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Turkey To Israel: Cross Our Airspace To Bomb Iran & We Will Respond Like An Earthquak

WOW.yeah israel will be trembling,...what an answer...BUT israel is America's best friend and he warned israel,israel wants to attack Iran which is US enemy too,so now i am worried about turkey's F-35 lightning
Through Hezbollah, Iran is at war against Israel. One can argue that Hezbollah is needed because Iran is not capable of attacking Israel directly. Ballistic nuclear missiles will give Iran that capability.

wow what a low knowledge of the liban
Hezbollah is caring about defending Liban and only that
they are happy to get money from Iran but it doesn't mean they obey Iran. And the military cooperation went down since 80s . if you would know a little bit about you would not say so easy words ;)
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Who is the US to decide the "character of the leadership and intentions".
And who are you do decide if your next door neighbor is a 'jerk'? Or the guy in the next office is a 'gentleman'? Or your girlfriend/wife is a 'classy' dame?

All countries build weapons to use them, that is their intention. You are the only ones to have ever deployed a nuclear weapon in war, so if anyone has a questionable character and intention, it should be you.
Weak...Those A-bombs were used to stop a war. You cannot take any action out of its environment. That is dishonest.

Is this clear admission of the fact that the US will wage war on any country that goes against its interests, even if there are no justifiable reasons for such, and even if the leadership of that country won nearly a 70% majority in the last general elections?

And so, you invaded Iraq to get rid of Saddam Hussain? I thought it was because Iraq was building Weapons of Mass Destruction. Once again I ask you, what gives you the right to go into another country and change its leadership simply because it is not to your liking. And cut the crap about the "unstable" and "power imbalance", because if we're talking imbalance of power, it starts with Israel. Iraq was not the source of instability in the region, it has always been the actions of your very dear ally. Iran getting nuclear weapons capability will help bring some balance of power in that region, the one you so dearly "care" about.

I'm sorry gambit, you have chosen to go down a losing road here. Your understanding of the Middle East seems no better than that of George W. Your very own current President, and many other intellectuals in the US and around the world, are finding it very difficult to justify the Iraq war, it was meaningless and useless, and it is no more stable now than it was when you invaded. They are also finding it increasingly difficult to turn a blind eye to Israel's disproportionate violence and internationally recognized illegal activities against the Palestinians. Mr. Erdogan will get a lot of respect for this, not only from Muslims, but anybody who cares to look at the Israeli-Palestinian issue through a relatively neutral lens.
Really? Then care to explain how does Cuba continue to exist?
WOW.yeah israel will be trembling,...what an answer...BUT israel is America's best friend and he warned israel,israel wants to attack Iran which is US enemy too,so now i am worried about turkey's F-35 lightning

Turkey won't have the F-35 for years to come still. The U.S. marines only recently received their first one.
Cuba exists because you guys did your best to change the leadership one way or another but failed as Cubans stood upto you guys. Remember Bay of Pigs invasion ??
Cuba exists because you guys did your best to change the leadership one way or another but failed as Cubans stood upto you guys. Remember Bay of Pigs invasion ??
Was that because the Cuban military was of superior military acumen? Or was it because the US failed to act with a spine? Today, Miami/Dade Metro PD can take Cuba.
Now thats wat iam talking about time stand up against the jews they should not be allowed to wat they wana do and where they feel like doing it whenever they want if you have the power then fight back with that power hell to them all.

Man, I'm sick of this. Keep your antisemitism out of it. Not all Jews support Israel. What you have to say against Israel will never be credible if your justification for it is that "Judaism is evil". Erdogan said nothing against Jews, don't give the deniers a reason to moth-ball his words as antisemitism and dismiss them.

Not all Zionists are Jews, and not all Jews are Zionists. The most famous non-Jewish supporter of Zionism was, incidentally, also the greatest mass-murderer the world has ever seen; President of the United States from 1945 to 1953, Harry S. Truman. 220,000 Japanese civilians killed in just 1 year, and many more killed due to after-affects. On the other hand, there are entire organizations of Jews that are against Zionism, including Jews Against Zionism and Jews Not Zionists etc. The Students Against Israeli Apartheid is an international students' group started at my University by 3 Palestinian students, but one of their strongest supporters is in fact a group of anti-Zionism Jewish group.

My point is, stop equating Israel to Judaism. If you do, then don't complain when the rest of the world judges you and your religion because of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
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I see everyone here jumping up and down about Erdogan, what did he say ? he said dont use our "airspace" to bomb iran, meaning you can do whatever the hell you want as long as you stay away from us .He isnt defending islam he is defending his country. A country which so many people here behold in utter awe because of how developed it is and how big of a military it has but which has failed as an islamic state.

People say Erdogan has balls, walking off the stage doesnt mean you have balls or maybe you guys have a different interpretation of whats "brave" these days. Truth of the fact is that if he did indeed have balls the turkish army would have raised hell when Israel invaded gaza, if he had balls he wouldn't be saying to Israel dont use our airspace he would be saying if you cross "Irans" airspace we'll destroy you like an earthquake.

My point being, we've abadoned the basic fundamental of ummah i.e to stand united and to not differentiate among each other based on colour race or land..That was the message the prophet (PBUH) gave us in his last khutba..Today we are turks, we are pakistanis, we are arabs but we are no longer a ummah.. We sing "sab se pehlay Pakistan" with so much pride.. I for one hate that song

Maybe if you asked a Saudi or an Egyptian, they'll say the same about us.

My father told me about his Jordanian friend who loved Pakistan. He said that the revival of the Islamic world will come from Pakistan, and he looked to Pakistan as Islam's balancing power against the West. When we tested the atomic bomb n 1998, he actually greeted my dad with a hug. However, my dad met him in UAE in 2003, and his opinion had changed. He now saw Pakistan as an Islamic country that supports the West. He asked my dad why a nuclear power like Pakistan can't end the disproportionate violations in Palestine.

Now, I don't support his ideas for one second. Pakistan has to first look to its own problems before it can go out and challenge the West on behalf of the Islamic World. Look at Turkey, they did the same. They built a strong democracy in their country, and a strong industrial and military base, despite being left out of the European Union.

I do agree with that man.. he had a right to expect what he expected from Pakistan, its our fault we failed to deliver it and so did every other muslim nation.. Why ? because we have transgressed so far deep into nationalism that we have abandoned the basic fundamental of Islam i.e we're all muslims not Pakistanis, arabs and iranis but muslims. Turkey is a failed model not because of far they've gone away from Islam in pursuit of these achievements but because of how this model if followed by Muslim nations will divide us further as Nations rather than an ummah.

I agree that we do have to look at our problems. However, i do not agree with what you mean by "we"... WE have to look at our problems not as a nation but as Ummah as whole. We cannot keep pursuing a nationalistic agenda, and that goes for all muslim nations. The enemy we face is far bigger and much more stronger and they are all that because they are united and we are not. This nationalistic agenda, is exactly the opposite of the ideals that Pakistan was based on. Today punjabis, pathans, sindhis and balochi's are more divided as Pakistanis but They've couldn't have been more united when pakistan was made. They were united because they came togther as muslims not Pakistanis..Our problems are the problems or whole ummah and their problems are just as much as ours as they are theirs.. This message is for muslims not pakistanis, arabs or turks.
Cuba exists because you guys did your best to change the leadership one way or another but failed as Cubans stood upto you guys. Remember Bay of Pigs invasion ??

bay of pigs was a half hearted attempt by the CIA and Cuban exiles. If the U.S. was actually determined at that time to oust Castro it would have happened. And if the U.S. would have foreseen Castro allowing Nuclear missiles into Cuba. instead of Exiles storming the beach it would have been hundreds of thousands of marine and army troops.
^ Sir, it wouldn't happened. US and Russia had agreements regarding Cuba. Why not Bush attacking Cuba first place instead Iraq and Afghanistan?

You failed to understand CIA stationed in Cuba for many years. You are the one that should remember CIA tried 638 ways to kill Castro?

B7zf3cUPAa8[/media] - 638 Ways To Kill Castro


Part of the agreement to come out of the Cuban missile crisis was the U.S. would not invade Cuba. Castro claimed many CIA attempts at his life. that was to rally public support.
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wow what a low knowledge of the liban
Hezbollah is caring about defending Liban and only that
they are happy to get money from Iran but it doesn't mean they obey Iran. And the military cooperation went down since 80s . if you would know a little bit about you would not say so easy words ;)

Funding of Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Naim Kassem told the Iranian Arabic-language TV station al-Qawthar that all terrorist attacks and suicide bombings in Lebanon must be approved by the ayatollahs in Tehran"


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Part of the agreement to come out of the Cuban missile crisis was the U.S. would not invade Cuba. Castro claimed many CIA attempts at his life. that was to rally public support.
That agreement was made when the Soviet Union existed to protect Cuba. Now that Cuba is alone, there is nothing to prevent US from taking over the island. May be we should invade Cuba just to live up to the absurd charge that we will invade anyone for no reason. :lol:

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