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How Bias in Text books fuels division in Pakistani society

So long as it doesn't harm others. when others are seen as "less than" it becomes an issue.

Again, one side's harm may be another side's benefit. That is where international geopolitics comes into play between sovereign nations, as always.
Again, one side's harm may be another side's benefit. That is where international geopolitics comes into play between sovereign nations, as always.
And that is how 6 million Jews were starved and gassed to death. It begins with dehumanizing the other and ends up with a holocast. It is the whole world's business how the children of 300 million people are taught.
And that is how 6 million Jews were starved and gassed to death. It begins with dehumanizing the other and ends up with a holocast. It is the whole world's business how the children of 300 million people are taught.

Wrong analogy, Sir. Please look at the situation between South Korea and Japan and China over different perceptions about material in their respective textbooks and how they try to resolve them.
For that to happen they have to be proven facts not a repeat of some article....

Someone gave you CRSS Pakistan link, you said it's not opening, hence false.

Then someone gave you another source of the same link, this time it's a blog, hence false.

Then there was a Dawn link, a mainstream Pakistani newspaper, strangely it was not opening too in your computer, neither you could read the content copy pasted here from it...or whatever, but it was false.

Then I gave you another link from a Pakistani news site, you were silent about it...it must be false too.

Then you were presented with two video links of Pakistani channels debating on this issue, but you don't watch talk shows, hence these are false.

Clearly facts were elusive here.

I would prefer to stop debating here with you to avoid a situation where I end up commenting something that might be against the rules of this forum.

Thank you.
Wrong analogy, Sir. Please look at the situation between South Korea and Japan and China over different perceptions about material in their respective textbooks and how they try to resolve them.
I don't know enough about Chinese or Japanese text books to comment but I am assuming these are different INTERPRETATIONS of facts not intentionally FALSIFIED facts, and given that Japan apologized to China, we can safely assume that they do not think that one Japanese is divinely equivalent to 10 Chinese. The issue here is that facts themselves are obfuscated and that some groups (eg Qadanis) are by law considered "less than", how many more years before they are lined up and "cleansed". When education becomes this far propogandized, it is the concern of the whole world including those of us who are routinely defined in shall I say " less than exemplary " manner.
Someone gave you CRSS Pakistan link, you said it's not opening, hence false.
No hence it is questionable...

Then someone gave you another source of the same link, this time it's a blog, hence false.
Did they say its the same link?

Then there was a Dawn link, a mainstream Pakistani newspaper, strangely it was not opening too in your computer, neither you could read the content copy pasted here from it...or whatever, but it was false.
I never said anything about the Dawn link...

Funny how you are trying to hard...Go back and read WITHIN CONTEXT.

Then you were presented with two video links of Pakistani channels debating on this issue, but you don't watch talk shows, hence these are false.
Nice of you to manipulate people's words

Show me the word FALSE in any of my posts! :tup:

It is not my job to educate indians in their inability to have a desire to research for the truth but to tag along with BS fed to them....

Good to know you are not debatable....Carry on accepting BS for that is all people like you wish to hear! :tup:

Telling you the truth is like putting a dagger in your dreams!
And I replied to this:

Just another WordPress.com weblog

However the link from the post suggests this: Just another WordPress.com weblog

How did you miss it? And just bashed around with your own conclusion?
If that is authentic then every "report" on india's problems from any random "source" should also be highlighted, no? :pop: Why bother about authentic articles?
I went to a Pakistani English Medium school up to class 5. Let me tell you what I remember about different subjects that I learnt, I have forgotten most, some were outright weird so I still remember them.

1. Maths-The level of Maths taught was decent.
2. English- Horrible, I knew better English then my English teacher.
3. Science- Horrible
4. Arabic-Why?
5. Sindhi- Learnt a bit but forgot most of it
5. History- History book was divided in parts, one was the early Islamic period, which covered small basics like when Prophet Muhammad(saw) was born, after him the Caliphate. A small mention of Islamic Golden Age.

Some mention of Alexander the Great as being a great General.

Conquest of Sindh by Muhammad Bin Qasim. Here comes the part that I remember: Arabs invaded Sindh due to reason(which I can't remember), the locals were apparently mostly Buddhist who welcomed the Arabs. The Hindus were sly but they were very impressed with Arabs, so they all accepted Islam peacefully. Death of Muhammad Bin Qasim.

Events leading up to creation of Pakistan-. Muslims were scared that Hindus would dominate them once the British left. The Hindus would not give them equal rights. Allama Iqbal had a vision of a newly created State for Muslims. Eventually Pakistan is formed thanks to leadership of Qaide Azam. Sikhs and Hindus killed Muslims during partition. No mention of Sikhs and Hindus being massacred by Muslims in Punjab.
I went to a Pakistani English Medium school up to class 5. Let me tell you what I remember about different subjects that I learnt, I have forgotten most, some were outright weird so I still remember them.

1. Maths-The level of Maths taught was decent.
2. English- Horrible, I knew better English then my English teacher.
3. Science- Horrible
4. Arabic-Why?
5. Sindhi- Learnt a bit but forgot most of it
5. History- History book was divided in parts, one was the early Islamic period, which covered small basics like when Prophet Muhammad(saw) was born, after him the Caliphate. A small mention of Islamic Golden Age.

Some mention of Alexander the Great as being a great General.

Conquest of Sindh by Muhammad Bin Qasim. Here comes the part that I remember: Arabs invaded Sindh due to reason(which I can't remember), the locals were apparently mostly Buddhist who welcomed the Arabs. The Hindus were sly but they were very impressed with Arabs, so they all accepted Islam peacefully. Death of Muhammad Bin Qasim.

Events leading up to creation of Pakistan-. Muslims were scared that Hindus would dominate them once the British left. The Hindus would not give them equal rights. Allama Iqbal had a vision of a newly created State for Muslims. Eventually Pakistan is formed thanks to leadership of Qaide Azam. Sikhs and Hindus killed Muslims during partition. No mention of Sikhs and Hindus being massacred by Muslims in Punjab.
I dont know why people are surprised....Did the British not call freedom fighters as terrorists?
Native American Indians as savages who were raiding and attacking them all the time?
Aborigines as savages, Inca people the same?

How is all that not inciting any form of hatred nor a surprise TO ANYONE?

Here is another example of how it is in the rest of the world:

The Jewish story, the Arab story … and a plan by Mr Davies

Not sure why its a shocker for people so much as to highlight it in Pakistan! :tsk:
wow as if india is any different.since your current prime minister has muslim blood on his hands and you nationalist indians still deny that.talk about being a critique.first look at your own teachings.since your religion incorporates a casting system.4 classes.the lowest being shudar.so impure one can't even eat with them.and you talk about pakistan.you guys and voldemort are the same.pure blood kshatriya the ruling elite.shudar mubloods.

If you can prove that our textbooks contain the sort of hate-filled lies and bigotry that Pakistani textbooks do, I will delete each and every one of my posts on this thread. Else, bug**r off.
-Article : AP — UPDATED OCT 01, 2014 08:27PM

I answered this on this very thread...kindly do stop going in circles:
Here is the source and you will see it repeating everywhere but no report found....
- Wednesday, October 07, 2015

according to a study by a US government commission released on Wednesday.

And where is the so called report:
In 2012, a nongovernmental organisation released a research report in English and Urdu languages on Religious Discrimination in Education Policy and Syllabus, including specimens from Punjab textbooks.

- Monday 18 May 2009 12.05 BST
Who are the experts (are they the same ones from 2005?):

Experts say the texts

Nit picking small points seems to be a habit of some:
lacked a chapter on Christianity
Had there been a topic on Christianity it would have formed another article...

the same people who claim no religion should be part of curriculum are actually objecting to no mention of Christianity? :unsure:

Throwing in assumptions :

The Pakistani establishment taught their children right from the beginning that this state was built on the basis of religion – that's why they don't have tolerance for other religions and want to wipe-out all of them.

Not at all an article worth reading!
I have answered to this general Zia phobia numerous times on various threads! :tsk:
The policies of General Zia were continued by those that followed him: Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Bhutto and latterly General Pervez Musharraf.

Their report, which can be seen here,
I clicked on "here" and the report doesnt exist ...Not sure who is referring to what sources!

JANUARY 21, 2009

Very authentic indeed...I am sure they are as butthurt as you regarding Christianity not mentioned CSM stands for the Christian Science Monitor....
and do look at their reference:

According to Pervez Hoodbhoy, a physics professor at Quaid-e-Azam University inIslamabad,

is a Pakistani nuclear physicist, essayist and national security analyst. He taught at the Quaid-e-Azam Universityphysics department for 40 years before becoming a professor of Physics and Mathematics at Forman Christian College University in Lahore where he currently teaches.

With such credentials he publishes stuff like this: Dr. Hoodbhoy is the author of Islam and Science: Religious Orthodoxy and the Battle for Rationality,

Do you go to a butcher to ask you make a suit for your wedding?

- August 18, 2005
Are you that desperate you had to dig out 2005 article? :o:

All without reference of where they got their knowledge or are spreading propaganda?
Published: April 14, 2011

So what you presented before 2011 isnt valid :

While the Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa textbook boards have been updating curricula, those in Sindh and Balochistan have not done so for nearly a decade.

Sindh government has finally made some headway now on the issue. The education department is working to update and align textbooks with the 2006 guidelines agreed to by all provinces. In addition, efforts are underway with the expertise of civil society to introduce critical modes of teaching, with supplementary learning material for both teachers and students.

Did you even read ANY of the articles or just got excited due to the titles?

VERY DESPERATE IT SEEMS! Posting based on title without looking at the article!
CSM returns
FEBRUARY 28, 2013

What is this an indian drama serial:
“No Muslim was left alive!” echoes around the classroom from whispered lips

Did you read all 136 pages of it? :pop:

The latest reference in that report is 2002....So should I ASSUME that it was printed then or that there were no references worth bashing post 2002? :pop:

PUBLISHEDJUL 27, 2010 12:00AM

PESHAWAR, July 26 Textbooks taught in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
are to be rewritten after taking out hate material from them and introducing texts in its place that purport to promote love, peace and brotherhood.

10. Another.
- January 15, 2011
Afghan government is setting up Islamic seminaries to attract students, who cross over to Pakistan for religious schooling, while on this side of the Durand Line the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government is engaged in reforming the syllabus in the province.
So we now know where the shit came from!

I honestly dont know what this is!

Whatever it is I see the Pakistani obsession dragged you to 2005!!

- 2009
I guess you never read this!

I have interviewed these people so I have an idea what the 27 pages would be saying ....Question arises did you read it? :pop:

Was this Pakistan obsession taught in your classroom? :pop:

point 1 out where your countryman made sense or even read the article himself! He only googled Pakistan education and posted everything he could find even if it is rebutting what he is claiming....actually you should bury yourself in shame for blindly supporting BS ...
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