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China punish raidical uyghers seperatists not beucase they are Muslim

cause they didnt appy for gov

erment approval before build it. can the same doing allowed in India?

Haha why is it so important to remove the minarets and domes of the mosque, simply because they are of Arabic style?

More importantly, why is the Chinese government infringing on the religious rights of the Hui Muslims? Are they separatists?

Do you or the Chinese government think that Islam and Islamic practices is giving rise to separatist tendencies?

none of your Australia m f ker biZ!

triggered chinese faggot :rofl:
The root cause is USA. the others are just puppets.
I am talking about the conflict the culture between Muslim culture and Non-Muslim culture, so-called root cause you said is superficial, the root cause must be inner, USA just a external cause, she just light it.
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Haha why is it so important to remove the minarets and domes of the mosque, simply because they are of Arabic style?

More importantly, why is the Chinese government infringing on the religious rights of the Hui Muslims? Are they separatists?

Do you or the Chinese government think that Islam and Islamic practices is giving rise to separatist tendencies?

triggered chinese faggot :rofl:
live in your Australia m f ker fantacy,m ker!
keep kiss your US daddy assssss!
you are also Chinese slave according to your beloooooved Australian gov!
so kiss my assssss as well!
i cant deny partially of your claimant. last time i visited Hongkong. i greeted a guy looks like a Pakistani(because i know China and Pakistan is ally, and the traditional Pakistani dress he wear). and he responded me like : are you a Muslim? acutally i dont feel annoyed at all. he just wanna make sure whether you have the same belief as him, so he can talk to you without any barrier or obstacle. to put it simpe, can he trust you. as we know, Islam is not just a religion, its a way of living principle and how to behave yourself. if you dont like it, you can turn your back at it. but you dont have to hate it at all.
First thing is for Chinese people to educate themselves about Islam, Islamic history, and Islamic thought.

Most of the problems stem from misconceptions among Chinese about Islam, mostly informed by the West.
You don't want to know what Chinese think of Islam .
And here some Indian like the topic, just want to leave the disorder between China and Pakistan, it will not work, it is too far, at state level, China and Pakistan will keep better relationship than that between India and China for a long time.
A lot of muslim say Koran book oppose terrorism. Why those son of bitch terrorists learn islam, got education in its country, while take out cruel terrorism attack continually and don't obey the Koran book? We doubt Islam rules, islam history and islam thought can educate its people well.

You are passing wide judgements on 25% of the human race. Terrorism is an act, and not an ideology, regardless of what the West preaches.

Unfortunately, the Muslim world is the center of proxy wars due to its natural resources and strategic location. Groups like Daesh were created to be used as proxies.

Read the Quran yourself. It doesn’t have to be in order.
English: http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/SURAI.HTM
Chinese: http://www.theholyquran.org/?x=s_main&kid=18&sid=1&y=si_middle

As for Islamic history, I would recommend watching the movie ‘The Message’ about the life of Prophet Muhammad saws. It is available in English:

Now if you are interested in Pakistan and the origin of its modern Islamic identity, look no further than ‘Jinnah’ a movie about Pakistan’s founder (starring Christopher Lee.) English:

Islamic Thought. I don’t know how serious you are but here is a link to our national thinker Sir Allama Iqbal’s poem Tulu e Islam (Rise of Islam) from Bang e Dara: http://iqbalurdu.blogspot.com/2011/04/bang-e-dra-163-tulu-e-islam.html?m=1

You are on a Pakistani website, there is no reason for you to be ignorant of Islam or Pakistan.
And here some Indian like the topic, just want to leave the disorder between China and Pakistan, it will not work, it is too far, at state level, China and Pakistan will keep better relationship than that between India and China for a long time.
and who will care a backstabber. At least Muslim Pakistan didnt stab us so far, its Hindus India.
I didn’t ask you Indians. We know very well your hate for Islam and Chinese people.

I have many Chinese friends in my personal life, and I’m not in doubt about them. Right now I’m only speaking to the posters here.
Islam is a culture, which cant be removed. so if he didnt like it, its his choice. Islam is not cancer, its those poeple who use it as a tool to gain power. other religions have the same problem. and who create Daesh? i can tell you its Obama goverment and Hilary Clinton.

i suggest Chinese and Pakistani members dont fall into the traps, and stop sling muds at each others.

it doesnt make any sense, all these smearing shit is faked.
I don't know how China handles religious affairs, but i would advice that you guys should chain Islam and other religions by one official Chinese religion institution. Just take over the control of religion in your country. Educate your own Imams, build your own Mosques, don't let bad people fill the authority gap and fool your population.
CCP's ethnic policy in Xinjiang during the 90s was to expand the building of mosques and Islamic schools. Not sure what compelled them to undertake this policy but they did it. They encouraged and funded some Muslims from around the nation to go on hajj. At the time China was poor so some of the funding and education came from Saudi Arabia. There wasn't noticible ethnic or religious issues. Other ethnic groups saw Muslims as the guys who sells BBQ lamb skewers at the local market, it's a hot commodity that everyone enjoys. I personally learned bbq lamb skewer techniques from a Hui.

People should keep in mind that at this time most Uyghurs lacked access to education more more severely than most other ethnice groups and most were not particularly religious, though some were religious/pious, I mean many drank alcoholand didn't practice the religion devotedly. They are largely a rural population living in multiple oasises in the taklamakan desert with differing attitudes, cultures, and appearances.

A dramatic shift happened in 2008 just before the Beijing Olymlics. Certain members within the PLA gave warnings about the US possibily initiating a plot to dismember China. The timing was due to media exposure, hoping it would limit China's toolbox. What happened was months before the opening ceremony in march, mass riots began in Tibet. The authorities immediately realised this was premeditated and very organised, creating a situation where the were multiple concentric circles of protestors and police both encircling each other. After further investigation, they found military weapons stashed in many herders' homes. Then the government initiated a buy back program to remove the guns. Tons of firearms were found and were found to be smuggled into China via India.

By this point the Chinese government was on high alert for potential destabilising activities but the population was relatively undisturbed.

In 2009 Uyghur separatist mobs now under the banner of Islam initiated a riot and massacre hundreds of Han and Hui civilians in Urumqi. Though there are reports alluding that the bulk of Uyghurs came from Southern Xinjiang. Urumqi itself was cosmopolitan while the south was rural and unconnected to the outside world.

Around this time Uygburs were starting to look for jobs outside of Xinjiang in costal China. Petty theft and other crimes were commited by some Uyghurs and were tolerated by the government because they felt the Uyghurs just need help to adapt but this built up resentment within the locals who felt it was unjust. Compounded with the riots and later terror attacks in Kunming subway station and car rampage in Beijing the public really exploded against Uyghurs. The government was forced to take action and get to the bottom of the sitiation. Was it the foreign funded Islamic education? was it forigen influence? Etc.

When the government deals with a situation they try to be through, with a one party state the can't shift blame on someone else and the public wants answers and solutions. This began the campaign to remove forigen influence upon Xinjiang, massively spend on education, security, remove poverty, build infrastructure, create jobs, etc.
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and who will care a backstabber. At least Muslim Pakistan didnt stab us so far, its Hindus India.
I do not worry about Pakistan, but the Muslim in China, if you compare Islam, Buddhism and Christian, you can find that which has most desired of regime, which intervene heavily in secular life of their follower? In Islam, Imam have much more power than abbot and elder on their follower.

You should know that, because of the religious rule, quit Islam is not easy, and non-muslim marry a muslim is hard if you don't convert to muslim. Now in Ningxia province, only about one third of population are Hui, but about 2 thirds of public servants are Hui, why? we should not worry about this? you can sleep well, but I can't.
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You are passing wide judgements on 25% of the human race. Terrorism is an act, and not an ideology, regardless of what the West preaches.

Unfortunately, the Muslim world is the center of proxy wars due to its natural resources and strategic location. Groups like Daesh were created to be used as proxies.

Read the Quran yourself. It doesn’t have to be in order.
English: http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/SURAI.HTM
Chinese: http://www.theholyquran.org/?x=s_main&kid=18&sid=1&y=si_middle

As for Islamic history, I would recommend watching the movie ‘The Message’ about the life of Prophet Muhammad saws. It is available in English:

Now if you are interested in Pakistan and the origin of its modern Islamic identity, look no further than ‘Jinnah’ a movie about Pakistan’s founder (starring Christopher Lee.) English:

Islamic Thought. I don’t know how serious you are but here is a link to our national thinker Sir Allama Iqbal’s poem Tulu e Islam (Rise of Islam) from Bang e Dara: http://iqbalurdu.blogspot.com/2011/04/bang-e-dra-163-tulu-e-islam.html?m=1

You are on a Pakistani website, there is no reason for you to be ignorant of Islam or Pakistan.
Not everyone who is involved in terrorism is not from the areas which has natural resources and from strategic location.
Guys have exploded bombs in there own countries because something happened in the other end if the world.
I didn’t ask you Indians. We know very well your hate for Islam and Chinese people.

I have many Chinese friends in my personal life, and I’m not in doubt about them. Right now I’m only speaking to the posters here.
Yeah what ever float's your boat.
I do not worry about Pakistan, but the Muslim in China, if you comparing Islam, Buddhism and Christian, you can find that which has most desired of regime, which intervene heavily in secular life of their follower, In Islam, Imam have much more power than abbot and elder on their follower.

You should know that, because of the religious rule, quit Islam is not easy, and non-muslim marry a muslim is hard if you don't convert to muslim. No in Ningxia province, only about one third of population are Hui, but about 3 thirds of public servants are Hui, why? we should not worry about this? you can sleep well, but I can't.
the extreme ideology penetration is the problem. such as Jihad and Islamic state. and dont eat pork and drink alchol in a Muslim restaurant.

Mutual respect is important.

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