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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

For your information Islam is the fastest growing Religion in the world with all the propaganda done by people still it is growing the fastest

You mean to say that they are the fastest growing population because they have nothing else to do other than procreate. Great future that is for the entire race.
Please read my post carefully.. I am referring to accidental or misinterpreted insults due to ignorance of people of non muslim religion.

Then I want you read my post carefully because I said that the law should me amended. And when I say that a person is in a habit of blasphemy it means he gets a chance and will get to know the law before punishment. .
No. Kafir does not means people who don't believe in God. "Kafir" is an Arabic word which means the one who denies. So you are Kafir according to us because you deny our God. And in the same way we are Kafir according to you because we deny your gods. .
now thats a different a different answer from what was told. so use of kafir is something like the use of the word foreigner. I am foreigner to you and you to me?
I am not asking what is the blasphemy and what is to be done with the person.

I am just asking what are those limits when crossed, a person is liable for death sentence. and Who has made that limit.

Limits are very much clear in Quran and Sunnah and Judge of Islamic Courts and Scholars can also see and check it
You mean to say that they are the fastest growing population because they have nothing else to do other than procreate. Great future that is for the entire race.

No Sir not by population but by Conversions in America alone 20000 people convert to Islam each year that is around 55 person in a day in UK 5000 convert to Islam each year in Germany and France to 5000 each year that what I am saying and these are the reports of major think tanks of these countries not by some Muslims
No Sir not by population but by Conversions in America alone 20000 people convert to Islam each year that is around 55 person in a day in UK 5000 convert to Islam each year in Germany and France to 5000 each year that what I am saying and these are the reports of major think tanks of these countries not by some Muslims

Show me where those think tanks are? you have any idea how many people are actually leaving religion everyday? The worst enemy of all religion today is atheism. Not because people say they are that, thier actions speak louder than words. No one acts as though they are scared of God, that is the basic premise of having any religion. It is just a social statement. Islam will have the same fate the other major leading religions are having. The only possibility of that not happening is if they continue to procreate drones and secluding them from the real world.
I am not asking what is the blasphemy and what is to be done with the person.

I am just asking what are those limits when crossed, a person is liable for death sentence. and Who has made that limit.

Well, I am not a religious scholar but the Quran forbids to cross limits and you cannot generalize something about death penalty because every issue has its own limits. .
Limits are very much clear in Quran and Sunnah and Judge of Islamic Courts and Scholars can also see and check it

In support of SMR allow me to post a lengthy reply.
In Quran, there are numerous ayahs that deal with the situation and give believers direction what to do in such circumstance (that is, to preserve patient and ignore person guilty of blasphemy).

Quran 4:140: Already has He sent you Word in the Book, that when you hear the signs (Revelations, Quran) of Allah held in defiance (rejected, disbelieved) and ridicule (mocked), ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme: if ye did, ye would be like them. For Allah will collect the hypocrites and those who defy faith - all in Hell:-

[In above ayah, it is clear that when we find people doing blasphemy, that is, rejecting, mocking, or ridiculing signs of Allah, we should leave them alone until/unless they change, that means they stop doing blasphemy and/or become believer. If we join them, that could happen if we keep sitting with them listening to their blasphemy, or not leave them alone, rather argue and fight them, then we would be similar to them ... would become those who are either hypocrites or unbelievers. ...]

Quran 73:10: And have patience with what they say, and leave them with noble (dignity).

Quran 3:186: You shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves; and you shall certainly Hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you and from those who worship many gods. But if ye persevere patiently, and guard against evil,-then that will be a determining factor in all affairs.

[Note: Note: Blasphemy is something that when believers hear, it brings grief to believers, and Allah tells that such grief would be test/trial for believers from Allah, as believer would bear this grief, preserves his patient on the grief, and ignores the person giving grief by moving away from that person ... and that is the condition of success in such test/trial. Those who would stay in the gathering would be unbeliever and those who would lose patient and would retaliate, would be munafiq and obvious failure, as they would not be believing on Islam for Allah but their attachment to Islam would be personal, that is, they would consider it as what they believe or what they inherited as belief (in other words, they would consider themselves theka-daar of Islam, considering Islam as theirs personal property), and then they would become intolerant, so would end up in hell.

It is just like with everything. Money, properties, life, career, children, wife, or whatever we have in life. Even though we may love them but if we believe that all what we have is of Allah, we would be patient when we lose them, but if we love them and think that it is mine (we personally own them), then we would not lose them with patient, but we would get agitated losing them and would retaliate ... and that situation would show that the person is munafiq as that person might say that all what he/she has is of Allah, but he literally does not believe that].

As for ayah 5:33, that some people in ignorance quote, that ayah is nothing to do with blasphemy, it is to do with fighting those waging war against Allah and his messenger (or against Islam) and spreading mischief on land using force (something extremists in the dressing of Islam are doing these days). Here is ayah, read the ayah carefully and think.

Surah 5:33: The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;

[Note: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land ... are all in a sense what happens at war]
Limits are very much clear in Quran and Sunnah and Judge of Islamic Courts and Scholars can also see and check it

Am I talking to Mumtaz Qadri? NO.

I am talking to a sensible member of this forum, who has some logic for debate / argument. Since you are an advocate for 'death' for the blasphemy so I want to know what are those limits when crossed, leading a person eligible for death sentence.
now thats a different a different answer from what was told. so use of kafir is something like the use of the word foreigner. I am foreigner to you and you to me?

Not foreigner. KAFIR means the one who denies. And this word becomes clear if you read Iqbal's poetry in which he said:

" Hum KAFIROON k KAFIR, KAFIR Khuda humara" (We are Kafir of Kafir and Kafir is our God)

This means that we deny the teachings of people who deny our God and our God also denies them.
Show me where those think tanks are? you have any idea how many people are actually leaving religion everyday? The worst enemy of all religion today is atheism. Not because people say they are that, thier actions speak louder than words. No one acts as though they are scared of God, that is the basic premise of having any religion. It is just a social statement. Islam will have the same fate the other major leading religions are having. The only possibility of that not happening is if they continue to procreate drones and secluding them from the real world.

And that is what is leading us to the End of Times. Islam will be degraded and there will be only few true Muslims left. .
In support of SMR allow me to post a lengthy reply.
In Quran, there are numerous ayahs that deal with the situation and give believers direction what to do in such circumstance (that is, to preserve patient and ignore person guilty of blasphemy).

Quran 4:140: Already has He sent you Word in the Book, that when you hear the signs (Revelations, Quran) of Allah held in defiance (rejected, disbelieved) and ridicule (mocked), ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme: if ye did, ye would be like them. For Allah will collect the hypocrites and those who defy faith - all in Hell:-

[In above ayah, it is clear that when we find people doing blasphemy, that is, rejecting, mocking, or ridiculing signs of Allah, we should leave them alone until/unless they change, that means they stop doing blasphemy and/or become believer. If we join them, that could happen if we keep sitting with them listening to their blasphemy, or not leave them alone, rather argue and fight them, then we would be similar to them ... would become those who are either hypocrites or unbelievers. ...]

Quran 73:10: And have patience with what they say, and leave them with noble (dignity).

Quran 3:186: You shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves; and you shall certainly Hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you and from those who worship many gods. But if ye persevere patiently, and guard against evil,-then that will be a determining factor in all affairs.

[Note: Note: Blasphemy is something that when believers hear, it brings grief to believers, and Allah tells that such grief would be test/trial for believers from Allah, as believer would bear this grief, preserves his patient on the grief, and ignores the person giving grief by moving away from that person ... and that is the condition of success in such test/trial. Those who would stay in the gathering would be unbeliever and those who would lose patient and would retaliate, would be munafiq and obvious failure, as they would not be believing on Islam for Allah but their attachment to Islam would be personal, that is, they would consider it as what they believe or what they inherited as belief (in other words, they would consider themselves theka-daar of Islam, considering Islam as theirs personal property), and then they would become intolerant, so would end up in hell.

It is just like with everything. Money, properties, life, career, children, wife, or whatever we have in life. Even though we may love them but if we believe that all what we have is of Allah, we would be patient when we lose them, but if we love them and think that it is mine (we personally own them), then we would not lose them with patient, but we would get agitated losing them and would retaliate ... and that situation would show that the person is munafiq as that person might say that all what he/she has is of Allah, but he literally does not believe that].

As for ayah 5:33, that some people in ignorance quote, that ayah is nothing to do with blasphemy, it is to do with fighting those waging war against Allah and his messenger (or against Islam) and spreading mischief on land using force (something extremists in the dressing of Islam are doing these days). Here is ayah, read the ayah carefully and think.

Surah 5:33: The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;

[Note: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land ... are all in a sense what happens at war]
Sir these are the punishments which will be implemented in normal time in war you only kill your enemy
[Note: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land ... are all in a sense what happens at war]

As your last part mentions. . I think you know better than me that cutting of hands on theft was given by Holy Prophet (S.A.W) himself. .
Show me where those think tanks are? you have any idea how many people are actually leaving religion everyday? The worst enemy of all religion today is atheism. Not because people say they are that, thier actions speak louder than words. No one acts as though they are scared of God, that is the basic premise of having any religion. It is just a social statement. Islam will have the same fate the other major leading religions are having. The only possibility of that not happening is if they continue to procreate drones and secluding them from the real world.

Their are very very very few Muslims who leave Islam Sir Islam is the fastest growing Religion if you think your denying of the fact will change the fact sir than we can do nothing about it
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