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Are ISIS Muslims?

Are ISIS Muslims?

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There is also an atheist version of Islam headed by me :D
there is no version headed by you... your nothing to islam.. nor do you have anything to do with islam nor does anybody give **** about a closet atheist... i pity you more then anything... i bet just knowing the fact that your own family shun you if your come out as an atheist kills you.

So why let the cancer grow until it becomes an existential threat in the first place? Persians and Romans KNEW very well about that sand-dweller who proclaimed prophethood but did nothing about it until it was too late :D
watch your mouth your filthy piece of shit... before you get bitch *** banned from here...
atheists are perhaps the illogical and stupidest people on earth...they have no reason for not believing in god.....
Really? As it turns out religious people are less intelligent than non-religious folks :D
Why Are Religious People (Generally) Less Intelligent? | Psychology Today

some atheists don't realize is its always a lose lose for them lol.... weather there is a god or not in the end.. it won't matter to us muslims lol... but atheists?? who deny gods existence well i can't say same for you people..
Atheists do not deny anything. They demand logical, rational proofs for the existence of God. Go help them find their God :D
there is no version headed by you... your nothing to islam.. nor do you have anything to do with islam nor does anybody give **** about a closet atheist... i pity you more then anything... i bet just knowing the fact that your own family shun you if your come out as an atheist kills you.
I am not a 100 pc atheist as I do believe in some form of supreme being.

watch your mouth your filthy piece of shit... before you get bitch *** banned from here...
LOL. Banned for telling the obvious historical truth? :D
Really? As it turns out religious people are less intelligent than non-religious folks :D
Why Are Religious People (Generally) Less Intelligent? | Psychology Today
well we can easily disprove this by just looking at you my friend lol..
do you know what arrogance is?? do you understand that term?? when humans become smart and learn things.. they become arrogant..so i wouldn't be surprised if mor educated people are atheists... arrogance and ignorance leads people to atheism..

Atheists do not deny anything. They demand logical, rational proofs for the existence of God. Go help them find their God :D
find your god yourself... you being an atheist doesn't do nothing to me doesn't affect me a bit.. you have to answer for yourself, burn for yourself, or get rewards for self...

I am not a 100 pc atheist as I do believe in some form of supreme being.
good for you.. but what good will that do you??

LOL. Banned for telling the obvious historical truth? :D
don't insult our prophet...last warning.
atheists are perhaps the illogical and stupidest people on earth...they have no reason for not believing in god.....
some atheists don't realize is its always a lose lose for them lol.... weather there is a god or not in the end.. it won't matter to us muslims lol... but atheists?? who deny gods existence well i can't say same for you people..

If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.

But out of the thousands of religions in the world, I don't know how I can pick only one, and then feel safe that it's the right one.
do you know what arrogance is?? do you understand that term?? when humans become smart and learn things.. they become arrogant..so i wouldn't be surprised if mor educated people are atheists... arrogance and ignorance leads people to atheism..
No, people do not get arrogant by education, rather by over education :D

find your god yourself... you being an atheist doesn't do nothing to me doesn't affect me a bit.. you have to answer for yourself, burn for yourself, or get rewards for self...
I told u I am not an atheist 100 pc :D

don't insult our prophet...last warning.
I do believe in Muhammad (SAW) as a brilliant military commander and a strategy expert in politics and sociology, but I doubt interpretation of his prophecies as its done by our low-life, low-IQ Maulvis :D
If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.

But out of the thousands of religions in the world, I don't know how I can pick only one, and then feel safe that it's the right one.
listen bro the way i see it is.. that if you are really searching for the truth then the creator will guide you to it... but your dwell in arrogance and ignorance then you will stay way....
i whole heartedly believe that the creator guides those seek to find him
To me it seems no-one has Understanding of Islam.

Either your Verison of Islam will be correct or Taliban's. Either Shia Version of Islam will be correct or Sunni or Ahmedi or Wahabi or XYZ.

The truth is all Verison of Islam is correct, All version of Islam is justified on Quran.. Thats why it was not written black and white , Thats why it was fuzzy, thats why ppl interpret Islam as they want..

On PDF there are 2 version of Islam is available , one is headed by Sir @Zarvan, @RazPaK other is lead by @WebMaster...

Knowledge is in layers, not every one has similar understanding about Islam. But for me, I respect Muslim who want to learn from any sect (Wahhabi/ Sufism/Shiah), it mean they are open minded and really try to find the real truth.

In the end, the true Muslim should experience this in his own feeling, not following a say of some clerics or others blindly, but our own heart that will tell it, since it is only a gift for A True Believer by The God for those who follow the right path. For me, I combine Wahhabism and Sufism. At the end, Islam is actually talking about spiritual state, closeness with his/her own God. But justice at this world should also be fought as it is an implementation of kindness principle.

Quran 10: 62-64

Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve

Those who believed and were fearing Allah

For them are good tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah . That is what is the great attainment.
listen bro the way i see it is.. that if you are really searching for the truth then the creator will guide you to it... but your dwell in arrogance and ignorance then you will stay way....
i whole heartedly believe that the creator guides those seek to find him

If someone can provide me proof that their God is real (and the thousands of others are not) then I will be very happy to support that one.

And we have our own Gods in Chinese culture too. Are they real? There is no proof that they are real, so I don't believe in them.
A better question is:
Are IS actions Islamic? The answer is no.
Are they Muslims? Yes.
If someone can provide me proof that their God is real (and the thousands of others are not) then I will be very happy to support that one.
GOD is a fictional entity carved by ancient men to keep masses under their control. It was not enough after the fall of Church's power in Europe so they invented money as a replacement for God. Now money, instead of God rules the world :D

Are IS actions Islamic? The answer is no.
If ISIS actions are Unislamic, how come Israeli actions are Jewish? :D
No, people do not get arrogant by education, rather by over education :D
well there you go...

I do believe in Muhammad (SAW) as a brilliant military commander and a strategy expert in politics and sociology, but I doubt interpretation of his prophecies as its done by our low-life, low-IQ Maulvis :D
no doubt the prophet (pbuh) was brilliant person....a person i would lay down my life for.
he continues to be the most influential person in the world even today...
humans have it programed in their minds to believe in something greater then us... we want to believe in some thing greater...always.. thats why people have "lucky charms" ect.... thats why we take chances...
my mind and heart wants to believe in islam.. its seems like the most logical religion to me out every religion out their and i love the islamic values and culture...
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GOD is a fictional entity carved by ancient men to keep masses under their control. It was not enough after the fall of Church's power in Europe so they invented money as a replacement for God. Now money, instead of God rules the world :D

If ISIS actions are Unislamic, how come Israeli actions are Jewish? :D

Israeli actions are Zionist.

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