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HASSAN NASAR - Why pakistanis shud watch him !!!

Jul 31, 2009
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What do our pak friends think abt him , pls be Honest guys.
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He does say alot of things which do hold alot of weight and CANNOT be ignored. This blame game and me, me , me attitude must end somewhere and actual real action has to be taken.

Pakistan, is not even taken seriously in its own backyard at the moment and this can only happen through growth and hard work....this comes with good leaders who are honest.

However, I think we all are already aware of this but none of us here are capable of changing or doing anything......I mean, lets be honest about this all, exactly what is there that any of us can do
However, I think we all are already aware of this but none of us here are capable of changing or doing anything......I mean, lets be honest about this all, exactly what is there that any of us can do

Well theres a kahawat in Urdu mate , "Himmat e marda , madad-e-Khuda "
I think Ur country , along with mine ,need young minds . young intellectuals who have dreams in their eyes to make their country a role model for other countries... individuals who arent biased ,like Rahul Gandhi , hes young , intelligent , doesnt come across to be corrupt as well , thats the drive which is in place in ruling congress party right NOW ... young blood . google it..how many young minds have they brought in the party...
I think thats the key.
Yes, great video. But, really, what he is talking about is not exclusively about Pakistan: He is talking about ALL societies, whether present or past, where there is blame-game being played by an internally-weak, impotent culture which resorts to blaming 'the other' and thus giving vent to the likes of Zaid Hamid.
Not need for Pakistanis to self-flagellate though.
Well theres a kahawat in Urdu mate , "Himmat e marda , madad-e-Khuda "
I think Ur country , along with mine ,need young minds . young intellectuals who have dreams in their eyes to make their country a role model for other countries... individuals who arent biased ,like Rahul Gandhi , hes young , intelligent , doesnt come across to be corrupt as well , thats the drive which is in place in ruling congress party right NOW ... young blood . google it..how many young minds have they brought in the party...
I think thats the key.

Not too sure about the Rahul Gandhi though, he may not look corrupt and may sound like a good choice to you, but that depends on whose eyes you look through......personally I couldn't care less about the state of India, doesn't mean didly squat to me, Pakistan, however does.....and I would like to see Hassan Nasaar and Zaid Hamid together.
Not too sure about the Rahul Gandhi though, he may not look corrupt and may sound like a good choice to you, but that depends on whose eyes you look through......personally I couldn't care less about the state of India, doesn't mean didly squat to me, Pakistan, however does.....and I would like to see Hassan Nasaar and Zaid Hamid together.

I was just giving you an example Gazzi. I m sure there are hell lot of young intellectuals in pakistan who shud enter politics...and I m not talking abt India either mate. see the bigger picture, the types of Zahid Hamid arent good for pak/ ind/ world.. dont you personally think so?
i never liked hassan... though i read his articles but him and rauf kalasra are never among my favorite list!!!

he has valid points that we rather then engaging in wars should concentrate on technology n education but that doesnt mean that we should say good bye to pride as a nation n accept all the dictations coming from the west...

even if someone weak is beaten down, he tries to hit a punch, that punch aint for winning but to save his pride!!!!

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