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  1. Saint N sinnerr

    Al-Qaida could get nukes from Pakistan: US

    WASHINGTON: The US believes al-Qaida is actively in search of a nuclear bomb and fears it could get one through criminal gangs or by infiltrating nuclear labs in Pakistan or other vulnerable nations. "I think the al-Qaida is looking for those vulnerabilities and facilities and stockpiles in...
  2. Saint N sinnerr

    Dantewada massacre: CRPF men fought till bullets ran out

    NEW DELHI: Though suddenly overwhelmed by a heavily armed force of Maoists, the 80 CRPF men who were caught in a brutal ambush on Tuesday did not go down meekly. The encounter raged for a couple of hours and the men fell one by one till a clutch of injured survivors ran out of ammunition...
  3. Saint N sinnerr

    HASSAN NASAR - Why pakistanis shud watch him !!!

    What do our pak friends think abt him , pls be Honest guys.
  4. Saint N sinnerr

    'Pak's counter strategy prevented Indian surgical strikes'

    ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's sound strategy (??????) to ward off threats like a possible surgical strike by India had barred the "adversary" from opting for any "extreme option" in the wake of the Mumbai attacks, the air force chief said on Saturday. Asked during a news briefing about India's...
  5. Saint N sinnerr

    Indian surgical strikes: PAF strategy prevented India

    ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's sound strategy (??????) to ward off threats like a possible surgical strike by India had barred the "adversary" from opting for any "extreme option" in the wake of the Mumbai attacks, the air force chief said on Saturday. Asked during a news briefing about India's...
  6. Saint N sinnerr

    Headley names 6 Pak armymen in Karachi Project - Indian media

    NEW DELHI: David Coleman Headley has identified five-six serving officers of Pakistan army among the leaders of the Karachi Project, which seeks to organize attacks on India through fugitive Indian jihadis being sheltered in Karachi by the ISI-Lashkar combine. Sources said that besides...
  7. Saint N sinnerr

    Israel Emerges as First International Customer for the F-35A

    As the JSF founding members squirm for excuses to cut projected orders, anticipating the program's soaring costs consuming growing shares of local defense budgets, Israel is expected to become the first international customer to commit to the next generation stealth fighter, although the country...
  8. Saint N sinnerr

    Massive Construction Visible at Iran's Missile & Space Center at Semnan

    Extensive infrastructure developments are evident in the following satellite imagery, obtained by the Israeli Eros-B satellite. The images are superimposed on an earlier image, available through Google Earth. The Safir satellite launcher erected, ready to launch from the active launch...
  9. Saint N sinnerr

    PA paying compensation to terrorists families: Indian Caucus chairman

    WASHINGTON: In a remark that further implicates Pakistan's domineering military in charges of supporting terrorism against India, a US lawmaker has alleged that it may be paying compensation to families of terrorists who attacked Mumbai on 26/11. HYPOCRITS The stunning charge came from...
  10. Saint N sinnerr


    I recently came across this article.. It surely did rang some bells in my head abt a couple of our chinese friends here (U all know who they are) .. anyway an eye opener article from BBC News. anyway heres it!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  11. Saint N sinnerr


  12. Saint N sinnerr

    Laugh and the world laughs with you.

    pls take it light heartedly.. and post your vids tooo.
  13. Saint N sinnerr

    Muslim-American body issues fatwa against airport body scanners

    Some Muslim-American groups are supporting a fatwa issued by a body of Islamic scholars forbidding Muslims from going through full body scanners at airports, a media report said. The Fiqh Council of North America issued the religious ruling this week that says going through the airport...
  14. Saint N sinnerr

    United States Offers India to Lease 12 Surveillance Helicopters

    In the midst of the Indian Defence Ministry scurrying for aerial surveillance aircraft, speedboats and vessels for coastal security, the U.S. has offered 12 helicopters on lease to India for more effective surveillance of the Indian coastline, according to India Defence Online. While India is...
  15. Saint N sinnerr

    Air-Force Superstitions of WW2

    I did a quick search on google and got these (military superstitions) from another forum (Military Photos . net) 1) Never step into a helicopter, or onto APC with your left foot. 2) Never shave before a mission. 3) Once done packing a parachute, spit 3 times, over the left shoulder. 4)...
  16. Saint N sinnerr

    India armed forces release Joint warfare doctrines

    The Indian armed forces, in a major step towards synergising their fighting capabilities, Tuesday released three joint doctrines — on sub-conventional operations, electronic warfare and maritime air operations — that also redefine the battlefield of the future as battle space. “The joint...
  17. Saint N sinnerr

    10 reasons why George W. Bush was a smarter world leader than Barack Obama

    When it took office a year ago, the Obama administration boasted of a new strategy of “smart power”, designed to restore America’s “standing” in the world. In essence this new approach to foreign policy was designed to distance the new US government in every way possible from the Bush...
  18. Saint N sinnerr

    Why does IAF emphasize on twin-seaters!

    I know , the veterens here have an idea as to why IAF prefer twin seater aircrafts , but there are a lot of people out there who dont know much abt it , so heres a try. also, I read this in another forum hence pasting it here. Ur welcome to share your views on the issue. If you note, india...
  19. Saint N sinnerr

    Army plan induction of BrahMos with 'surgical strike' option

    NEW DELHI: Army is going in for a major induction of BrahMos Block-II land-attack cruise missiles (LACM), which have been designed as "precision strike weapons" capable of hitting small targets in cluttered urban environments. Sources say the defence ministry will ``soon'' approach the...
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