies.

The fall off in Chinese investment follows the outbreak of riots against Japanese interests in 2012 when the territorial dispute escalated after the Japanese government bought the uninhabited islands in the East China Sea.

Rising wages in China are also having an impact on companies trying to keep costs down and maximize profits.

China's average salaries now exceed those of Thailand, according to a JETRO survey carried out between October and November last year.

The Philippines and Indonesian labor costs are about one third lower than China's, while those in Vietnam are less than half, the survey showed.

($1 = 102.2650 Japanese Yen)

(Reporting by Aaron Sheldrick; Editing by Jacqueline Wong)

Japan investment in Southeast Asia surges amid China slump| Reuters

US President Barack Obama is set to throw his support behind Japan in its territorial dispute over a group of islands with China, citing a treaty between the two countries, which would lead Washington to intervene military if Beijing attacked.

The tiny islands in the East China Sea have been a source of tension between the two Asian nations. But Obama says they are covered by a bilateral security treaty that would oblige the US to come to Japan’s defense if China decided to take the islands by force.

“The policy of the United States is clear - the Senkaku islands are administered by Japan and therefore fall within the scope of ... the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security,” Obama said, using the Japanese name for the islands that are known as the Diaoyu in China.

However, Obama’s comments did not seem to worry China, with Beijing’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang saying: “The so-called US-Japan alliance is a bilateral arrangement from the Cold War and ought not to harm China's territorial sovereignty and reasonable rights.”

Last week, Tokyo announced plans that they are going to build a radar station near the disputed islands. “This is the first deployment since the US returned Okinawa in 1972, and calls for us to be more on guard are growing,” Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera told media during a symbolic groundbreaking ceremony on Yonaguni Island on April 1
The US has military bases in Japan, while the two countries conducted a series of military drills last summer designed to help prepare Tokyo in the event of China deciding to invade the disputed islands. Code-named Dawn Blitz, they were conducted on San Clemente Island, 75 miles northwest of San Diego in California, the Christian Science Monitor reported.They began with an assault led by 80 US Marines and three MV-22 Osprey aircraft, and were followed by a Japanese counterattack using 1,000 troops and two warships.

Obama arrived in Tokyo on Wednesday for talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which will start an eight day tour of the region that also takes in stops in South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines.


He faces a delicate balancing act to try and Beijing, while not forgetting about America’s other alliances within the region. “Our engagement with China does not and will not come at the expense of Japan or any other ally,” Obama added.

However, Obama’s decision to side with Japan, which has been a fierce rival of China’s since the Second World War, has been ridiculed by Beijing, who say that Washington is looking to “cage” the emerging superpower, Xinhua news agency reported.

“The United States should reappraise its anachronistic hegemonic alliance system and stop pampering its chums like Japan and the Philippines that have been igniting regional tensions with provocative moves,” Xinhua added.

Obama’s next stop will be South Korea, where talks concerning North Korea’s nuclear ambitions are likely to dominate proceedings. Obama mentioned that he is keen to work together with China, the secretive regions only ally and that Beijing could play a constructive role in keeping Pyongyang in check.

Chinese economy is around 6 Trillion nothing more ..... They have manipulated the stats over the years to arrive at 10 Trillion.

Their Defense toys are copies of Russian and Western designs ...... inspite of all this CCP is brainwashing Chinese and compelling them to accept the war path that it is following just like any fascist dictator does to occupy territories and resources of others.

Nice to See Turkey supporting Japan :tup:

India and Japan are coming closer to form economic and strategic partnership that will eventually change the dynamics and politics in Asia forever :cheers:

Japanese are heavily investing in the countries around China who are threatned by China

Japan investment in Southeast Asia surges amid China slump

(Reuters) - Japanese companies' investments in Southeast Asia surged last year to almost three times the amount invested inChina, after relations between Beijing and Tokyo soured in 2012 and Chinese labor costs rose, a government agency of Japan said on Friday.

Japanese companies invested 2.33 trillion yen ($22.8 billion) in Singapore, Thailand,Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam last year, compared with 887 billion yen in China, Japan's largest trading partner, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), said.

Investments doubled in Southeast Asia and fell 18 percent in China over 2012 and China's waning attraction is likely to continue as the ratio of companies planning expansion there fell to a record low of below 55 percent, JETRO said, citing a survey of Japanese companies.

"Viewed from the Japanese companies' headquarters, China's economy and China's political situation present a considerable amount of risk," JETRO Chairman Hiroyuki Ishige told reporters at a briefing.

Sino-Japanese ties have been strained by a territorial row over tiny disputed isles in the East China Sea and perceptions in Beijing that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to rewrite Japan's wartime history and tone down past apologies.

The fall off in Chinese investment follows the outbreak of riots against Japanese interests in 2012 when the territorial dispute escalated after the Japanese government bought the uninhabited islands in the East China Sea.

Rising wages in China are also having an impact on companies trying to keep costs down and maximize profits.

China's average salaries now exceed those of Thailand, according to a JETRO survey carried out between October and November last year.

The Philippines and Indonesian labor costs are about one third lower than China's, while those in Vietnam are less than half, the survey showed.

($1 = 102.2650 Japanese Yen)

(Reporting by Aaron Sheldrick; Editing by Jacqueline Wong)

Japan investment in Southeast Asia surges amid China slump| Reuters
I also opened this thread to condemn Turkey even considering Chinese misile defense shield. China is known for stealing tech and not respecting human rights. They torture Tibetians and Uighur. What will an Uighur think when he hears Turkey is considering missile defence shield from China? It is disgusting and mind boggling. Nothing is signed and probably won't be signed but even the thought is immoral for me. I think Davutoglu finally saw the right path. The people of the rising sun is our key ally in that region.
I also opened this thread to condemn Turkey even considering Chinese misile defense shield. China is known for stealing tech and not respecting human rights. They torture Tibetians and Uighur. What will an Uighur think when he hears Turkey is considering missile defence shield from China? It is disgusting and mind boggling. Nothing is signed and probably won't be signed but even the thought is immoral for me. I think Davutoglu finally saw the right path. The people of the rising sun is our key ally in that region.

Chinese defense designs are clear IP violations and they are mostly pirated copies.

It is better for Turkey to cancel the missile deal and opt for own production or form jv's with other countries.

Off late China is raising its voice against any one who talks about human right violations in China, They think it is ok as long as economic might supports its military no one can challenge them.

Now that their economy is in adjustive mode and is cooling down, eventually their arrogance will also decline with the rise of other giants in Asia :cheers:
Chinese defense designs are clear IP violations and they are mostly pirated copies.

It is better for Turkey to cancel the missile deal and opt for own production or form jv's with other countries.

Off late China is raising its voice against any one who talks about human right violations in China, They think it is ok as long as economic might supports its military no one can challenge them.

Now that their economy is in adjustive mode and is cooling down, eventually their arrogance will also decline with the rise of other giants in Asia :cheers:
Remember. Nothing is signed. If we opt for Chinese pirated copy, we will ruin our track record with west for very long time. That is why no signature will come.. ever. IMHO, it is even immoral to do business with China while it continues its internal and external policies.
Chinese Industrial Capabilities are growing although PLAN destroyers may lack the sophisticated electronic capabilities of Japanese Destroyers like Atago and upgraded Kongo DDG (but PLA naval units have more offensive inventories than Japan because of article 9)
Chinese Industrial Capabilities are growing although PLAN destroyers may lack the sophisticated electronic capabilities of Japanese Destroyers like Atago and upgraded Kongo DDG (but PLA naval units have more offensive inventories than Japan because of article 9)
Japanese are so nice but submissive people. Always keeping their promises unlike others. I had female Japanese house mate, she was so polite and sofisticated.
Japanese are so nice but submissive people. Always keeping their promises unlike others. I had female Japanese house mate, she was so polite and sofisticated.

True to Confucian values I guess. Article 9 will surely be around in the next few months.
Japan is a country Turkey is not doing so much with as i had hoped to. Same with SK. Turkey should, and i believe things are already developing, foster a stronger relationship with these 2 countries. Japanese and Korean are really likeable people and are one of the few unbiased nations among the developed world against Turkey (aside from possible biases related to religion). Wish the best for Japan and SK always.

btw, i do not believe China is ready yet to take those islands through force. I'd even go as far as to say that China doesn't even have real plans on getting those islands. On the contrary i tend to believe that China is using such territorial disputes merely to foster a common enemy, so that all noses in China will be tried to face outwards instead of inwards due stability factor, which is a huge factor for China as history has shown.
Japan is a country Turkey is not doing so much with as i had hoped to. Same with SK. Turkey should, and i believe things are already developing, foster a stronger relationship with these 2 countries. Japanese and Korean are really likeable people and are one of the few unbiased nations among the developed world against Turkey (aside from possible biases related to religion). Wish the best for Japan and SK always.

btw, i do not believe China is ready yet to take those islands through force. I'd even go as far as to say that China doesn't even have real plans on getting those islands. On the contrary i tend to believe that China is using such territorial disputes merely to foster a common enemy, so that all noses in China will be tried to face outwards instead of inwards due stability factor, which is a huge factor for China as history has shown.
I agree. China would only use force imo if internal unrest reached a critical point but even then they would only start a small limited war.

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