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Ahmedabad blast suspect Riyaz Bhatkal allegedly murdered by Chhota Rajan


May 24, 2009
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Chota Rajan claims to have killed Indian Mujahideen Riyaz Bhatkal last Thursday.

He was killed at Karina market in Gulshan Iqbal area of Karachi.

He died at Jiauddin Hospital, ward 222, bed 18. Another person named Anwar was also killed. Riyaz was staying with name Dilawar Iqbal. One Abdul Aziz Bidani claimed his body.
source: Mid Day

Breaking news: Riyaz Bhatkal allegedly murdered by Chhota Rajan
waiting for "he's an indian agent and works for RAW " accusations. :D

any reasons for him trying to act as a sympathiser or is it gang wars :undecided:
waiting for "he's an indian agent and works for RAW " accusations. :D

any reasons for him trying to act as a sympathiser or is it gang wars :undecided:
From time to time in intelligence circle there were buzz that Chota rajan is really a a RAW plant to neutralize Dawood ibrahim.When there was attempt on chota rajan's life in Bangkok hotel during 1990s by dawood ibrahim men it was suppose to be the RAW sleuths with whom help he escaped from there.I.Think B.Raman has also pointed to this in many of his blogs.
Rajan's Interview

Do you have any idea where Dawood is now? You must be keeping an eye on each other.

He is sitting in Karachi. He is sitting there cosy and comfortable with the ISI’s help.

There are reports that his daughter is marrying Javed Miandad’s son.

Yes, the marriage has already taken place and the reception is being held in Dubai
on July 22.

The Dawood camp has actually managed to pump bullets into you and kill many from your gang. Is he the stronger don?

It is not the question of being stronger. He has the support of an entire country, of the Pakistani establishment. I have no such support, even the Mumbai Police doesn’t support me. Even a Bharat Shah, who finances films with underworld money, has status and contacts. I operate differently. I kill in the national interest. In India’s interest. I killed the Nepal mp Dilshad Beg, who was a big ISI agent. That helped India. I killed Sharad Shetty, Dawood’s close associate. That also helped India.

Dawood’s gang is quite active even though he is holed up in Pakistan. Is he still ruling Mumbai?

No, it is not like this. We have damaged him to a large extent.

What about your dhanda? How do you remote control it?

(Laughs) What is our business, only buying and selling land in Mumbai city.

It is said that, you kill and extort…

Some people must be doing it in my name but there is no truth in it, I don’t go asking for money.

Whenever there is talk of the underworld, two names are mentioned, Dawood’s and yours… Through what activities do you maintain your gang?

People buy and sell land and if there is a dispute, I get it settled.

That means you are land mafia.

Land mafia! No, I don’t grab land.

One of your associates, Vicky, was apprehended recently. He was in the company of a senior Intelligence Bureau officer. You obviously have links with intelligence agencies.

There is no dearth of patriots in this country. Difficulties (Vicky’s arrest) are encountered even when we intend doing something good for the country.

So you do have links with the IB. Are you providing them information about the D company?

We help a lot. Not only Dawood, there are other problems also, but I don’t want to talk about it. It will only alert the enemy. There are other problems concerning the country which we want to resolve. If we do it together it will be easier to handle. Together, we can do a lot of things.

Which problems are you talking about?

No, I don’t want to disclose it. There are some problems.

Recently, there was an attack in Ayodhya. Are you talking about that?

No, at this stage I don’t want to say anything. I don’t want to comment on this.

Does Dawood have links with terrorist organisations? He has been in Pakistan for years where a lot of terrorist organisations are headquartered.

Yes, he has links with all kinds of terrorist organisations.

Which all terrorist organisations is he related to? Al-Qaeda? Hizbul? Lashkar-e-ToIBa? Harkat? Which all?

He has links with all these organisations and more.

Pakistanis are now believed to be behind the London attacks…

I’m not sure if Dawood knew about the London blasts but I am sure that he is in someway linked to whatever is happening in India.

Do you mean the Ayodhya attack?

I think finance-wise.

Why is it that Dawood is seen to be representing Muslims and you are seen as a Hindu supporter?

No, the question doesn’t arise. There is no question of Hindus and Muslims. I am a Hindustani and there are many Muslims in my gang.

‘Politicians from at least two political parties have links with Dawood Ibrahim and so does the Mumbai Police’

But you left Dawood because of the blasts and the subsequent riots.

Of course, we had separated because of blasts only.

These blasts created a rift between Hindus and Muslims.

But many Muslims are patriots.

If you are such a Hindustani as you claim to be and even justify murder as being in the national interest, why are you in hiding?Why don’t you come back?

I would like to come back provided I get full support from the government. Dawood should be killed.

But you have the support of the IB.

I should get support from all quarters, some support me and some are against. If I have majority support, I will do something, I will do wonders, will do it early and come back.

The Indian agencies had helped you escape from the hospital in Bangkok.

Nobody helped me.

That is a lie. The papers for your extradition were delayed.

I don’t know what happened but papers did come later.

By that time you had escaped, it helped you.

Yes, this delay helped me.

But how did you escape?

(Laughs) I climbed down from the seventh floor with the help of a rope.

From the seventh floor?

(Laughs) With the help of my associates.

Were these associates sarkaari?

No, no.

Which political parties do you support?

I have no interest in politics. For me, the party that stops the spread of terrorism is good for the country and for me.

Are you are saying that you want to come back but some people are against you? Is there a threat to your life or is it because you know you will be arrested?

Yes, I have threat to my life as some of the Mumbai Police personnel are acting on behalf of Dawood and are being used by him.

What about the underworld’s links with politicians, a subject on which many movies have been made?

Yes, many politicians are linked but I will disclose their names at the appropriate time.

You must disclose their names since this involves the country’s interest.

I will name them at an appropriate time. Politicians from at least two political parties have links with Dawood and so does the Mumbai Police.

Name the parties.

Please don’t ask me. I will name them when the time is right.

When do you think, will you be able to come back?

I can’t say anything on this for now.

You have been trying to target Dawood for a long time and claim to have almost got him once. What’s happening now?

I will reach him. I don’t want to disclose anything now. Everything will come before you.

Where are you hiding now? What is your location?

I can’t tell you that.

Which country are you in?

I am in Europe.
Pakistan should provide an update on this incident to India and investigate who was sheltering this terrorist in Karachi.

Normally Pak response to india's wanted list is 'they not here'.
Who the hell is Chota rajan?

More importantly why are we discussing a tabloid news. In fact I personally have lived for a long time in Gulshan don 't know about any Karina Market in Gulshan e Iqbal. Looks like some cheap Bharati tabloid has tried to take cheap shots at Pakistan making it's paranoid youth happy.

Other members from Karachi can help me in finding this Karina Market.
More importantly why are we discussing a tabloid news. In fact I personally have lived for a long time in Gulshan don 't know about any Karina Market in Gulshan e Iqbal. Looks like some cheap Bharati tabloid has tried to take cheap shots at Pakistan making it's paranoid youth happy.

Other members from Karachi can help me in finding this Karina Market.
may be chota rajan got confused with sareena mobile market ....:P
may be chota rajan got confused with sareena mobile market ....:P

May be he has killed his own man and named him Riyaz Bhatkal too. ;)

And kids are happy here. :D

By the way no bigger news paper is reporting this act of "patriotism" by Chota. Even not the TOIlet.

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