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China's foreign trade for 2018 already exceeds 2017, jumping 15%

Construction begins on a 1.4 bln yuan smart industry park

China Daily, December 7, 2018

The construction of a smart industry park started in Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (SSGKC) on Thursday. The knowledge city was elevated to a national-level project last month.


A bird's eye view of the China-Singapore International Smart Industry Park. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]
Involving a total investment of 1.4 billion yuan ($203.34 million) and scheduled to be completed in 2020, the China-Singapore International Smart Industry Park will focus on the development of technology related to the internet of things, big data and cloud ecology.

It is designed to empower companies developing applications in the smart home, transport, office, healthcare and city industries, according to the administration of Huangpu district, Guangzhou, where the project is located.

The park will accommodate innovation incubators, offices, commercial facilities and residential apartments, with green-building technologies to be used widely.

The park will also include a Siemens green city digitalization center and a Sino-Singapore research institute.

Covering an area of 21.2 square kilometers, SSGKC has attracted 1,382 companies with a total registered capital of 129.4 billion yuan.

The knowledge city is the only national-level pilot zone for intellectual property use and protection reform.



Talking vs. doing :lol:
Just noticed that Canada arrested Huawei's executives and his daughters, once again showing that China's protection fee policy doesn't work. China has given Canada what? billions in concesions, yet Canada still arrests Huawei execs, and his daughters. It also shows that no one is scared of China, an embarasment of China on the world stage once again. It also shows the global influence that the US has, and they can command anyone to capture anyone they wish. Can you imagine China ordering anyone to arrest Tim Cook?

China's peaceful rise will end like the USSR
Hi Indian bhai, before this you were extolling the Communistic system, then now you say we will end like USSR. Our economic systems are completely different, the only thing similar is the word Communist for the name of the party in power. Can you be consistent, or you having another split personality again? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Previously you said we gave in all concessions to the US laast week. Use some common sense, if we had given all in, do you think they need to resort to such desperate measures?:D. Right after Trump and YOU declare victory, the Dow shed 800BIL$ due to uncertainty in what Trump suggested they got and what China agreed to. This is a reaction to what happened, with a single silence tone of not agreeing and gung ho about what Trump calls great deals, we just destroyed 800BIL$ worth of stocks. Trade wars are bad for both sides bhai, don't think US is that great and invincible. Had been playing this game for decades, just be patient, after this all of a sudden, Huawei will pay a fine, and in the end, we will 'promise' to be good. This is just delay tactics, promising to deliver and delivering are two different things, time passes, and in a jiff, trump is gone. And the game starts all over again. In the meantime, we will still have 350bil$ surplus, we will still absorb new technology, our country will still grow, and all you can do is like for the past 30 years, wish China will explode. That's not exactly a sound strategy bhai, better way would be to compete and improve. Provide food to your starving stunted retarded kids, make sure diarrhea don't kill them. Ask your Hindu fanatics to stop lynching people and disrupt traffic. I've been to India thrice and all three times, there was some riot or protest which screws up my schedule. What are the odds? :china:

China exports cheap stuff that you see at 99 cent stores, and makes expensive things for western corporations. The profits do not go to Chinese people. Money comes from brands, not working in sweat shops. While alot of things are made in China, Chinese brands rarely ever make it to America. What you see in the west are western brands made in China, which is why over 80% of the profits for all products made in China benefit westerners, not Chinese. On top of that, China has to cover all the production costs, bringing their profits down even lower. If the Chinese sell a $1000 iphone to the west, China does NOT have a $1000 surplus. They make $8, and that barely covers the expenses for making the iphone. On the other hand, China imports very expensive products from the west. When Chinese people are buying iphones, they also do not factor this in to the trade deficit, because the phones are made in China. China also buys all kinds of expensive western products from Prada, Gucci, Armani, North Face, Western Digital, and Nike. A lot of that stuff is not made in the west, but the profits certainly do go to them, so that is China once again lining the pockets of their western masters. China can also make western medicine (ie Viagra) in Chinese factories, however, they pay huge fees to western corporations to make these medicine, once again giving huge amounts of money to the west. Once again, the Chinese do the work, and westerners make the money. I bet they don't show you those numbers, because it doesn't paint the picture they want you to see. It makes no sense at all that China has a surplus. Anyone can produce fake numbers to give people a specific impression. I'm not buying it. Neither is anyone else with a brain. Other things we should factor in are Chinese tourists, and students in the west. When it's all said and done, there is a surplus, for the west, NOT China. If China REALLY had a surplus, the west would have already invaded China by now. Even if trade was even, the west would still invade China. Let's be real here.
One simple question, if we are losing money and having no surplus, so what is TRUMP ANGRY ABOUT? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:. Wwhat is India angry about? Common sense bhai, common sense. 8$ per iphone? 8$ X 400MIL PHONE IS? 3.2 BILLION. That does not include the so called foreign companies who make parts for them, they pay taxes, pay utilities, salaries. Common sense bhai, common sense.

You call trains, nuclear reactors, plane parts, car parts, pharmaceuticals, API, port machine, electrical machine, turbine generators, telecom gears, electronic chips, specialty chemicals, as 99cent stores? WE MAKE EVERYTHING!!! Don't you get it? You ever wondered why we don't have slumdogs, because we provide JOBBSSSSS. :enjoy:

And yes, we make fake Nikes, real Nikes, cheap stuff, intermediate stuff, condoms, cheap drugs and even fentayl, yup that very same shit we are shoving down American throats, killing 10s of thousands a year. payback time bitch. hahahahahaahha. Anything that makes money and can provide jobs, we will do it, our people are hungry and determined, we have 1.3 billion mouths to feed. You wanna try us? :D

Ask yourself this, if running the sweat shops for foreign corporations is what gets you a surplus, then why is the west not running sweat shops for Chinese corporations? It simply makes no sense whatsoever, that the ones who are working in the sweat shops are coming out ahead. It doesn't matter what psyops you use, it defies logic, and common sense. What does make sense is that the one who is in deficit is China, and the numbers are published to give an impression that China is ahead, when it fact it isn't. It would make much more sense for strong countries to exploit weak countries. Let them do all the work, and I make all the money. I have them make products, and then I sell the products back to them that they made themselves. Now that makes much more business sense. Even if you were to believe the lies that spin doctors like "Han Patriot" were to tell you, and let's say you believe China is walking away with $200 billion from sweatshop labor, that $200 billion will eventually make it back to the west anyway. As I and many others have said, rich Chinese exclusively buy foreign products. They watch Hollywood films. The ones who don't go abroad study at English language schools like Wall Street English, run by foreigners. These language schools come at a very expensive price. The Chinese bourgeoisie vacation in the west, "invest" and study in the west, so whatever money China made from sweat shops will directly go back to the west. I have no agenda, however, China, and the US both do, and this fake trade deficit theory serves their own agenda in their specific ways.
Are you an idiot? Do you see US having 1.3 billion people? Comparing the labor cost with China? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I just explain why CN dare not arrest big US man in CN. maybe u dont like my example, but u also agree that CN will not dare to arrest US CFO in CN , right ?
I don't think they should even arrest, let them catch that bitch. She is collatarel damage, we still need 20 years bro. Time is not right, we need to be patient. There are other ways to retaliate, remember how 800bil$ got wiped out in a day? Trump is angry.:lol:
Why are you so paranoid? Everytime someone is critical of China, you think they're an Indian, Filipino, or Viet bogey man. And you're going to hate on an entire country because a couple of Indians criticised China. That's is one heck of a policy. I can see why China has only one ally. China is losing money, and in a deficit. Who says Trump can't be angry at someone losing money? Is that shil logic that Trump has to be angry at those who are economically prosperous? North Korea is also experiencing economic slowdowns. Newsflash. Trump's also angry at them. Trump's angry at Russia. Does that mean that Russia also has a trade surplus? You see, your mind games only work on 5yr olds. Trump is angry about Made in China 2020. Even the Chinese media has admited to that. However, just because China has plans to expand its tech industry doesn't mean that China really has a surplus. @Han Patriot. Why are you pretending to be Chinese? Confess. Are you a foreign rent-a-shil? You are not very convincing as a bonafide Chinese. But speaking of patriots, you ever notice how the Deng dynasty always tries to play the nationalist card. They talk about patriotism, yet they're the least patriotic. Judging by some of the shils on here, and by people who are associated with the Deng dynasty in general, these so called patriots are more loyal to the west than they are to China. And it's always the ones who claim to be patriotic who are the most treasonous. Speaking of treason, why is it that China has so much gold stashed away in America? It couldn't be because CN is run by a bunch of sell outs, could it?

And China does have homeless people, and bums, whereas it did NOT in 1966. So I wouldn't use the "slumdog" argument if I were you. And these slumdogs are much more respectful than rental shils. Indians have their culture, and family values. What do you have? Not a whole lot. The reason why China is doomed is because everytime you point out Chinese mistakes, their automatic response is "they have that problem in America too". There is no way China is going to improve if that's their attitude everytime they're faced with a problem. The Chinese model their standards according to the west. Sometimes the western shils are right, China is not innovative enough. Anything that can provide jobs, we will do it, yet comunism provided more jobs for Chinese people than Dengism did, and all the Xiaoping fanatics are against comunist. Facts- millions of people lost their jobs after Xiaoping seized power, but you wouldn't know that because you aren't even Chinese. The Xiaoping fanatics are always contradicting themselves. They imported beef from overseas, putting Chinese farmers out of business, yet they say "anything that provides jobs, we will do it". How about anything that pleases our western masters, we will do it, even if it harms our own national interest? How many millions of pounds of beef did China buy from Australia. In the end, Australia still sided with the west to destabilize China. China's motto should be, "look at us, we dig our own graves". And look at how weak China is, their people are getting arrested in the west, and China can't do anything about it. No wonder Hongers would rather carry a British passport instead of a SAR. They know if anything happens, the Chinese regime would just say "you deserved it". What a pity? Speaking of pity, remember when the American spy plane that entered Chinese territory, crashed into the Chinese fighter jet back in 01, killing the pilot. What does the Chinese regime do? Put the US soldiers who crashed the plane in a hotel. What a pity? It's acts like that that make Chinese people lose faith in their own country. And it's people like you who make foreigners despise China. So congradulations, you are losing on both fronts
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I don't think they should even arrest, let them catch that bitch. She is collatarel damage, we still need 20 years bro. Time is not right, we need to be patient. There are other ways to retaliate, remember how 800bil$ got wiped out in a day? Trump is angry.
Stock up and down, my friend. I Told u, CN wont have 20 years in peace cos US still bad after 2008 economy crisis and need to loot all CN money like in Qing time.

btw Both CN - US bleeding is good for VN. ha ha ha :laugh:
Why are you so paranoid? Everytime someone is critical of China, you think they're an Indian, Filipino, or Viet bogey man. China is losing money, and in a deficit. Who says Trump can't be angry at someone losing money? Is that shil logic that Trump has to be angry at those who are economically prosperous? North Korea is also experiencing economic slowdowns. Newsflash. Trump's also angry at them. Trump's angry at Russia. Does that mean that Russia also has a trade surplus?

Me paranoid? The one saying China is gonna explode....capitalism is bad is you bhai. :lol:. I asking all be cool and watch the show. You need to learn to chill and analyse things with a critical mind. Hey, dongyabingfu is not exactly what a CHINESE will TYPE bozo, we use MANDARIN dumb dumb. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You keep on asking CHINA IS LOSING MONEY AND IN DEFICIT, I ask for evidence, you just type bullshit. I asked a question a very simple one and you had been dodging until now. Let me ask you again.


You see, your mind games only work on 5yr olds. Trump is angry about Made in China 2020. Even the Chinese media has admited to that. However, just because China has plans to expand its tech industry doesn't mean that China really has a surplus. @Han Patriot. Why are you pretending to be Chinese? Confess. Are you a foreign rent-a-shil? You are not very convincing as a bonafide Chinese. And China does have homeless people, and bums, whereas it did NOT in 1966. So I wouldn't use the "slumdog" argument if I were you. And these slumdogs are much more respectful than rental shils. Indians have their culture, and family values. What do you have? Not a whole lot. The reason why China is doomed is because everytime you point out Chinese mistakes, their automatic response is "they have that problem in America too". There is no way China is going to improve if that's their attitude everytime they're faced with a problem. The Chinese model their standards according to the west. Sometimes the western shils are right, China is not innovative enough. Anything that can provide jobs, we will do it, yet comunism provided more jobs for Chinese people than Dengism did, and all the Xiaoping fanatics are against comunist. Facts- millions of people lost their jobs after Xiaoping seized power, but you wouldn't know that because you aren't even Chinese. The Xiaoping fanatics are always contradicting themselves. They imported beef from overseas, putting Chinese farmers out of business, yet they say "anything that provides jobs, we will do it". How about anything that pleases our western masters, we will do it, even if it harms our own national interest? How many millions of pounds of beef did China buy from Australia. In the end, Australia still sided with the west to destabilize China. China's motto should be, "look at us, we dig our own graves". And look at how weak China is, their people are getting arrested in the west, and China can't do anything about it. What a pity? Speaking of pity, remember when the American spy plane that entered Chinese territory, crashed into the Chinese fighter jet back in 01, killing the pilot. What does the Chinese regime do? Put the US soldiers who crashed the plane in a hotel. What a pity? It's acts like that that make Chinese people lose faith in their own country. And it's people like you who make foreigners despise China. So congradulations, you are losing on both fronts

See your statement above, took me 10 minutes to read, and what is your point. You are like a typical Indian talking a bunch of dung, but in the end, there is no substance. You are calling the greatest upliftment of humans from poverty as PEOPLE LOSING THEIR JOBS?

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. I rest my case, now go to Kerala and wave your red book.
A lot of the Chinese sub contractors are very paranoid. They;re always looking for a Vietnamese, Filipino, or Indian bogeyman. I guess I would be paranoid too if I was surrounded by enemies, both domestic, and foreign. That's the post 78 China.

Even parots can speak Mandarin. Just because a rental shil speaks Mandarin doesn't mean they are actually Chinese, besides, you can't type Mandarin, you speak it, further demonstrating that you aren't even a real Chinese. You may want to go back to whatever clown college you graduated from, and have them retrain you, because they didn't do a very good job the 1st time around. The Deng dynasty is stooping to new lows, subcontracting out shils. I wonder if you lose points when people find out you aren't Chinese. Yea, I think they shoud dock your pay. The worst part is, the Deng dynasty is hiring shills that make China look bad instead of good. I guess one thing the Deng dynasty is good at is wasting money on things that are self destructive. Digging your own grave.

I didn't ask China is losing money, and in deficit, I said it. So now not only is your English bad, but so's your Chinese. Evidence? Do we need evidence? If China was in such a good deal, why are restraunt employees still making $500 a month? Go walk around the streets of China, they don't even have proper lighting on their sidewalks. For christ sake, put some toilet paper in your restrooms. You would think with all that surplus, Chinese would be getting paid better, but they're not. You'd think with the billions in surplus, there'd be toilet paper in the restroom. So, where's all that money going towards? Oh that's right! Rich Chinese would rather buy foreign imports; vacation in the west; send their kids abroad; than pay their compatriots a little better, or install some bloody street lights. No. They're not sell outs. That's not the case at all. Why would a sell out be lending trillions of dollars to their enemies right? Only a complete moron would believe that China is in a surplus.

Use common sense. That will take you a long way, much further than data from your western masters. Trump is angry about made in China 2020, not because China is making money. Trump is also angry about Russia, don't mean Russia has a trade surplus. Use your brain for once in your life, and stop copying and pasting from the handbook. The greatest upliftment of humans from poverty? More like the greatest disaster. In 1966, there were no homeless, or unemployed. After 1978, millions of Chinese lost their jobs, and millions more became homeless. Crime, polution, coruption, food poisoning skyrocketed. Chinese people went from being masters of their own house to being re-enslaved again by foreign powers. That's the legacy of the Deng dynasty. If there was anything more humiliating it'd be the opium war. The Chinese claim they had only 100yrs of humiliation. My question is, has that humiliation ended or is it continuing til this day? If the Deng dynasty indeed uplifted humans from poverty, why did he have Tienamen only 11yrs after he seized power? Clearly he was holding people back, more than he was uplifting them. Real Chinese know that. However, shils who are perpetrating a fraud wouldn't. Ahimsa, my little man.
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A lot of the Chinese sub contractors are very paranoid. They;re always looking for a Vietnamese, Filipino, or Indian bogeyman. I guess I would be paranoid too if I was surrounded by enemies, both domestic, and foreign. That's the post 78 China.

Even parots can speak Mandarin. Just because a rental shil speaks Mandarin doesn't mean they are actually Chinese, besides, you can't type Mandarin, you speak it, further demonstrating that you aren't even a real Chinese. You may want to go back to whatever clown college you graduated from, and have them retrain you, because they didn't do a very good job the 1st time around. The Deng dynasty is stooping to new lows, subcontracting out shils. I wonder if you lose points when people find out you aren't Chinese. Yea, I think they shoud dock your pay. The worst part is, the Deng dynasty is hiring shills that make China look bad instead of good. I guess one thing the Deng dynasty is good at is wasting money on things that are self destructive. Digging your own grave.
Huh, subcontractor bogeyman? Only Indians blurt out so much bullshit like you and don't get to the point OK. You are not Viet nor Pino, you are a typical Indian. Yah, parrots speak Hindi too...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Shils, wtf is that!! Stop speaking HINDI to me. Gosh, stop creating your lil' elven language and think it's cute. :agree:
Hahahah I do type but I am in pafdef, no Chinese would use the word SHILS you lil indiot.:coffee:. hahhaha, are retarded or something? Yah, and you graduated from Lenin School of Economics right? They teach you so much crap, one moment, Soviet collapsed, the next Communism is great. Then another moment China is collapsing? Take a chill pill jose, even shitty India is not gonna collapse with so much shit going on. :enjoy:

It's one point pointing out facts, another thing trying to be funny saying Communist China was more productive and people were living with 7 dwarfs banging snow white.:hitwall:

I didn't ask China is losing money, and in deficit, I said it. So now not only is your English bad, but so's your Chinese. Evidence? Do we need evidence? If China was in such a good deal, why are restraunt employees still making $500 a month? Go walk around the streets of China, they don't even have proper lighting on their sidewalks. For christ sake, put some toilet paper in your restrooms. You would think with all that surplus, Chinese would be getting paid better, but they're not. You'd think with the billions in surplus, there'd be toilet paper in the restroom. So, where's all that money going towards? Oh that's right! Rich Chinese would rather buy foreign imports; vacation in the west; send their kids abroad; than pay their compatriots a little better, or install some bloody street lights. No. They're not sell outs. That's not the case at all. Why would a sell out be lending trillions of dollars to their enemies right? Only a complete moron would believe that China is in a surplus.
Huh? You didn't ask? I asked you not you ask me. Schizofreak. Are you coherent? You didn't say? Check your freaking statements again. Suddenly you have selective memory loss? Evidence, you know as in economic data, you know? Do you understand economics? China is not US, and it will take 20 years to reach that level. But we are not India either, just because you earn 500$ which is what an IT ENGINEER gets in India, doesn't mean China is collapsing. It means there is a huge population and this is driving down wages. Supply and demand genius, you understand that? Hence the need to reduce population and create higher level of living standards so people can earn more. China is the worlds second richest country but it means nothing if you have 1.4 billion people, wealth is divided. Get it? Only by growing the economy climbing up the economic ladder, with economic progression, better jobs creation, higher value industries, you get higher wages. There is bound to be inequality in any system, we need all sorts of jobs, from 500$ waitressing jobs, to 20K$ R&D specialists. You think US is all honky dory? Been to Detroit? The other inner cities, **** I saw more homeless people there than in my whole life in China. Does it mean US is imploding? It means some people are not having skills the economy needs, they either retool or end up like this.

I see Koreans, Japanese Taiwanese sending their kids abroad for studies. This is an open system, if Chinese Univ wanna compete, be better, offer better courses in English. Free market, free economy. This will balance out the deficit, competition induces change, not hiding in your blanket and expect everybody to go to the Lenin School of Economics like you. Rich Koreans would also buy imports? Rich Americans buy Lambos? Rich Japanese too, so Chinese industries need to improve and compete. Why are you so scared? So afraid of challenges? Learn marketing, learn positioning, China can't be best in everything.

China already has minimum wage system, that's better than paying slave wages like India. You can't force people to pay more, if the supply decreases, a certain skillset will be more valuable. That's a free market. The perennial wage issue is also seen in the US, you think a waitress in a diner is really that great in the US? You wanna try??

Use common sense. That will take you a long way, much further than data from your western masters. Trump is angry about made in China 2020, not because China is making money. Trump is also angry about Russia, don't mean Russia has a trade surplus. Use your brain for once in your life, and stop copying and pasting from the handbook. The greatest upliftment of humans from poverty? More like the greatest disaster. In 1966, there were no homeless, or unemployed. After 1978, millions of Chinese lost their jobs, and millions more became homeless. Crime, polution, coruption, food poisoning skyrocketed. Chinese people went from being masters of their own house to being re-enslaved again by foreign powers. That's the legacy of the Deng dynasty. If there was anything more humiliating it'd be the opium war. The Chinese claim they had only 100yrs of humiliation. My question is, has that humiliation ended or is it continuing til this day? If the Deng dynasty indeed uplifted humans from poverty, why did he have Tienamen only 11yrs after he seized power? Clearly he was holding people back, more than he was uplifting them. Real Chinese know that. However, shils who are perpetrating a fraud wouldn't. Ahimsa, my little man.

Ahimsa, gosh freaking Indian false flagger. Of course it's a long way, 20 years at least, who says we are a supa powa. We a humble growing country and we are not imploding like you suggested. OMG, you are even more idiotic than I thought, TRUMP NOT ANGRY AT OUR SURPLUS? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


That takes America’s trade deficit with China for the year to $225.8 billion — about $30 billion more than at the same point in 2017.

OOOO no, you are reality and others are lying, there is no surplus. Trump is angry at Made in China 2025, so where the **** are we getting the money to fund MADE IN CHINA 2025 if we are making no money from trade genius? We don't have to pay wages, import equipment and skills, create infrastructure? Gosh, you are stupider than I thought.

^You notice how this guy can't defend himself when I called him out for not being Chinese. I really don't get why people have to lie about where they're from. Does it give you more credibility if you claim to be Chinese? I doubt it does, but what it DOES do is make you wonder what else phoneys like "han patriot" is lying about. If you start off with a lie, why should anyone believe you on anything else you say?

The man is neither Chinese, nor is he a patriot, read over his comments, and you will find that there is nothing patriotic about him. I'll bet all the gold that China has stashed in Amerika that he isn't Chinese. He, like most other Chinese oligarchs put western interests ahead of their own compatriots. This is precisely why so many Chinese don't have healthcare despite claiming to be a "socialist" country. I guess the fraud runs from top to bottom. You have a bunch of capitalists claiming to be socialist, and shils claiming they're Chinese when they're not. If you ever considered siding with China, here is a reason to be skeptical.

All the Pakistanis who are so close to China, just remember how China did Albania, China's former closest ally. Remember this too, China itself said, "there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests". China dropped Albania like a bad habit despite all that Albania had done for China. Instead, China embraced the west, despite all the agresion that China had faced, and continues to face from the west. Is it just me, or does China have battered wife syndrome? If they had better health care, I'd have them checked out.

When you criticise the Chinese for sending their kids abroad, their response is "south Koreans are doing it too". China will never be a super power, or even a regional power. This is why the Americans are constantly doing military exercises in China's doorstep, and China can't even do anything about it. At least North Korea tries, China doesn't even bother, because they know they have no bargaining chip.

Chinese today just can't be their own man. Always has to live in the shadows of others. Always living under other peoples standards. Instead of comparing themselves to something good, they resort to comparing themselves to someone bad. This is precisely why I have no faith in China. This explains the decline that China has been facing in these 40yrs. If you tell them China has more homeless today than in 1966, they tell you there are more homeless in Detroit. That may very well be the case, but that is escaping responsibiility rather than facing it. Typical cowardly losers mentality if you ask me. The Deng dynasty has allowed more Chinese to become homeless than the cultural revolution that they always like to criticise. They call themselves a peaceful rise, but it looks more like a passive decline to me. Where's the rise? More homeless, more traitors, more unemployed. Forget about street lights, toilet paper, or healthcare for the masses, whatever money they make, they lend it back to their western masters.

They claim that Chinese have to send their kids abroad to compete, yet at the same time, westerners feel no need to learn Chinese to seize the Chinese market. This is because the Chinese sell outs are more than happy to accomodate their western masters, and voluntarily hand over markets like a nice docile stooge.

The Chinese are indeed scared. All their hotels are equiped with facial recognition software, and every guest that checks in has to go through the check. You would think that China is waiting for 9/11. They got security check points at every single subway station. Every single person that gets on an airport bus has to show ID, and that ID is then recorded into a computer system, and all passengers are logged. They scan every single piece of carry on luggage, and immediately scan your plane ticket matching every single carry on luggage to the passenger. This is also logged. All customers buying a SIM card has to show ID and have their picture taken. If you want to sign up for Alipay, they take your passport details, and if you want any service after opening an account, you must show a valid visa. If you don't have a valid Chinese visa, you can't make any modifications to your account, even if you have a valid passport. It's the same with bank accounts. If you don't have a valid Chinese visa, you can't make any modifications to your Chinese bank account. This is worse than paypal. At least paypal will allow you to use your local drivers license. As if China wasn't paranoid enough. They have CCTV cameras everywhere, and cameras take pictures every few seconds. That's why you see the bright flashes when you drive down any Chinese street. Now why would you have all this security if you weren't scared? If China was being run so well, they wouldn't have to worry about people doing bad things? However, if China was doing a bad job at educating its people, then they would need all this security. The over the top security just shows what a failure Xiaoping's reforms are. They got their skyscrapers, and the Deng dynasty no doubt got ridiculously rich, however, Chinese society has fallen into chaos. If you ask some of the older Chinese, they will tell you there was no security back in 1966. What a mess the Deng dynasty has turned China into in just 40yrs.

They're almost at war in Xingjiang. Honestly, if China was doing the right thing, why are so many Muslims rising up? You never saw these levels of disent during the cultural revolution. The Deng dynasty thought opening up was a good thing, but soon they will find out they're only digging their own grave.

One of the key reasons why Chinese society is in turmoil is because they have no appealing ideology. In 1966, they were fighting imperialism, and praising the workers, and farmers. They gave large levels of autonomy to the workers. That was an idea that just about anyone could get behind. Today, China's ideology is sweat shop labor, security check points, praise the bourgeoisie, and worshiping the west. Dengists even say, people are selfish. With ideology like that. You can see why the Deng dynasty lost whatever support they had in 1978. In 1966, proletariat around the world looked to China for inspiration. That is no longer the case. Neither bourgeoisie nor proletariat today look to China for any kind of inspiration. In fact, it has become common practice to look to China on what not to do. Think you can exploit your own people, and use sweat shop labor to buy support? Don't try it, China's already failed. Think you can lend trillions of dollars to the west and buy support? Don't try it. Failed. Think you can start infrastructure projects without stronger powers pushing you out? Don't try it, already failed. Think you can claim back teritory that's been taken away from you by stronger powers? Don't try it. Failed. Think you can do one country two systems? Don't try it, it's already failed.

Today's China is unable to influence anyone. After 20 years of taking Hong Kong back, Hongers can't even speak Mandarin. If you can't even influence your own compatriots, who can you influence?

That's why I laugh at the prospect of China taking TW back. If you're going to run that kind of system, don't even bother. The Taiwanese wont take you seriously

They call themselves the world's 2nd richest country, yet they can't even afford street lights, or toilet paper in their public restrooms. They spend billions building gated communities for rich people, yet their hospitals are overcrowded. Does something sound wrong with that picture? They have trillions to lend to the west, but no toilet paper in the restroom. No wonder the Deng dynasty has so few supporters.

The sub contractor claims that this is an open system, yet you hardly see any westerners sending their kids to China. Why don't you offer some numbers on that? I doubt you will because it will be very embarasing to China when you compare how many Chinese send their kids to the west, and how many westerners send their kids to China. Even when they're losing, they want to claim victory. It doesn't matter what the facts are. Only delusional people will do this.

The Chinese media these days is just as deceptive as the western media, claiming there is a surplus. There is a surplus alright, and it's with the west. There is no way in the world the west would ever allow China to have a surplus.

Today's China are productive.......... slaves for the west. China hasn't done much for itself in over 40yrs.

In another 20 yrs, China will be gone, and phoneys like "han patriot" will be an unemployed shil
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Huh, subcontractor bogeyman? Only Indians blurt out so much bullshit like you and don't get to the point OK. You are not Viet nor Pino, you are a typical Indian. Yah, parrots speak Hindi too...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Shils, wtf is that!! Stop speaking HINDI to me. Gosh, stop creating your lil' elven language and think it's cute. :agree:
Hahahah I do type but I am in pafdef, no Chinese would use the word SHILS you lil indiot.:coffee:. hahhaha, are retarded or something? Yah, and you graduated from Lenin School of Economics right? They teach you so much crap, one moment, Soviet collapsed, the next Communism is great. Then another moment China is collapsing? Take a chill pill jose, even shitty India is not gonna collapse with so much shit going on. :enjoy:

It's one point pointing out facts, another thing trying to be funny saying Communist China was more productive and people were living with 7 dwarfs banging snow white.:hitwall:

Huh? You didn't ask? I asked you not you ask me. Schizofreak. Are you coherent? You didn't say? Check your freaking statements again. Suddenly you have selective memory loss? Evidence, you know as in economic data, you know? Do you understand economics? China is not US, and it will take 20 years to reach that level. But we are not India either, just because you earn 500$ which is what an IT ENGINEER gets in India, doesn't mean China is collapsing. It means there is a huge population and this is driving down wages. Supply and demand genius, you understand that? Hence the need to reduce population and create higher level of living standards so people can earn more. China is the worlds second richest country but it means nothing if you have 1.4 billion people, wealth is divided. Get it? Only by growing the economy climbing up the economic ladder, with economic progression, better jobs creation, higher value industries, you get higher wages. There is bound to be inequality in any system, we need all sorts of jobs, from 500$ waitressing jobs, to 20K$ R&D specialists. You think US is all honky dory? Been to Detroit? The other inner cities, **** I saw more homeless people there than in my whole life in China. Does it mean US is imploding? It means some people are not having skills the economy needs, they either retool or end up like this.

I see Koreans, Japanese Taiwanese sending their kids abroad for studies. This is an open system, if Chinese Univ wanna compete, be better, offer better courses in English. Free market, free economy. This will balance out the deficit, competition induces change, not hiding in your blanket and expect everybody to go to the Lenin School of Economics like you. Rich Koreans would also buy imports? Rich Americans buy Lambos? Rich Japanese too, so Chinese industries need to improve and compete. Why are you so scared? So afraid of challenges? Learn marketing, learn positioning, China can't be best in everything.

China already has minimum wage system, that's better than paying slave wages like India. You can't force people to pay more, if the supply decreases, a certain skillset will be more valuable. That's a free market. The perennial wage issue is also seen in the US, you think a waitress in a diner is really that great in the US? You wanna try??

Ahimsa, gosh freaking Indian false flagger. Of course it's a long way, 20 years at least, who says we are a supa powa. We a humble growing country and we are not imploding like you suggested. OMG, you are even more idiotic than I thought, TRUMP NOT ANGRY AT OUR SURPLUS? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


OOOO no, you are reality and others are lying, there is no surplus. Trump is angry at Made in China 2025, so where the **** are we getting the money to fund MADE IN CHINA 2025 if we are making no money from trade genius? We don't have to pay wages, import equipment and skills, create infrastructure? Gosh, you are stupider than I thought.


You are incredibly patient to have a conversation with that Indian. :D

Now, poor China is back to counting how many trucks are needed to load 3.1 trillion USD in reserve currency.

Can I get Indian IT salary if I do reserve currency loading job in Mainland China? Home prices in Taipei is extremely high.


China's foreign reserves rise in November as yuan posts rare gain [3.1 trillion U.S. dollars]



China's foreign reserves rose unexpectedly in November, the first monthly increase since July, as the Chinese yuan posted a rare gain against the U.S. dollar over the month.

November's data came in at 3.1 trillion U.S. dollars, up 8.6 billion U.S. dollars from the previous month, fresh data from the central bank showed Friday. In October, the reserves dropped 33.9 billion U.S. dollars.

The gain in November was due to changes in global currency rates and asset prices, according to China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), adding it expected reserve levels to remain stable despite market fluctuations.

The yuan has been under pressure to depreciate against the greenback this year, and the foreign reserves shrunk for three months in a row since August, after consecutive increases in June and July.

The yuan edged up 0.2 percent against the dollar in November, its first monthly gain since March, which is partly supported by signs of easing trade tensions between China and the U.S. this month as Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Donald Trump held trade talks during the G20

The high-stakes talks resulted in a trade truce between the world's two largest economies, as both sides agreed to hold off on any additional tariffs for another 90 days and resumed negotiations to try to bridge their differences.
^This article is a perfect example of what I am saying. Chinese are living in sub standard conditions, working 12hr days, yet the Chinese regime continues to buy US dollars further proving that China is being run by a bunch of sell outs. But hey, why does the Deng dynasty care, theyre rich, and thats all that matters. Who cares about the Chinese working class? Certainly not the Deng dynasty.

America is talking about launching a trade war, and sanctioning China, so what does China do... what any sell out would do..... give more money to America. What's worse, you got people like "taishang" bragging about that, as if it were something to be proud of. Here, let me give 3 trillion dollars to my enemy. Take that! Ouch. I wonder how America's going to recover from that blow. That sounds like a great strategy, and it's precisely what I said before about looking to China on what not to do. To the west, China is a cash cow, and this article reinforces that theory. It also reinforces the fact that China's leaders are treasonous. Let there be no doubt. Right now America's trying to figure out how to spend that 3 trillion, whether they should back India to do another invasion. How about giving it to Vietnam? Cai Yingwen? Dalai? Xingjiang sepratists? We can help Rebia build a new deck in her backyard. How about we spread it evenly between them?

Now I honestly wonder if "han patriot" would be patiently replying if he wasn't paid to be. What I'm also wondering is, what other job he could possibly qualify for, other than this.
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You are incredibly patient to have a conversation with that Indian. :D

Now, poor China is back to counting how many trucks are needed to load 3.1 trillion USD in reserve currency.

Can I get Indian IT salary if I do reserve currency loading job in Mainland China? Home prices in Taipei is extremely high.


China's foreign reserves rise in November as yuan posts rare gain [3.1 trillion U.S. dollars]



China's foreign reserves rose unexpectedly in November, the first monthly increase since July, as the Chinese yuan posted a rare gain against the U.S. dollar over the month.

November's data came in at 3.1 trillion U.S. dollars, up 8.6 billion U.S. dollars from the previous month, fresh data from the central bank showed Friday. In October, the reserves dropped 33.9 billion U.S. dollars.

The gain in November was due to changes in global currency rates and asset prices, according to China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), adding it expected reserve levels to remain stable despite market fluctuations.

The yuan has been under pressure to depreciate against the greenback this year, and the foreign reserves shrunk for three months in a row since August, after consecutive increases in June and July.

The yuan edged up 0.2 percent against the dollar in November, its first monthly gain since March, which is partly supported by signs of easing trade tensions between China and the U.S. this month as Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Donald Trump held trade talks during the G20

The high-stakes talks resulted in a trade truce between the world's two largest economies, as both sides agreed to hold off on any additional tariffs for another 90 days and resumed negotiations to try to bridge their differences.

China's foreign reserve is being used in sovereign wealth funds for investment. Last year, return from the investment on China's foreign reserve was around 800 billion USD. Not bad.

Part of the reserve money goes into stocks, some goes into greenfield investments, some goes into mega-projects, some goes into infra-spending.

All these enable China to ensure world's largest infrastructure development with no foreign debt.

Which is unlike many developing countries, including the one above member comes from.
I can't argue with that. I guess it's 800 billion more to buy iphones, nikes, starbucks, kfc, and bmw's. Anything to keep the west happy. If the west is happy. China is happy.
Which is unlike many developing countries, including the one above member comes from.
Yeah Unlike many developing countries, CN need abt 60 years in peace (from 1949 to 2006) just to reach 2,000 USD GDP per capital (while VN only 27 years) ha ha ha

Too stupid and too slow, but Cnese think thats' "miracle" :omghaha::omghaha:
Yeah Unlike many developing countries, CN need abt 60 years in peace (from 1949 to 2006) just to reach 2,000 USD GDP per capital (while VN only 27 years) ha ha ha

Too stupid and too slow, but Cnese think thats' "miracle" :omghaha::omghaha:

But, in that time frame, China built major (heavy) industries, achieved lots of national firsts (such as national TV, truck, engine, etc) and also became nuclear.

China also carried out an extensive education and health-care drive, reducing illiteracy, malnutrition, premature deaths etc. from double digits to single digits.

China has built a meaningful level of infrastructure. Without what has been done from the 1949 onwards, the success of 1979 would not be possible. They are not mutually exclusive processes, they are inclusive processes.

Besides, Vietnam is smaller in size and, luck for you, has a Communist government, who are good learners, so, it is normal for you to move speedier. But, moving from 200 to 2000 is easier to moving from 2000 to 4000.

You will know it. You will get so dirty before you know it that the US consulate will use it to topple the VCP.
But, in that time frame, China built major (heavy) industries, achieved lots of national firsts (such as national TV, truck, engine, etc) and also became nuclear.

China also carried out an extensive education and health-care drive, reducing illiteracy, malnutrition, premature deaths etc. from double digits to single digits.

China has built a meaningful level of infrastructure. Without what has been done from the 1949 onwards, the success of 1979 would not be possible. They are not mutually exclusive processes, they are inclusive processes.

Besides, Vietnam is smaller in size and, luck for you, has a Communist government, who are good learners, so, it is normal for you to move speedier. But, moving from 200 to 2000 is easier to moving from 2000 to 4000.

You will know it. You will get so dirty before you know it that the US consulate will use it to topple the VCP.
U think TV, truck, engine, etc r very hard to make ?? No wonder why CN need 60 years to reach 2,000 USD ha ha ha. Bro, when VN wanna make a car, we just simply buy a good blue print from BMW and they will transfer all tech to VN. The only hard thing we must do is selling that car, thats all

True,moving from 2000 to 4000 is much harder cos we have to buy more high tech from German, SK and we have to find the stable market to sell our products, maybe TPP, FTA wt EU and US market may help us. If we can sell well in TPP, EU, US, then we will reach 4000 in 5-10 year I think.

Btw: what I wanna say is CN grow is just too slow, and nothing special, the more u guys bragging, the more ppl here will laugh at your slow grow, bro ha ha ha :laugh:

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