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Bose, Not Gandhi, Ended British Rule In India: Ambedkar


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Bose, Not Gandhi, Ended British Rule In India: Ambedkar

14 Apr, 2015

In an interview to BBC in February 1955, Babasaheb elucidated the reason why the British left India in 1947. Subsequently, Attlee agreed Netaji was the toughest challenge the Empire faced. Several defence and intelligence experts agreed, too.

Why even after 70 years of his disappearance the people of India are so keen on finding out the truth about Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose? A part of the answer has to do with what Netaji did for us.

Declassified records, testimonies of those who had a ringside view of events coupled with sheer commonsense make it quite evident that Netaji dealt a body blow to the British Raj. As such, for us to brush under the carpet the poignant issue of his fate — how and where he actually died — would constitute a gross affront to his memory and all those associated with him.

For reasons political, the authorities in India will never acknowledge the paramount role of Netaji in forcing the colonial British to transfer the power in 1947. Perhaps one has heard about it from someone in the family already. In a nutshell, there was not much freedom “fight” going on in India in when the Second World War started in 1939. While Bose saw in it the opportunity of a lifetime and he wanted the Congress to serve a six-month ultimatum on the British to leave India, the party under Mahatma Gandhi’s lead would not do anything to increase pressure on the colonial authorities.

Ousted from the Congress, Bose left India and became the head of the Indian National Army. Many in India still scoff at the INA, contrasting it with the professional well-trained, much bigger Indian Army, ignoring the odds Bose had overcome to organise it in such a short time.

As the INA geared up to take on the British Indian Army in battlefields, the Mahatma launched the Quit India movement in 1942, which was similar to what Bose had demanded in 1939. The movement was launched in right earnest. But, unfortunately, it was crushed within three weeks and, in a few months, it was all over.

That Gandhi did wonders for India is true. But to say that the Quit India movement led to Independence would be stretching it too far. So what really clicked? A most logical explanation was given by Babasaheb Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, whose birth anniversary we are observing today.

In a no-holds-barred interview with BBC’s Francis Watson in February 1955, Babasaheb elucidated the reason why the British left India in 1947.

“I don’t know how Mr Attlee suddenly agreed to give India independence,” wondered Ambedkar, recalling then British Prime Minister’s decision to agree to the transfer of power in 1947. “That is a secret that he will disclose in his autobiography. None expected that he would do that,” he added.

In October 1956, two months before Ambedkar passed away, Clement Attlee disclosed in a confidential private talk that very secret. It would take two decades before the secret would trickle into the public domain.

Babasaheb would not have been surprised with Sir Attlee’s admission, for he had foreseen it. He told the BBC in 1955 that from his “own analysis” he had concluded that “two things led the Labour party to take this decision” [to free India].

Ambedkar continued: “The national army that was raised by Subhas Chandra Bose. The British had been ruling the country in the firm belief that whatever may happen in the country or whatever the politicians do, they will never be able to change the loyalty of soldiers. That was one prop on which they were carrying on the administration. And that was completely dashed to pieces. They found that soldiers could be seduced to form a party — a battalion to blow off the British.”

Today, as we assess the other data on record and factor in the views of experts ranging from National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Major General GD Bakshi, Babasaheb’s words ring nothing but true.

Sir Norman Smith, Director, Intelligence Bureau, noted in a secret report of November 1945: “The situation in respect of the Indian National Army is one which warrants disquiet. There has seldom been a matter which has attracted so much Indian public interest and, it is safe to say, sympathy… the threat to the security of the Indian Army is one which it would be unwise to ignore.”

Lt General SK Sinha, former Governor of Jammu & Kashmir and Assam, one of the only three Indian officers posted in the Directorate of Military Operations in New Delhi in 1946, made this observation in 1976. “There was considerable sympathy for the INA within the Army… It is true that fears of another 1857 had begun to haunt the British in 1946.”

Agreeing with this contention were a number of British MPs who met British Prime Minister Clement Attlee in February 1946. “There are two alternative ways of meeting this common desire (a) that we should arrange to get out, (b) that we should wait to be driven out. In regard to (b), the loyalty of the Indian Army is open to question; the INA have become national heroes…”

Even in his ‘defeat’, Netaji delivered a massive blow to the British rule in India. And then when India needed him most, he ‘disappeared’.

Don’t we owe it to Subhas Bose to know what became of him, now that we know so much that the previous generations did not?

(Below: Ambedkar’s interview to BBC. He talks about Bose and INA 09:40 onwards.)

Anuj Dhar
For more than a decade, Anuj Dhar has devoted himself to resolving the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Subhash Chandra Bose. His 2012 bestselling book India's Biggest Cover-up (Netaji Rahasya Gatha in Hindi) triggered the demand for declassification of the Bose files.

Bose, Not Gandhi, Ended British Rule In India: Ambedkar | Swarajya
True enough. The struggles of millions of common men amounted to nothing compared to those few thousand warriors.
Anuj Dhar
For more than a decade, Anuj Dhar has devoted himself to resolving the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Subhash Chandra Bose. His 2012 bestselling book India's Biggest Cover-up (Netaji Rahasya Gatha in Hindi) triggered the demand for declassification of the Bose files.
So you are going to believe a person who goes chasing after conspiracy theories and ghosts but not believe actual documented history?
Netaji was a good leader in the congress party. He had differences of opinion with other leaders in the party and ended up resigning instead of playing politics, which every politician is supposed TO DO!! He goes and shakes hands with one of the vilest men in human history, resurrects the defunct Indian national army, and with the help of the imperial Japanese army, who believed in their own brand of racism and bigotry, ran amok in the east and south east Asia, slaughtering in hundreds and thousands, the 'racially inferior' people. INA was routed, lost miserably. It was disbanded, and by any accounts was a failure.
And you people still blindly worship Netaji after all this and believe he was responsible for Indian independence?
The author speaks of 'declassified documents' and 'testimonies'. I havent seen them anywhere. Neither are their sources for these documents or testimonies. So why should I believe them?
Gandhi did something good but not above fear of death!!!

And now think of a person.... genius, daring, best in everything, from a well known rich family...... took the path to live like a beggar .... roaming all over the world begging for help for motherland!!!! What kind of sacrifice is that?? I can't even imagine!!!! FEAR OF DEATH... haha...


Respect respect respect!!!
So you are going to believe a person who goes chasing after conspiracy theories and ghosts but not believe actual documented history?
Netaji was a good leader in the congress party. He had differences of opinion with other leaders in the party and ended up resigning instead of playing politics, which every politician is supposed TO DO!! He goes and shakes hands with one of the vilest men in human history, resurrects the defunct Indian national army, and with the help of the imperial Japanese army, who believed in their own brand of racism and bigotry, ran amok in the east and south east Asia, slaughtering in hundreds and thousands, the 'racially inferior' people. INA was routed, lost miserably. It was disbanded, and by any accounts was a failure.
And you people still blindly worship Netaji after all this and believe he was responsible for Indian independence?
The author speaks of 'declassified documents' and 'testimonies'. I havent seen them anywhere. Neither are their sources for these documents or testimonies. So why should I believe them?

Why british left? What do you think? Is it because of fasts by Congressians? lol
Why british left? What do you think? Is it because of fasts by Congressians? lol
If you look at the political landscape of the country then, Indian politicians were already being elected to the Indian parliament....and the local elected bodies had much more say in the day to day matters than the British crown or the parliament.
In 1858, the Government of India Act disbanded the East India Company and placed India directly under British rule. From then on, the governance of India was often reviewed and the UK Parliament passed a total of 196 Local, Private and Public Acts regarding India and Indian matters during the years between 1858 and 1947.

Among the most significant of these Acts were the Indian Councils Act of 1892 which extended the influence of locally-elected provincial councils, and the 1935 Government of India Act which established a federal structure in India.
With the 1935 act, Indians were already ruling themselves with elected officials. WWII started in 1939 and INA was resurrected in the waning years of WWII. So crediting Netaji as being solely or majorly responsible for India's independence is not correct.
And yes, the political leadership of Congress, pressureized the British government for more and more independence in matters of governance and finance. They immediately didnt demand independent foreign relations nor defense. But it was a slow and steady, step by step progress. And yes, the fasts and dharnas and civil disobedience definitely helped.
Another thing the nonthinkers entirely overlook is the changing geopolitical landscape post WWII. Empires crumbled left and right. Old order gave way to the new scenario where democracy combined with capitalism became the buzzwords and were primed for a long battle with communism. The European imperialism was replaced with democratic ideals and people forced their own governments to let go of colonies.
So Indian Independence was not a single event like Event Horizon. It was a culmination of various events and rapid impact of many factors over a period of atleast two decades.
If you look at the political landscape of the country then, Indian politicians were already being elected to the Indian parliament....and the local elected bodies had much more say in the day to day matters than the British crown or the parliament.

With the 1935 act, Indians were already ruling themselves with elected officials. WWII started in 1939 and INA was resurrected in the waning years of WWII. So crediting Netaji as being solely or majorly responsible for India's independence is not correct.
And yes, the political leadership of Congress, pressureized the British government for more and more independence in matters of governance and finance. They immediately didnt demand independent foreign relations nor defense. But it was a slow and steady, step by step progress. And yes, the fasts and dharnas and civil disobedience definitely helped.
Another thing the nonthinkers entirely overlook is the changing geopolitical landscape post WWII. Empires crumbled left and right. Old order gave way to the new scenario where democracy combined with capitalism became the buzzwords and were primed for a long battle with communism. The European imperialism was replaced with democratic ideals and people forced their own governments to let go of colonies.
So Indian Independence was not a single event like Event Horizon. It was a culmination of various events and factors over a period of atleast two decades.

I have studied so many books so many times, I can't say. I had huge enthu for Indian history during my college time.

Indian govt after independence tried hard to show that british just left India... just left... because of nothing. The things you posted, like elections in India and fasts by few politicians, do you think that led British to leave a golden bowl like India? NO. Sir, you are wrong here. Either you are underestimating British or overestimating those power starving politicians.
I have studied so many books so many times, I can't say. I had huge enthu for Indian history during my college time.

Indian govt after independence tried hard to show that british just left India... just left... because of nothing. The things you posted, like elections in India and fasts by few politicians, do you think that led British to leave a golden bowl like India? NO. Sir, you are wrong here. Either you are underestimating British or overestimating those power starving politicians.
I am guilty of none of that. I am just stating facts here. The British were/are not idiots to simply leave a golden laying goose like India. Propaganda aside, there were a lot of reasons for the British to hand over power to Indians, to rule ourselves.
Politicians derive their power from the masses. The European politicians can only dream of the volume of support that an Indian politician gets. Why!, even with 31% of votes, PM Modi is the most popular, democratically elected leader the world has known till now. Translating that into numbers would amount to a support of around less than 200 million people!!! So yes, British politicians then with their meager local support were no match to the Indian politicians with their mass support!!!
Also, physically holding on the such a large land mass where the large population was protesting against a foreign rule and indulging in petty acts of political sabotage against the British crown on a world stage, was too much for the British empire to handle. Also with a lot of countries gaining independence in the postwar Europe, UK felt it was time to physically let go of the colonies. But their traditions still hold fast and in some way they still rule over us, if you know what I mean.
So you are going to believe a person who goes chasing after conspiracy theories and ghosts but not believe actual documented history?
Netaji was a good leader in the congress party. He had differences of opinion with other leaders in the party and ended up resigning instead of playing politics, which every politician is supposed TO DO!! He goes and shakes hands with one of the vilest men in human history, resurrects the defunct Indian national army, and with the help of the imperial Japanese army, who believed in their own brand of racism and bigotry, ran amok in the east and south east Asia, slaughtering in hundreds and thousands, the 'racially inferior' people. INA was routed, lost miserably. It was disbanded, and by any accounts was a failure.
And you people still blindly worship Netaji after all this and believe he was responsible for Indian independence?
The author speaks of 'declassified documents' and 'testimonies'. I havent seen them anywhere. Neither are their sources for these documents or testimonies. So why should I believe them?
Well "Fascist" or not Netaji was a thousand times better than that old hag Nehru!I think you haven't heard of the phrase"the enemy of my enemy is my friend".Netaji applied this tactic only when he went ahead and forged an alliance with the Japanese leadership.Heck,he himself had said that he would even befriend with the Devil himself for the sake of India's independence.He was a true patriot unlike that traitor Nehru who is the sole reason why we have got this long lasting Kashmir problem in our hand even after 6 and a half decade of the partition.
Btw,the Brits were as evil as the Japanese if not more.Their P.M. Churchill deliberately led millions of Bengalis starved to death because his racial bigotry.Nehru or even for that matter Mr.Gandhi could have never accomplished what Netaji did because of their lack of courage to face the mighty British empire on their own.Netaji devoted his entire life trying to break the colonial shackles and bring independence to our Motherland.Netaji single handedly stood against the might of the entire British empire and literally gave them a run for their money.Frankly speaking,you aren't even qualified enough to criticize a personality as great as Netaji.Period:coffee:!!
Netaji devoted his entire life trying to break the colonial shackles and bring independence to our Motherland.Netaji single handedly stood against the might of the entire British empire and literally gave them a run for their money.
You didnt read actual history, did you? Apparently neither can you connect world events and how they shape things in big countries, let alone small ones! Netaji wasnt the man you so desperately idolize him to be. And that saying about enemy being a friend... thats all BS. Netaji, calling himself a politician, could not play politics and so quit Congress in desperation. Ran off and formed alliances with the Nazis and the Japanese Emperor. Although everyone was racist, the Nazis, the Fascists in Italy and the Japanese actually initiated WWII and selectively killed millions of people who they thought to be lesser humans. So whatever the 'noble' intentions of Netaji BS one peddles, the alliance he formed were unholy, not to mention that INA was defeated and vanquished!! Believe in fairy tales if you wish.
Frankly speaking,you aren't even qualified enough to criticize a personality as great as Netaji.Period:coffee:!!
Oh, I am, I can and I will. What and who art thou to dare suppress my voice?! As I tolerate your views, so shall you, mine.
You didnt read actual history, did you? Apparently neither can you connect world events and how they shape things in big countries, let alone small ones! Netaji wasnt the man you so desperately idolize him to be. And that saying about enemy being a friend... thats all BS. Netaji, calling himself a politician, could not play politics and so quit Congress in desperation. Ran off and formed alliances with the Nazis and the Japanese Emperor. Although everyone was racist, the Nazis, the Fascists in Italy and the Japanese actually initiated WWII and selectively killed millions of people who they thought to be lesser humans. So whatever the 'noble' intentions of Netaji BS one peddles, the alliance he formed were unholy, not to mention that INA was defeated and vanquished!! Believe in fairy tales if you wish.

Oh, I am, I can and I will. What and who art thou to dare suppress my voice?! As I tolerate your views, so shall you, mine.
Ohh boy,it seems that you're a self proclaimed fan of our Yuvraj Pappu Gandhi.I am a history buff and i think i know a lot more about the life and work of Netaji than you.Well,no matter how much you try to portray Netaji as some random Fascist person,it won't change the fact that he was a real patriot unlike Mr.Nehru or for that matter the entire Gandhi family whose only ambition it seems is to plunder the wealth of this country.You should stop reading the Congressi version of the Indian National Movement as soon as possible as it will definitely harm you in the long run.Congress has always portrayed Netaji as a fascist and selfish leader to justify his resignation from the Congress party.
Netaji was a true leader of the masses and he was THE most popular leader(barring Mr.Gandhi) among the entire Indian populace during the late 30s and the early 40s and while Nehru was busy spending his time with Lady Mountbatten,it was Netaji who took the responsibility of freeing India from the clutches of the British empire.He sacrificed everything for the sake of this country.Now,i don't expect you to understand this because clearly you haven't done anything significant for this country other than criticizing the greatest son of our motherland nor do i expect you to do something for our Motherland in the future,so yeah i have got every right to criticize your views as long as you don't stop criticizing a person as great as Netaji:coffee:!!
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