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At 7.6%, India is the fastest-growing economy or the best data fudger


Aug 27, 2010
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In the late 1980s, Presidency College, Calcutta, flaunted one of the finest economics departments in the world. We were 'advised' to read a book, which wasn't part of the syllabus.


Our professors, each a titan in their field, kept their stature well hidden, as befitted their bhadralok status.
We were assumed intellectual goats, foraging on whatever we found nearby.

One of the least appetising morsels thrown our way was a book by Richard and Giovanna Stone, with the bestselling title of National Income and Expenditure.

Calculated Numbers
Stone and Stone hung around our necks for a few months, while we hoped it wouldn't drag us into the crocodile marshes of the Sundarbans .

Then, we were rid of it. Several years earlier, Richard Stone had won the Nobel Prize for economics for figuring out the way to calculate a nation's wealth, poverty and growth.

So, this sorry tale would have ended — were it not for Simon Kuznets, born in Belarus, 1901. In 1971, he got the Nobel Prize — yes, economics — for a lifetime spent crunching data without a spreadsheet or computer. At the age of 17, he had the misfortune to learn economics, statistics, history and mathematics in Kharkiv, present-day Ukraine, after which the Russian civil war of 1920-21 drove him west.There, Kuznets landed his first degree, a BSc, in 1923, Columbia University, followed one year later by a master's degree, followed in 1926 by a PhD: on the economics of Joseph Schumpeter, who told the world about creative destruction.

Thereafter, blah-blah, till he pops up to tell Americans in the 1930s that there's a way to measure everything, including how much money the nation is making and where it can hope to go in the near future. Enter data and the cult of the growth rate.

So, two people have already won Nobel Prizes in economics, Kuznets in 1971 and Stone in 1984, for the tools to measure national income and — just possibly — growth rate. We now have a new star on the horizon: T C A Anant, chief statistician of India. TCA , when he had a moustache and taught us in a haphazard way at the Delhi School of Economics in the early 1990s, has suddenly told us India grew 7.9% through January to March.

That translates to 7.6% in a year, which makes us the fastest-growing economy in the world. This is not just bad manners, like passing wind at a family dinner, but an obscenity.

For the last two years, TCA's numbers have been in doubt, questioned by analysts and economists the world over. Reserve Bank of India governor Raghuram Rajan threw his hands up at his magic numbers long ago.

But this new 7.9% growth is something else: a crazy statistical fudge, a delight for emperors in need of clothes, spikes in the hearts of Kuznets, Stone turning in their graves from TCA's earlier myths. Here is why.

The bulk of the country's growth has apparently materialised from Rs 1,40,000 crore — try wrapping your mind around that number — of 'discrepancies' in our balance-sheets. To remind you, the number was less than Rs 30,000 crore a year ago.

TCA has conjured up a more than fourfold jump in 'discrepancies' and padded it to the GDP number.

Private consumption is also supposed to have grown: by an astronomical Rs 1,27,000 crore in one year. I do not know a single person whose consumption has recently rocketed up. Maybe TCA, or his boss Arun Jaitley , or his boss' boss Narendra Modi has friends like that.

Damn Lies & Statistics

Here is the embarrassing footnote: it is easy to bump up consumption (largely informal, hence poorly measured) numbers or 'discrepancies' to boost growth. It's tough to hide actual figures. The most frightening is a Rs 17,000 crore-plus drop in investment, which reflects a lack of confidence in Modi's India. Take away the rubbish in data, our actual growth rate is around 4%, about half of what is being claimed.

Real life disproves TCA's numbers. On Thursday, The Times of India reported that students in IITs and IIMs are on hunger strike because job offers have fallen through for nearly a year. If these guys — talented, go-ahead children — can't get a white-collar job, what is Modi peddling? If we are clocking near-8% growth, and consumption is shooting up, why has the valuation of Flipkart, the largest e-commerce firm, been knocked down several times by investors?

This company cannot hire on campus because its pockets are empty. Its peers aren't doing any better. At the other end of the spectrum, the IT arm of L&T, India's largest infrastructure company, has reneged on 1,500 job offers made on campuses.

Meanwhile, all state-owned banks are drowning in red: Bank of India lost more than Rs 6,000 crore in a year, tiny Canara Bank is nearly Rs 4,000 crore in the red. Our largest bank, state-owned SBI, saw profits sliding 66%. So, here is India, shining on bombast, propped up by numerical mistruths. Ronald Coase, another Nobel laureate, said, "If you torture data long enough, it will confess to anything." Under TCA, it sang like the proverbial canary.

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In the late 1980s, Presidency College, Calcutta, flaunted one of the finest economics departments in the world. We were 'advised' to read a book, which wasn't part of the syllabus.


Our professors, each a titan in their field, kept their stature well hidden, as befitted their bhadralok status.
We were assumed intellectual goats, foraging on whatever we found nearby.

One of the least appetising morsels thrown our way was a book by Richard and Giovanna Stone, with the bestselling title of National Income and Expenditure.

Calculated Numbers
Stone and Stone hung around our necks for a few months, while we hoped it wouldn't drag us into the crocodile marshes of the Sundarbans .

Then, we were rid of it. Several years earlier, Richard Stone had won the Nobel Prize for economics for figuring out the way to calculate a nation's wealth, poverty and growth.

So, this sorry tale would have ended — were it not for Simon Kuznets, born in Belarus, 1901. In 1971, he got the Nobel Prize — yes, economics — for a lifetime spent crunching data without a spreadsheet or computer. At the age of 17, he had the misfortune to learn economics, statistics, history and mathematics in Kharkiv, present-day Ukraine, after which the Russian civil war of 1920-21 drove him west.There, Kuznets landed his first degree, a BSc, in 1923, Columbia University, followed one year later by a master's degree, followed in 1926 by a PhD: on the economics of Joseph Schumpeter, who told the world about creative destruction.

Thereafter, blah-blah, till he pops up to tell Americans in the 1930s that there's a way to measure everything, including how much money the nation is making and where it can hope to go in the near future. Enter data and the cult of the growth rate.

So, two people have already won Nobel Prizes in economics, Kuznets in 1971 and Stone in 1984, for the tools to measure national income and — just possibly — growth rate. We now have a new star on the horizon: T C A Anant, chief statistician of India. TCA , when he had a moustache and taught us in a haphazard way at the Delhi School of Economics in the early 1990s, has suddenly told us India grew 7.9% through January to March.

That translates to 7.6% in a year, which makes us the fastest-growing economy in the world. This is not just bad manners, like passing wind at a family dinner, but an obscenity.

For the last two years, TCA's numbers have been in doubt, questioned by analysts and economists the world over. Reserve Bank of India governor Raghuram Rajan threw his hands up at his magic numbers long ago.

But this new 7.9% growth is something else: a crazy statistical fudge, a delight for emperors in need of clothes, spikes in the hearts of Kuznets, Stone turning in their graves from TCA's earlier myths. Here is why.

The bulk of the country's growth has apparently materialised from Rs 1,40,000 crore — try wrapping your mind around that number — of 'discrepancies' in our balance-sheets. To remind you, the number was less than Rs 30,000 crore a year ago.

TCA has conjured up a more than fourfold jump in 'discrepancies' and padded it to the GDP number.

Private consumption is also supposed to have grown: by an astronomical Rs 1,27,000 crore in one year. I do not know a single person whose consumption has recently rocketed up. Maybe TCA, or his boss Arun Jaitley , or his boss' boss Narendra Modi has friends like that.

Damn Lies & Statistics

Here is the embarrassing footnote: it is easy to bump up consumption (largely informal, hence poorly measured) numbers or 'discrepancies' to boost growth. It's tough to hide actual figures. The most frightening is a Rs 17,000 crore-plus drop in investment, which reflects a lack of confidence in Modi's India. Take away the rubbish in data, our actual growth rate is around 4%, about half of what is being claimed.

Real life disproves TCA's numbers. On Thursday, The Times of India reported that students in IITs and IIMs are on hunger strike because job offers have fallen through for nearly a year. If these guys — talented, go-ahead children — can't get a white-collar job, what is Modi peddling? If we are clocking near-8% growth, and consumption is shooting up, why has the valuation of Flipkart, the largest e-commerce firm, been knocked down several times by investors?

This company cannot hire on campus because its pockets are empty. Its peers aren't doing any better. At the other end of the spectrum, the IT arm of L&T, India's largest infrastructure company, has reneged on 1,500 job offers made on campuses.

Meanwhile, all state-owned banks are drowning in red: Bank of India lost more than Rs 6,000 crore in a year, tiny Canara Bank is nearly Rs 4,000 crore in the red. Our largest bank, state-owned SBI, saw profits sliding 66%. So, here is India, shining on bombast, propped up by numerical mistruths. Ronald Coase, another Nobel laureate, said, "If you torture data long enough, it will confess to anything." Under TCA, it sang like the proverbial canary.
What fall in L&T growth has to do with india

Its a tiny part of elephant size indian economy. Other than that author is moron of highest order
Best indicators are investors. You can have your data up or down but investors go by their count. If India is going profitable, investors would want to get onboard to get their share from India's growth. But If inverters are shying and taking their money out that reveals truthfulness of state's claims.
Best indicators are investors. You can have your data up or down but investors go by their count. If India is going profitable, everybody would want to get on board to get their share from India's growth. If inverters are shying and taking their money out that reveals truthfulness of state's claims.

India emerges top FDI destination leaving behind China, US in 2015


I don't know much about others but for me......
I work with Tata Motors, India's leading Commercial vehicle manufacturer. Our MoM production is consistently increasing in double digits for last 6 months. It gives me much confidance in the growth of the economy.
India's FDI sources are fraud:

How is this that the top source of India FDI is a 3rd world country, island nation, with a medium GINI index numbers?

Why is not Japan, USA, Canada numero uno as a top source for Indian FDI?

Why in the world, of all, only a 3rd world country like Mauritius is the TOP source of India and not any advanced country?

Why is Mauritius not a second source for second FDI recipient country China?

Mauritius is known for its money laundering, shell companies formation and a tax haven destination.

All these are Indian people/companies who borrow heavily from Indian banks to form shell companies in Mauritius, owing to Mauritius's lax laws.

Top ten Indian businesses/Industrialists have formed shell companies in Mauritius for illicit & illegitimate business practices to avoid tax bite in India and find some shelter in this tax haven country.


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India's FDI sources are fraud:

How is this that the top source of India FDI is a 3rd world country, island nation, with a medium GINI index numbers?

Why is not Japan, USA, Canada numero uno as a top source for Indian FDI?

Why in the world, of all, only a 3rd world country like Mauritius is the TOP source of India and not any advanced country?

Why is Mauritius not a second source for second FDI recipient country China?

Mauritius is known for its money laundering, shell companies formation and a tax haven destination.

All these are Indian people/companies who borrow heavily from Indian banks to form shell companies in Mauritius, owing to Mauritius's lax laws.

Top ten Indian businesses/Industrialists have formed shell companies in Mauritius for illicit & illegitimate business practices to avoid tax bite in India and find some shelter in this tax haven country.



I dont know what to tell you brah. MAritius had an exclusive tax treaty with India so investors from major economies would invest in India through Mauritius to save on capital gain taxes. It does not mean our FDI numbers are fake. Right now Indian government is working on these countries treaties i.e Mauritius, Netherlands etc. which will make these anomalies go away.
India's FDI sources are fraud:

How is this that the top source of India FDI is a 3rd world country, island nation, with a medium GINI index numbers?

Why is not Japan, USA, Canada numero uno as a top source for Indian FDI?

Why in the world, of all, only a 3rd world country like Mauritius is the TOP source of India and not any advanced country?

Why is Mauritius not a second source for second FDI recipient country China?

Mauritius is known for its money laundering, shell companies formation and a tax haven destination.

All these are Indian people/companies who borrow heavily from Indian banks to form shell companies in Mauritius, owing to Mauritius's lax laws.

Top ten Indian businesses/Industrialists have formed shell companies in Mauritius for illicit & illegitimate business practices to avoid tax bite in India and find some shelter in this tax haven country.



Kangress traitors have been using Mauritius to launder their bribe money for decades. After the money is laundered, the funds are exported back to India and counted as 'foreign investments'. Modi-ji needs to look into this and shut off the flow of black money.
Will be in an IIM this month, am in contact with seniors ,literally first time hearing hunger strike in IIM due to lack of offers,infact even new IIM's are doing 100% placements within a week with average salary rising by atleast 10% every year.

Besides had they been interested in fudging the data why would they be downgrading the data in earlier quarters ?

It's one thing to be against the govt. another to be against the country with baseless rumour mongering.

The fact that credit rating agencies,world bank have accepted the new method and ppl within the country has not ,is testament to the fact how political inclinations above all hurt the country.
India's FDI sources are fraud:

How is this that the top source of India FDI is a 3rd world country, island nation, with a medium GINI index numbers?

Why is not Japan, USA, Canada numero uno as a top source for Indian FDI?

Why in the world, of all, only a 3rd world country like Mauritius is the TOP source of India and not any advanced country?

Why is Mauritius not a second source for second FDI recipient country China?

Mauritius is known for its money laundering, shell companies formation and a tax haven destination.

All these are Indian people/companies who borrow heavily from Indian banks to form shell companies in Mauritius, owing to Mauritius's lax laws.

Top ten Indian businesses/Industrialists have formed shell companies in Mauritius for illicit & illegitimate business practices to avoid tax bite in India and find some shelter in this tax haven country.


Source of your Crap
this way India will be 11 trillion economy in next 19 years but some jealous guys keep shouting Fraud Fraud India Can not be even 1 Trillion economy :chilli:
Govt making efforts to reduce discrepancies in GDP data: Chief Statistician TCA Anant

NEW DELHI: Admitting to "some discrepancies" in the GDP data, which soared to Rs 2.14 lakh crore in 2015-16 or up to 1.9 per cent, Chief Statistician TCA Anant today said the government is making efforts to minimise them.

LOL at the headline fudgers. Not a single direct quote in the entire OP and then they say don't call us presstitutes. :lol::lol::lol:

Here is the original interview and direct quotes from the man himself.

Discrepancies are inherent part of expenditure side of GDP as of now: T C A Anant

As economic growth came in at 7.9 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2015-16, many argue that much of it could be attributed to discrepancies. Chief Statistician of India T C A Anant dispels these notions. He tells Dilasha Seth and Indivjal Dhasmana that the principal method of calculating the gross domestic product (GDP) is by taking into account the production-side estimates and not an expenditure one.

Many experts have criticised the latest GDP figures, saying much of the nearly eight per cent growth in the fourth quarter could be attributed to discrepancies.

The principal estimate, which has the most data and is the most robust, are from the production-side estimates, not expenditure-side ones. Discrepancies arose on the expenditure side. It is useful for those who comment on growth to have knowledge about time series. It won't be difficult for people to look at past quarterly estimates, both in the new and old series, to see there were many instances - both at the time of provisional and revised estimates - when such high or even higher discrepancies occurred. In an ideal world, production-side and expenditure side, GDP would be a completely independent calculation, with independent detailed data sets.


Chief Statistician Says Economic Data Imperfect, But Defends GDP Figures

"The fact is, imperfect information is still useful as long as I know what the sources of the imperfection are," T.C.A. Anant, chief statistician of India, told reporters in New Delhi.
Mr Anant said the new series is more accurate because it brings in much more information, in particular from the corporate sector, including data from 500,000 companies compared with 2,500 firms earlier.


Now ladies and gentlemen, we will see a PAAPIYA running with tails between his legs and his cheerleader from the other side of the border feigning innocence. @mehboobkz :devil:

@guest11 @Srinivas @SarthakGanguly Interesting article. Check it out.

Hardly but you wouldn't know, now would you? Don't tag me for such non sense.

Jeez, some people are just not bright. :D

India's services growth cools sharply to six-month low in May

Growth in India's services industry slowed sharply in May to a six-month low, due to a deceleration in new orders, a business survey showed on Friday.

The Nikkei/Market Services Purchasing Managers' Index slumped to 51.0 in May from April's 53.7. A reading above 50 indicates expansion.

"Ongoing weakness in manufacturing and services was evident in May, with output growth losing momentum for a second straight month. Overall expansion across the two sectors was the lowest since last November, as was the case for new orders," said Pollyanna De Lima, an economist at Markit.

A sister survey on Wednesday showed factory growth expanded only slightly as output growth softened again.

The services new business sub-index, an indicator of both domestic and foreign demand, cooled to a 10-month low of 50.9 in May from April's 53.7, possibly because companies raised their prices at a faster pace.

The Reserve Bank of India is not expected to cut rates at its June 7 policy meeting after retail inflation rose to 5.39 percent in April, above Governor Raghuram Rajan's near-term target of 5 percent by March 2017.

Despite the gloomy picture painted by the latest PMI numbers, India was one of the world's fastest growing economies last quarter, with gross domestic product growing at a quicker-than-expected pace of 7.9 percent.

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