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  1. salmakh84

    Taliban attack near US Embassy Kabul

    At least 7 blasts reported near US embassy with heavy firing, Taliban have infiltrated the red zone, yet again.
  2. salmakh84

    US serviceman detained in Afghanistan over civilian casualties

    US serviceman detained in Afghanistan over civilian casualties | World | DAWN.COM US serviceman detained in Afghanistan over civilian casualties KABUL: A US soldier has been detained in Afghanistan in connection with an incident involving civilian casualties in the southern Kandahar...
  3. salmakh84

    Huge crowd of Afghans protests reports of burning of Koran at U.S. base

    Feb 21 2012 BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan —Deeply angered over reports that U.S. troops had burned copies of the Koran, Islam’s holy text, thousands of protesters on Tuesday tried to storm the largest U.S. base in Afghanistan. The protests erupted early in the morning, after Afghans working...
  4. salmakh84

    US Army & Pampers?

    A very interesting take on the news item that US Army is 'missing' their pampers due to NATO blockade. Also has an interesting press release by Dr Shireen Mazari. Lols Please allow the pampers to go through, the US Laundry service cannot cope with the amount of soiled pants.. haha
  5. salmakh84

    Afaq Ahmed has been released (finally) from jail

    Source: Afaq Ahmed released from Karachi jail | Metropolitan | DAWN.COM KARACHI: Mohajir Qaumi Movement – Haqiqi chief Afaq Ahmed was released from Karachi central prison on Saturday, DawnNews reported. Earlier on Friday, the Sindh High Court (SHC) ordered Ahmed’s immediate release...
  6. salmakh84

    Wake Up Call For Parents - Ustad Nouman Ali Khan

    For muslim parents.. wish my parents had listened to this :S
  7. salmakh84

    The Video The USA Army Doesn't Want You To See

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XE4eRiKrz8&feature=player_embedded Dont know if its a repost but I havent seen it here before. Very interesting
  8. salmakh84

    Pakistan`s airspace being used by Nato flights (150 PER DAY): cable

    Source: Pakistan`s airspace being used by Nato flights: cable | Newspaper | DAWN.COM WASHINGTON: A 2008 diplomatic cable, from the then US ambassador Anne Patterson, to Washington, confirmed news reports that Nato planes had been using Pakistan`s airspace with Islamabad`s consent. The cable...
  9. salmakh84

    Pakistan Reports Detaining Top Al Qaeda Members Younis Al Mauritani.

    ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan's intelligence agency says it has detained three senior members of Al Qaeda close to the Afghan border. An army statement Monday said the operation took place with the technical assistance of American intelligence agencies. It identified the most senior detainee as Younis...
  10. salmakh84

    Poll: Biggest threat to Pakistan

    I want ask members what do they think is the biggest internal (read internal, no american zionist plots) threat to the country? Options: TTP, MQM, PPP, ANP, Other..? Pls vote
  11. salmakh84

    Interview with a Taliban who attacked Kandhar Airfield Fuel Depot

    Interview with a participant of attack on enemy center and fuel depot near Kandahar airfield On Monday night (15/08/2011), 5 martyrdom seeking Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate carried out a successful operation on a joint enemy military center and fuel depot run by a company named Supreme Group...
  12. salmakh84

    US drone war kills up to 168 children in Pakistan: report

    11th August 2011 | Ramazan 10, 1432 Tribesmen sit with Sadaullah Khan (C), a man from Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region, who says he lost both legs in a drone strike on his house last year. – Reuters Photo ISLAMABAD: America’s covert drone war on al Qaeda and the Taliban...
  13. salmakh84

    NINETY VEHICLES TORCHED - 23 killed in Karachi

    90 (yes, Irony.. Nine Zero) vehicles set ablaze and 23 people killed in an apparent MQM vs ANP fight in which innocents are being gunned down Ninety vehicles torched in Karachi | Metropolitan | DAWN.COM Twenty-three lives lost as Karachi bleeds again | Newspaper | DAWN.COM 2nd Aug 2011 Edit...
  14. salmakh84

    Conversation between an unknown soldier and Mufti

    http://ia700501.us.archive.org/25/items/Mufti_733/FawjimuftiMubahasa-1.mp3 I don't know where this would fit, probably in religion section. This is a conversation between a soldier and a mufti. Very interesting.
  15. salmakh84

    Irregularities of Billions alleged in Government and Defence Spending

    @S.M.R: Ummm, misspending, overspending, losing money due to carelessness... ALL HAPPEN due to bad faith and fraud in our country. So all 56 bn is fraud, embezzlement etc read the complete news :taz: 56bn figure may not be exactly true but that is another matter :p Anyways, Similar news...
  16. salmakh84

    All Talibans / TTP / Alqaeda are one?

    A new video showing TTP/Alqaeda/Afghan Taliban commanders claiming all have one single goal... to fight for islam and kick America and its allies.. Title "Bunyan Marsoos" Source: Youtube/Facebook
  17. salmakh84

    The battle for prime ministership (Wikileaks)

    KARACHI: A week before the 2008 elections, former PPP Co-Chairperson Asif Zardari was asking General Pervez Musharraf’s National Security Adviser Tariq Aziz for “advice” on “who should be prime minister if the PPP were asked to form the government.” These and other fresh insights are provided...
  18. salmakh84

    A nagging question: Is a Pakistani Army soldier killed in battle shaheed?

    This issue had been nagging me for quite a while. I had posted this on facebook as well, but instead of a decent answer, I got "laan taan" from army supporters. Remember, I am not asking about TTP, Taliban etc etc I want your point of views. My main concern is: - Whenever a Pak army soldier...
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