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China punish raidical uyghers seperatists not beucase they are Muslim

the most difficlut thing is most of the english media channels are controlled by the west, they try to distort the facts by spreading fake news, videos, picutres.
I know, but they are able to do these kind of propaganda as long as they see the lack of transparency from China. They use this as a card. Take this card away from their hands, show the world what are you actually doing without time and place limitation and they will have to stop their propaganda.

Telling that "West doing propaganda!" is not a solution. It is the problem. Solution is more transparency so they won't be able to do propaganda anymore.
In PDF, Indian are easy target to be blamed for all the ills for Pakistan and to some extent China...Makes sense...At the end of the day it is just an internet forum...But the reason, the evil Indian are getting even a chance to pick up a topic that can create a clash between Pakistan and Chines posters, is something that both China and Pakistan should think about it...

For Pakistan and most of the its sentiment about Islam, religion supercedes nation or culture where as for China, Nationhood supercedes religion...These are highly contrasting sentiment that will eventually clash with each other...Of course...clash is a impossible term to be used between China and Pakistan because both are too dependent on each other to avoid it...But in order for Pakistan to understand be closer to people of China, they need to understand the pulse of the people and nation of China...

For a moment, i accept that Indian are damn evil...but how to do fundamentally address this question...If Pakistan can even boycott Israel and many other nations for the sake of religion, then what is difference with the sufferings of Muslim people in China for which they can not speak in the PDF??? Every one knows the answer...
you are exposing yourself too much
First thing is for Chinese people to educate themselves about Islam, Islamic history, and Islamic thought.

Most of the problems stem from misconceptions among Chinese about Islam, mostly informed by the West.

But again, why China will try to understand any foreign culture which is not the culture of their own land?? Rather Muslims of China should try to understand the local culture of China and get assimilated to the society....
I had thought that, but after reading the Quran, know its content, and know that it is forbidden to change, you know I change my opinion, the stronger the muslim stick to the Quran, the more danger they are to non-muslim, maybe now they seems innoccent, maybe my word will hurt muslim, but this my real thought.

As a modern law, we should keep the way for a 1400-year-long old law, it is joke, Muslim is just foreign culture for Chinese, sound like they are superior to Chinese culture, funny, even now Chinese don't say the Law of PRC should not against confucian culture.

We have no obligation to spend too much time to let muslim understand, why should? why can't they just obey Chinese law? 1.4 billion Chinese must cater to the group? it is a joke, what their contribution to the country? they are not VIP, let alone their contribution is not outstanding, because they have religious faith? hehe.
cause 25% of the population on this planet is Muslim, cant you see it?
But again, why China will try to understand any foreign culture which is not the culture of their own land?? Rather Muslims of China should try to understand the local culture of China and get assimilated to the society....
Muslim is a part of China 1000 years ago, cant be changed.

I know, but they are able to do these kind of propaganda as long as they see the lack of transparency from China. They use this as a card. Take this card away from their hands, show the world what are you actually doing without time and place limitation and they will have to stop their propaganda.

Telling that "West doing propaganda!" is not a solution. It is the problem. Solution is more transparency so they won't be able to do propaganda anymore.
no matter what you tell the American how Guellen and PKK is like, they wont give the righteous report. cause its their tools to leverage agaisnt you.
I had thought that, but after reading the Quran, know its content, and know that it is forbidden to change, you know I change my opinion, the stronger the muslim stick to the Quran, the more danger they are to non-muslim, maybe now they seems innoccent, maybe my word will hurt muslim, but this my real thought.

This is because you have neither read the Quran nor understand Islamic thought. You are informed by biases which you adopted from the West. How many Muslim friends do you have in your personal life? I’m guessing none.

As a modern law, we should keep the way for a 1400-year-long old law, it is joke

That’s not how Islamic law works. There are three sources of Islamic law which mainly govern rituals, belief, and social justice. Those are the Quran, Hadith, and Ijma (consensus) of Scholars.

There is room in Islam to make adjustments for the times we live in and our rules on how to govern. In a Muslim majority society, democracy, socialism, or other forms of government are allowed as long as the laws of Islam are paramount. Islam is very strict about respect for Non-Muslims’s religious rights and allows separate religious courts and jurists, esp for Christianity and Judaism.
First thing is for Chinese people to educate themselves about Islam, Islamic history, and Islamic thought.

Most of the problems stem from misconceptions among Chinese about Islam, mostly informed by the West.

A lot of muslim say Koran book oppose terrorism. Why those son of bitch terrorists learn islam, got education in its country, while take out cruel terrorism attack continually and don't obey the Koran book? We doubt Islam rules, islam history and islam thought can educate its people well.
This is because you have neither read the Quran nor understand Islamic thought. You are informed by biases which you adopted from the West. How many Muslim friends do you have in your personal life? I’m guessing none.

That’s not how Islamic law works. There are three sources of Islamic law which mainly govern rituals, belief, and social justice. Those are the Quran, Hadith, and Ijma (consensus) of Scholars.

There is room in Islam to make adjustments for the times we live in and our rules on how to govern. In a Muslim majority society, democracy, socialism, or other forms of government are allowed as long as the laws of Islam are paramount. Islam is very strict about respect for Non-Muslims’s religious rights and allows separate religious courts and jurists, esp for Christianity and Judaism.
as i said, its not Islam's fault, its peoples' desire.
we didnt kill one innocent Uyghers after 7.5 massacre, thats our policy. we wont allow revenge on Uygher people just because the astrocity done by some of the Radical seperatists.
i dont care there is curfew or martial law exterted when push comes to shove, just ensure all the people are safe.
but i ways stay alterted with the negative influence of the extreme Islamic ideology from the middle east, which calls for beliver to run jihad agaisnt the non-belivers.
Why must let us non-muslim to bear the massacre, and understand muslim law? why can't they do change for our Non-Muslim?

We don't allow revenge on Uygher people, because now we can tolerate now, if the tragedy can't stop, you can guarantee no revenge on Uygher people? Muslim have extremist, Non-Muslim have not? now the rage is just controlled by government, if one day, CCP can't control the rage, or even CCP can't tolerate, what will happened.

Now seems all MSL just ask we non-muslim understand the law, but when do they understand the rage from Non-Muslim? respect is mutual, rage too.
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A lot of muslim say Koran book oppose terrorism. Why those son of bitch terrorists learn islam, got education in its country, while take out cruel terrorism attack continually and don't obey the Koran book? We doubt Islam rules, islam history and islam thought can educate its people well.
thats the extreme Islamic ideology, or you call it heresay.
Why must let out non-muslim to bear the massacre, and understand muslim law? why can't they do change for our Non-Muslim?

We don't allow revenge on Uygher people, because now we can tolerate now, if the tragedy can't stop, you can guarantee no revenge on Uygher people? Muslim have extremist, Non-Muslim have not? now the rage is just controlled by government, if one day, CCP can't control the rage, or even CCP can't tolerate, what will happened.

Now seems all just ask we non-muslim understand the law, but when do they understand the rage from Non-Muslim? respect is mutual, rage too.
and that brings to the root cause. who funds those seperatists and terrorists? A war in south China sea defeats USA is the best solution we can seek.

It like a threat, hehe, so, we Chinese must cater to their all? if they see muslim identity first superior to Chinese, in China, I here tell them, please leave China, the land is not belong to Allah.
Its never a problem between China and Muslim, its between China and America. do you understand it? those radical seperatitsts and terrorists are tooled used by our enemies to destablize China. and who is our enemy?
It’s my belief that China will have no choice but to relax rules on religion in Xinjiang. Positive PR is the need of the day. Western propaganda must be countered if China and Russia are to make themselves as a bulwark against the Western onslaught on Muslim nations.

Today we see Russia allying with Azerbaijan (Muslim Turk nation) against Armenia (Traditional Orthodox ally). Russia forcing Serbia (Orthodox) to recognize Kosovo and make peace with Bosnia (both Muslim European nations.) Russia is moving to support Turkey and Iran (both traditional enemies of Russia.) Now normalization with Pakistan (which was the most important player in bringing down Soviets.)

China has just begun with CPEC and SCO focusing on Pakistan and CARs. We will see increasing support for Turkey and Iran. Stronger alliances with Asian Muslim nations like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia.

China will gain great PR victories in the Muslim world, and I’m sure many of our Chinese PDF posters will be singing different tunes soon.

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