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Arabs angry for Iran-P5+1 talks, 'The Security Council for Fatwas'

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Have you ever wondered the possibility of Subject 'M' experiencing "level 1 "Delusional Projection" showcasing psychosis tendency in an attempt to blockout what he considers negative input endangering his "Selective Paraonia" which is stemming from the collective "Nation" level 2 projection psychological self defense mechanism"? :woot:

have you considered Mossa and his mate are just trying to derail the thread by making personal comments about individuals to try to stop the majority on here who do not agree with Saud and American visions to discuss matters in a grown up way
Lets not allow some misguided deviants to derail this thread. Their intentions are to stop us from discussing the issues at hand. This article clearly shows that Arabs are the ones that are responsible for a lot of the problems in our neighbourhood.

Man, they absolutely hate Shias to the core of their bones. This is the core of the problem. Shias are like parasites from their perspective.

I think they don't really intend to betray Muslims. They are so foolish and immersed in their hatred for Shias that they are time ang again taken advantage of by Western powers. Anybody would do this. Even I would take advantage of them if I was in the shoes of Western powers.

During the Ottomans it was Turks, elites of Arabia absolutely hated the Turks, so they betrayed them for 7 million pounds (now,the sum is equal to what Bill Gates has).
Man, they absolutely hate Shias to the core of their bones. This is the core of the problem. Shias are like parasites from their perspective.

I think they don't really intend to betray Muslims. They are so foolish and immersed in their hatred for Shias that they are time ang again taken advantage of by Western powers. Anybody would do this. Even I would take advantage of them if I was in the shoes of Western powers.

During the Ottomans it was Turks, elites of Arabia absolutely hated the Turks, so they betrayed them for 7 million pounds (now,the sum is equal to what Bill Gates has).

No mate not just Iranians. Anyone including us who do not like or agree with their methods
have you considered Mossa and his mate are just trying to derail the thread by making personal comments about individuals to try to stop the majority on here who do not agree with Saud and American visions to discuss matters in a grown up way

100% true. They can't stand anyone who is not in favour of their monarchy. And his brand new sig: "I will post pictures of dead Arabs to please Pakistanis"... seriously, who is infected by paranoia?:woot:

No mate not just Iranians. Anyone including us who do not like or agree with their methods

I wonder why do they come on forum. Forum is for disagreement and mature discussions, not personal attacks.
I think a lack of education and intellectual moral fibre on their part prevents proper discussion. I can not believe that they are upset with the west for not going to war on another Muslim country

It feels bad for me to say this, but after all my attempts to logically reason with them went haywire, I am compelled to agree with your assessment.:confused:
It feels bad for me to say this, but after all my attempts to logically reason with them went haywire, I am compelled to agree with your assessment.:confused:

It is but the only logical conclusion that any sane person would come up with
You guys should calm down. Talk peace. you are not in a position to talk big.

you are wrong about that, arabs were "Badavi" at that time, Iranian were against their king and also they heard the message of Rasulallah then accepted this message so did not support king with fight with Islam army(not arabs). what you arabs brought in the flag of Islam was aggression. I feel very sorry if some one call me arab that is why in Iran we are called "Sayyed" not as you call us " Goraishi". Islam speeded up with Iranian culture, business and science and technology after Iranian converted to Islam 1400 years ago.
as there is in history you could not break even PW when you took them in "Madineh" just go and read about "Shahrbanu" story.

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KONY 2012

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Sohel! you should argue in professional ways even they are.....
you are wrong about that, arabs were "Badavi" at that time, Iranian were against their king and also they heard the message of Rasulallah then accepted this message so did not support king with fight with Islam army(not arabs). what you arabs brought in the flag of Islam was aggression. I feel very sorry if some one call me arab that is why in Iran we are called "Sayyed" not as you call us " Goraishi". Islam speeded up with Iranian culture, business and science and technology after Iranian converted to Islam 1400 years ago.
as there is in history you could not break even PW when you took them in "Madineh" just go and read about "Shahrbanu" story.

Sohel! you should argue in professional ways even they are.....

Mate I am not an Arab. that message I put up was not for you it was for Sauds GCC. Dont take these Arabs too seriously they cant even sort out a state of 4 million and they cant touch Iran a nation of 80 million.
you are wrong about that, arabs were "Badavi" at that time, Iranian were against their king and also they heard the message of Rasulallah then accepted this message so did not support king with fight with Islam army(not arabs). what you arabs brought in the flag of Islam was aggression. I feel very sorry if some one call me arab that is why in Iran we are called "Sayyed" not as you call us " Goraishi". Islam speeded up with Iranian culture, business and science and technology after Iranian converted to Islam 1400 years ago.
as there is in history you could not break even PW when you took them in "Madineh" just go and read about "Shahrbanu" story.

Sohel! you should argue in professional ways even they are.....
Unfortunately, some Muslims still believe that the Islam spread by sword not due to the reality and morals of it, I had studied a little bit religions like Buddhism Hinduism and Shintoism with all respect to them but they lack the reality that we find in Islam.
Unfortunately, some Muslims still believe that the Islam spread by sword not due to the reality and morals of it, I had studied a little bit religions like Buddhism Hinduism and Shintoism with all respect to them but they lack the reality that we find in Islam.
yes of course if islam came by force why hasnt iran and egypt for example have reject islam now
do you mean the majorty is shia not sunni in iran ?or do you mean another religion ?

He mean that a lot of Iranians have turned their back on religion. They don't believe in Islam or another religion anymore. And thats quit true.
He mean that a lot of Iranians have turned their back on religion. They don't believe anymore in Islam or another religion. And thats quit true.
well as long as they pointing their gun at the west i support them
sorry but it is simply us or them situation
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