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Recent content by PakmanUSA

  1. PakmanUSA

    Staying cool! Living life! Loving others.

    Staying cool! Living life! Loving others.
  2. PakmanUSA

    Who Benefits From The Afghan Drug Trade?

    I can say there's a lot of people in the USA who believe the drug trade is conducted by the CIA and other government agencies. Iran Contra is one example. There's a lot of people in the US who don't trust the news, or what the government says. I say you have to question every thing you hear.
  3. PakmanUSA

    All Afghan and Mughal invaders were Barbarians or Heros !!!

    In the South in the USA- Confederate States of America, they would say Abe was a terrorist. I live in Oklahoma which was Confederate territory during the war. The Five Civilized Tribes sided with the Confederates for the most part. Why the Yankees/ Union stole their land. Often the war is...
  4. PakmanUSA

    Iran is preparing time bomb for Pakistan

    Shia vs Sunni... Does it ever end? Who gains from it in the end? Who fuels it all? Often we have more questions than answers.
  5. PakmanUSA

    War is coming in mid april .......intl report Pak Gov

    Let us hope that it's all just beating of war drums and no actions follow. My father died in the 1971 war with India. Sadly, most often in war it's the innocent who pay the heavy price.
  6. PakmanUSA

    Himalayan Ibex Hunt in Pakistan with J Alain Smith

    In the US. There were a lot of animals hunted to the point of extinction. Hunting seasons were made by laws to help ensure more animals didn't vanish do to over hunting. Hunting is good when proper measures are taken to ensure the continuation of a species. There's a delicate balance in nature...
  7. PakmanUSA

    Indian Army is mobilizing tanks and troops along the internationl boundary with Pakistan-OSINT

    Maybe India, is testing Pakistan's defenses? Often tactics like this are used to measure responses, and calculate risks... Also, to see what the international community's reactions to it all is?...
  8. PakmanUSA

    Discovering Afghanistan’s 1,000-year-old Jewish life

    Interesting, I was told by a person from Iraq I looked like I was from Afghanistan. Often I've had people ask if I was Jewish or Persian. It's believed by many the Pathans came from Israel. My DNA did suggest ties to Israel. Here's a link I found interesting.
  9. PakmanUSA

    Gave Pak F-16 intel to US claims humiliated India

    I know the US will do what ever it can to TRY to keep balance in regions. Even if it means playing groups of people one against another... Sadly, a lot of folks in America haven't learned about the game. So, here in the US we don't know what really happened between the Pakistan and India...
  10. PakmanUSA

    Preparing for tornado season in what is called , "Tornado Alley" in the USA.

    Preparing for tornado season in what is called , "Tornado Alley" in the USA.
  11. PakmanUSA

    Guns in US are like religion

    The Idea of the people being armed is two fold. The 2nd Amendment says. " A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The first part deal with states being in control of the militia ( state...
  12. PakmanUSA

    There are also Christian extremists!

    Well, one only has to look at history to see the facts. The Catholic Church forced it's "religion" on folks at one point. They burned people at the stake and murdered them. Some were murdered when they didn't accept the "teachings" of the church. Many folks fail to remember that. Also. Here in...
  13. PakmanUSA

    Biggest sniper rifle ever.....

    Well he has a short nose... So... I'll say it's compensation for his nose. LOL Honestly... If the barrel allows all the powder to burn, this would cause the round to be much more effective. I guess this is why... I learned about it in my studies in fire arms design. The concept is known as...
  14. PakmanUSA

    British sniper kills six Taliban fighters with a single bullet: Rifle round triggers explosive vest

    I know when I was in the Army... They use to tell us, "One round can get you all." I guess they were right! LOL
  15. PakmanUSA

    US won’t give leftover military hardware to Pakistan

    I'm shocked at the fact they have even offered them to Pakistan. Here in the US. A lot of the police are being armed like the military! It's out of control. America has become more like what the Communists were like back during the Cold War! So I hope Pakistan get the equipment!

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