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99% people of Azad Kashmir will like to join India: Muslim cleric

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Easy solution of Kashmir
50% Migrate to India
50% Migrate to Pakistan.
Nuke Kashmir and make it useless place.
Kissa kahatam .
This is best solution for Peace but i afraid both side has no intention to solve this issue, just using it for political gains.
Moulana sahib is more then welcome to migrate to India. Lets keep our fingers crossed he doesn't end up getting killed in Gujrat riots 2.
we also say the same thing....
separatist in Kashmir who want to be a part of Pakistan should go to Pakistan :)

It's high time you guys realize ....Kashmir is a dead case
India will not give an inch of Kashmir to anybody other than Indians(Indians includes Kashmiris as well :partay:)
Isn't Azad Kashmir getting filled with Pakistani Punjabis?
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Easy solution of Kashmir
50% Migrate to India
50% Migrate to Pakistan.
Nuke Kashmir and make it useless place.
Kissa kahatam .
This is best solution for Peace but i afraid both side has no intention to solve this issue, just using it for political gains.
Yes lets nuke the main source of fresh water for the almost whole sub continent.
Easy solution of Kashmir
50% Migrate to India
50% Migrate to Pakistan.
Nuke Kashmir and make it useless place.
Kissa kahatam .
This is best solution for Peace but i afraid both side has no intention to solve this issue, just using it for political gains.
Another solution
We take Kashmir
You guys take Bangladesh
what say :azn:
Lol so let there be a referendum, India should win in a landslide. :D
Cut the crap. Hold a referendum in Azad Kashmir and IOK?
depends what's on the ballot

if it's plainly between India and Pakistan, those from Indian administered Kashmir would overwhelmingly vote in favour of India. I have no idea about the Pakistani administered and so called "azad" Kashmir.

but throw in "nation state of our own" and then an even greater percentage would want that instead of either India/Pakistan but those are mostly romantic notions. There's no chance in hell an Independent nation state of Kashmir can survive on it's own.
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