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  1. Ajatashatru

    Citizenship for Pak migrants

    Oh yes definitely. 20000 Hindus in just one Indian state is definitely no reason for Pakistanis to introspect. After all its an Islamic Republic. Why care for minorities at all? Hindus going to India and Hazaras sailing to Australia across the ocean is definitely the last thing Pakistanis should...
  2. Ajatashatru

    Citizenship for Pak migrants

    Citizenship for Pak migrants Citizenship for Pak migrants By Rasheed Kidwai Friday, 13 February 2015 08:07 AM Bhopal: BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh has decided to grant citizenship rights to over 20,000 Hindu migrants from Pakistan. The camp for Pakistani Hindu migrants in Bhopal. Picture...
  3. Ajatashatru

    Question for indians here, regarding Ramayana and Mahabharata

    Many historians believe that epics like these are based, at least partly, on real people that lived and real events that happened. More than anything, these Indian epics should be read for their philosophy and morals. They also provide an excellent and among the earliest detailed records of...
  4. Ajatashatru

    Chinese fully electric taxis put into service in Brussels

    I am truly amazed to see the extent to which countries like Belgium and Netherlands have taken the fight against pollution. Other countries of the world should learn from these small European countries and do some real work rather than just making big speeches at international forums.
  5. Ajatashatru

    Indian athlete Debjani Bora beaten in 'witch hunt'

    Hindus are only as much stupid as Muslims are terrorists.
  6. Ajatashatru

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    Will such a long high speed line be able to compete with low cost airlines in terms of price and time saved? Is economic feasibility is already debatable.
  7. Ajatashatru

    India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

    Well then no one should have a problem with it.
  8. Ajatashatru

    India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

    Because one animal eating another is a fact of nature. But killing animals for god who will not even bother to come and eat it is unreasonable and unnecessary. I will rather give the animal to a poor, malnourished family to satisfy their hunger rather than waste it in sacrifice to god. Likewise...
  9. Ajatashatru

    Why clean India will never work.

    Come to India and then tell us how much caste system you saw. Until then please stop bringing it everywhere when you know almost nothing about the ground realities. Caste system has mostly disappeared from urban areas and most rural areas. It now exists only in small pockets of the country and...
  10. Ajatashatru

    India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

    I don't remember saying that. I am perfectly OK with eating meat. I am a meat eater myself. I am opposed to certain religions asking their adherents to slaughter animals in sacrifice to god during their festivals or other events.
  11. Ajatashatru

    India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

    Slaughtering animals in the name of religion is not ethical. Most Hindus in present times do not perform sacrificial rituals described in the Vedas. All religions should abandon such barbaric ancient rituals, even if their holy books ask them to perform them.
  12. Ajatashatru

    CRPF to Use 'Shaheed' For Troopers Killed in Line of Duty

    Urdu derives is specialised vocabulary from Arabic, Farsi and Turkish but it's general vocabulary, grammar, morphology, word and sentence structures etc all derive from Sanskrit. That is the precise reason why urdu is an Indian language and is classified as an Indic (Indo-Aryan) language among...
  13. Ajatashatru

    CRPF to Use 'Shaheed' For Troopers Killed in Line of Duty

    It may have come from Arabic but it is used in Hindi as well. Modern hindi has many foreign origin words. If words like "purchase" and "photo" can become with time words of English, "bharosa" can be considered a word of Urdu by Pakistani Urdu speakers then why not "Shaheed" be a word of Hindi...
  14. Ajatashatru

    Civil groups asks Japanese Emperor to return looted artifact

    India should also ask UK to return the historical artifacts it smuggled out during its colonization of India.
  15. Ajatashatru

    Is there a possibility of a south asian union?

    It is possible after, say, 2050 because by then per capita incomes of South Asia will be in the category of industrialized countries so there won't be too many migrations among our countries in an open border system. By then our governments might seriously consider a south Asian union for...
  16. Ajatashatru

    Rakhine + Assam Join Bangladesh?

    Nothing's wrong with my numbers. India IS a more developed country than BD. Assamese are satisfied where they are. They don't need your crappy suggestions. Assamese are culturally, linguistically and geographically Indian.
  17. Ajatashatru

    Rakhine + Assam Join Bangladesh?

    And BD is so well managed that it recently crossed Qatar and Luxembourg to become the wealthiest country in the world. I am so jealous.
  18. Ajatashatru

    Rakhine + Assam Join Bangladesh?

    Reading what these BDis write on PDF, you can infer only one thing - BDis are cramped up, overflowing and dying for more space. The condition of BD is similar to that overflowing garbage bin near my house.
  19. Ajatashatru

    Rakhine + Assam Join Bangladesh?

    Firstly, no one in Assam wants to join BD. Secondly, its not that they are sharing their resources with 1.2 billion other people, the 1.2 billion other people are also sharing their resources with them.
  20. Ajatashatru

    Rakhine + Assam Join Bangladesh?

    Despite what many Bangladeshis are fooled into thinking, BD is not more developed than India. BD's HDI, per capita income, average wages, infrastrucutre etc is all worse than India but you will often see BDis claiming in Internet forums about how their country is more developed than India...

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